PAGE TWO "You owe 13 CENTS LIBRARY PINE II 170 Seniors Gain Honors--- (Con t inued from page one) toll Curtis, Carl foal ley, Patricia Ferguson, Charles Hte, Boyd FlutchiNon, Rober Kerlin, John Kral!, Sandia Kresge, Robert Luck le, David McGrew, David Miller, Marjoi is Miller, Jacquelyn Monaco Mat June Moot head, Robert Moyer, Chat les O'Connor, Char-' lotte Pr.idhon, Susan Reen, Mary Zinmlet man Reid, Ronald Rein hard, Warren Ringer, James Swart/'. elder, Marie Torretti, Karl Tremba, Barbara Troman, David Valentine, Lee Vanßremen, Evelyn Wernham, Dorothy Yea ger. John Zise•k With distinction: Marian Ahl-, quest, Barbara Beamer•, Evelyn! Bet nhard, Charles Booth, Karl Bopp, Helen Borek, Karin Brind ley, Anne Catiodale, Jane Crowl,, Katherine Davis, Alan Davidson, Joan Donovan, Peter Dunn, Ml— chael Dutko, Joanne Ebert, Frank Eliot, Richard Elnicki, Stephen Foalr•hellet'. Carol Frank, Robert Fulton, Clair Garman. Richard Gibboney, Marjorie Gil more, Virginia Gross, Geraldine Grube, Nancy Hadfield, Charles Harkins, Web ', ter Hatton, Judith Heckert, Francis Henderson, Rob ert House, Charles It le, Jessie Janjigian, Sarah Kemberling, ham King, Robert Rich ard Kuhl, Martin Leshner. Sally Little, Richard Lloyd, Walter d. Jean Lobrovick, John Lyons, Charles McCall, Rus sell McCarron, Rubel t McCown, James McNeill, Alice Mahachek, Melina MarLa, Kristin Meyer, James Mille', John Morrisette, Dorothy Newman. Jean Nigh, Sherry Parkin, Robert Patrician, Winifred Pyle, Alan Renkis, George Ripsom, Mary Rohrbeck. Anne Ruthrauff, Paul Schooner, Lois Shaffer, San dra Shaw, Doi othy Smeal, Nola Snyder, Ivy Sutherland, Paula Ti Link. James Warren, Marilyn Weierhach. Robert Werlwas, Rose mat v NVilltanms, 'Ruth Wilson. Associate Degree Recipients With highest distinction: James Andt us, Ronald Faut, Henry Fras- Alumni Assn.-- (Continued from page one) One senior served as chairman in each College. The college chairmen were: Catherine Fleck, Liberal Arts: Lawrence Byers, Business Ad ministration; Helen Ska d e, Home Economics: Jay Hawley, Agriculture; Gary Gentzler, En gineering and Architecture; Dorothy Newman, Education; John Bonestall, Mineral Indus tries: Walton Davis, Chemistry- Physics. James R Pifer, agricultural en gineering major from State Col lege, was presented with a perpetual calendar bearing the thuveisity seal for 100 per cent participation of his constituents in the senior drive. Morton Named Captain John Mm ton of Rixford will be the captain of the Nittany Lion golf team for next season. Morton already has won letters in his sophomore and junior years of varsity competition. He and. Bob Rutherford of State College, also a two year man, will form the nucleus for next year's team. CAMPUS COmtDY ( 6 • MAN N 001,44 MY, sotto, John Drzyzewski, Robert Reisinger, Richard Taylor, Harold Wire. With high distinction: Richard. Burlingame, Ludwig Campagna, Ellwood Fickes, Ronald Haikes, Keith Hardt, Donald Heintzelman, Kenneth Hottenstem, Donald Kenzakowski, George Pfisterer, Joseph Rodzewich, Benjamin Ru bright, Edward Sitar. With distinction: Richard Agh baugh, Kenneth Baugher, Hilary Bell, James Brosiug, cc Fill more, James Gamble. • f.clward Girvan, George Hopew,, :Peter Karish, Gustav Lachman, Robert Lantzy, Roy Lutz, Arthur Mah lon, Robert Mertz, Jack Miller, [Donald Morian, Kenneth Parnier, William Pavlik, John Prusakow ski, Robert Schneck, Ralph Strong, Oscar Traini, James Zullo. •••‘:i 1 rt I , Get quality "old fashioned" Dairy Products in modern Take home a Penn State Souvenir that tastes good I OPEN TODAY 7:30 A.M. until 5:30 P.M. -- SUNDAY 10 - 5:30 ICE CREAM PASTEURIZED MILK CHOCOLATE MILK BUTTERMILK CREAMERY BUTTER THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Retiring Professors Get Emeritus Rank The rank of professor emeritus has been granted to eight members of the University faculty. The professors are John Lupton Mecartney, Edwin H. Rohrbeck, Dr. Harrison M. Tie R. Sparks, Della J. Avery, Ina • Mecartney has served for 32 years in the Department of Porn ology. A University of Maryland graduate, Mecartney re t i re d March 1. Rohrbeck will retire July 1 as professor emeritus of agri cultural extension. He has served on the faculty since 1924 after serving as a writer for the Milwaukee Journal. Rohrbeck graduated in 1924 from the Uni versity of Wisconsin where he also received his master's de gree in science in 1928. Teitz, a graduate of the Univer sity of Massachusetts where he also received his doctorate, will retire July 1 as professor emeri tus of anatomy and physiology. He has been at - the University since 1926. Scheirer will retire Oct. 1. He has been at the University since his graduation in 1922. Scheirer will receive the rank of professor emeritus in civil engineering. Sparks will retire July 1 as pro fessor emeritus of mechanical engineering:He has been head of the department since 1946 and in the department since 1924 when he was graduated from Clarkson College of Technology. Miss Avery, recipient of the university's citation for excel lence of teaching last year, will retire July 1 as professor emeri ta in child development and family relations. She graduated from Temple University and did graduate work at University of Chicago, Cornell and Penn State and has been here since 1937. Miss Padgett will retire July 1 with the rank of professor emerita in foods and nutrition after hav ing served 32 years on the faculty. Simonds, chairman of forestry surroundings at the Creamery Saleiroom. Knowledgeable Nittany Lions Congregate at the New UNIVERSITY CREAMERY SALES ROOM ON CURTIN ROAD BRICK CHEESE CHEDDAR CHEESE COTTAGE CHEESE TRAPPIST CHEESE Grade A Large EGGS z, Robert D. Scheirer, Norman adgett and Walter W. Simonds. extension, will retire June 30 as professor emeritus of forestry extension. Simonds joined the Penn State staff in 1936 as assist ant professor of forestry exten sion. He initiated biennal confer ences for Pennsylvania forest tree nurserymen. He received his bachelor of science degree from Cornell University in 1921 and a master of science a year later. The selections of professors for emeritus rank are made by the Board of Trustees. ,Hammond Given Award As Scholar, Athlete Lacrosse three-letterman Dick' Hammond has received an East ern College Athletic Conference' :Scholarship Medallion for schol-, ,antic and athletic excellence. Hammond, who carried a B plus average, was graduated to day with a bachelor of science, degree in business administration. He was a regular on the lacrosse 'team for three years. He was president of the Men's Athletic Association, vice presi-! dent of Varsity "S" Club and a member of the Athletic Advisory ; Board. Pollock Road Opened As a convenience to com mencement visitors and, a week hence, alumni reunioners, Pol lock Rd. will be opened 2() vehicular traffic. Albert E. Diem, vice presi dent for business administra tion, said the move was made to facilitate ftaffib and mini• mise confusion. SATURDAY. JUNE 11, 1960 there's still time brother... to save $lOO If You Join the Alumni Association Today. SPECIAL SENIOR RATE IS $2.00 FOR FIRST YEAR or .. Save $ , 5.00 On f Life Membership If You Join Today. Stop In Today at 104 Old Main, the Alumni Office. A Better Penn State begins with an active Alumni Association JOIN TODAY
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