PAGE FOUR tkr • 41 .itte , - • o e „ - .• • • . -'"7' BEAVER STADIUM, scheduled for its inauguration today for commencement exercises, will be scene of flame Penn State football games and track meets. The 45,000 seat stadium will be dedi cated Sept. 17 at the first home game of the 19t30 football season. Academic Airs Provide Mild. Stadium Inaugural The academic processions scheduled to file through Bea ver Stadium today will be a mild introduction to the action which Ivill be the normal activities in the new Nittany Lion The stadium was officially completed yesterday in time for the commencement exercises. However, some of the nodding and painting and other nny.c.llaneous wet k is yet to be; Piloted by All-American quar tin 'shed. terback Riverboat Richie Lucas, The sound of crashing shoulder the Nittany Lions clawed their pads had hardly stopped echoing' way through eight opponents on through Beaver Field in Novem-1 its 10-game schedule. Then, her \ t hen crews began dismant-i traveling to Philadelphia for ling the stands. The old stadium,] the inaugural Liberty Bowl located near Recreation Hall, was' game, they batted down Ala moved piece by piece to the prey-I bama's prized Crimson Tide, 7-0. cot location, about a mile and a , half away ! Rip Engle's footballers set the . I space for a successful sports sea- The old stands were reassem- 'son which saw Penn State win bled beneath the new super - ',the national gymnastics champion structure which was already ;ship and tie for the Eastern wrest built. The new stands added ling championship. from goal line to goal line now ! Coach Gene I,Vettstone'sgym tower 80 rows high on each 'nastk led by all-around champ side. The closed end of the • Jay Werner and sophomore Greg horseshoe remains as it was in ,Weiss, retained the national cham the old stadium. pionship won last year. The new stadium will sea t 45,000 an increase of 15.000 over! The wrestlers under Charlie the previous structure. An addi-' Spiedel marked up a 9-0-1 rec tional 2500 can be seated in a' ord in the regular season before temporary bleacher section in the' ending in a tie for eastern hon- Open end of the horseshoe. I ors with Pitt. The dual meet tie The new stadium will inherit: was with Pitt, also. a strong reputation from its prede-1 The ovei all record of all sports eessoi. The "old" Beaver Field:teams for the Class of '6o's final went out like a true Lion, sport-;year was 61-54-1. The track team ing one of the best teams in Penn emerged most frustrated, losing State's history. the IC4A title by one-half point. Goodbye ! Good luck ! May the cold cruel world treat you as warmly as you have treated us. Best Wishes, Class of 1960. The , ~ v _;- 0.: l' - ' A Restaurant and MOTEL . . . Route 322 South THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Adolf Wins Bell Award For Writing Dr. Helen Adolf, professor of German, today became the first recipient of the $lOOO Louis H. Bell Memorial Award as the fac ulty member who submitted the best book manuscript to the Uni versity Press during the year 1959 Her manuscript, "Visio Pacis: Holy City and Grail," will be re leased this summer. T Rowland Slingluff, director of the Press, says Miss Adolf shows in the manuscript how the Grail symbol evolved from the loss of the Holy Sepulchre with the fall of Jerusalem in 1187. The award, established by the trustees, honors the late Bell, who served the University for 24 years, the last 15 as director of public information and University editor. He was instrumental in founding the University Press in 1956 and served as its executive director until his death in 1958. Miss Adolf was formally hon ored at commencement exercises. In addition to the $lOOO cash prize, made available through the Penn State Alumni Fund, she will be entitled to all royalties earned by the book. Good Luck Class of '6O Be as good as you have undergraduates! the TAVERN Restaurant TAVERN RESTAURANT a class of Alumni been as See You October Ist Senior Named 75,000 th Grad Twenty-six-year-old Donald L.lsemesters, will leave shortly for ,McCreary, State College, todayjhis new position in the aeronu- I became the University's 75,000th;tronics division of Ford Motor Co. graduate since 1861. ;at Newport Beach, Calif. He was one of 15 baccalaureate Penn State conferred its 50,000 th candidates to be graduated "with degree in August, 1952 to Floyd B. highest distinction" in the record Grace, electrical engineer of Shar breaking class of 2683. l i on, who also was married and the Penn State's all-time graduates, father then of two children. now number 76,225. McCreary, who majored in ac- Grandmother Joins counting, and his wife, the former Ranks of Graduates Karen Brandenburg, of Baltimore, Md., have lived in a trailer homel A 60-year-old grandmother who near the campus since their mar-Iwas graduated from the University riage two and one-half years ago : today said she is looking forward They have one son, 19-monhts-old to her first teaching job. Mai k, and are expecting a second' Mrs. Leona Lowmaster Wilson child. already has accepted a position to McCreary, who attained the,teach in the elementary grades o Dean's List in seven of his eight the Altoona school system. _ .y o bstetl6-Graduation Open baily's•94 iriCrudlnctSuriclnv • osAris i ;10 S Atherton St Rt 322 - - Q.-4o , sed Mon n ner . • Served from 11:45 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. You deserve on this memorable occasion. Dine al The Lobster CALL AD 8-0082 FOR RESERVATIONS For the 34th year we say goodbye to another great senior class ... The Class of 1960 Good Luck I Stop In Homecoming and say hello Keeler's... Since 1926 THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE SATURDAY. JUNE 11. 1960 the very
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