TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1 55 Wo In. Soroi Fifty-five women cording to reports to women. The list will be ad( Five sororities wil semester_ They are A Subcommitt Cuts Penalt Set by AIM The Senate subcorninl discipline, lightened a mendation of disciplinar lion by the Association pendent Judicial Board o by giving a freshman veterinary office probat The student was char; entering the University Rink and sleeping there. committee recommended AIM board place the st judicial probation. A second student involved, a freshman in liberal arts, will re ceive office and judicial proba tion as recommended by the AIM board. The student did not enter the rink but w•as observed attempting to call to the student sleeping in side. A third student involved, a freshman in animal husbandry, was placed on judicial probation following a recommendation by the AIM board. The student was observed in the area. Letters will be sent to the par ents of the three students. Awards Given Eng Students The James F. Lincoln Arc Weld ing Foundation of , Cleveland, ohi o, is offering 46 awards amounting to $5OOO in its 10th design competition for engineer ing undergraduates. There are two categories of en try. one mechanical and the other structural design. The competition is open to any resident engineering undergradu ate who may enter by submitting a design for a machine, machine part, or structural part which makes a significant use of arc welding. . Further information, such as amount of awards, basis of judg ing. and rules, may be obtained from rules booklets. which are available free from the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation: Cleveland, 17. Ohio. Pledges Guard Bell In HUB Courtyard The bell of the USS Pennsyl vania in the Hetzel Union court yard was under heavy guard Sun day and yesterday. The guarding was an assign ment of pledges for the Associa tion of the United States Army. The duty was also held in con nection with Veterans Day, which was observed yesterday. . . JAll CLUB MEETING T•NIGHT -7:30 P.M. 405 OLD MAIN Ticke on sale for Louis Armstrong Concert Also Concert Records Available • and Memberships . • BRING A FRIEND Ribboned Rushing ity aye been ribboned by sororities ac ned into the office of the dean of ed to within the next few weeks. not continue to informal rush this .pha Chi Omga, Chi Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi, and Sigma Delta Tau. Ribboned were: Alpha Chi Omega: scarlet and olive green: Elizabeth Buckley, Susan Mansell, Carol McWhorter, Arley Rosenberger, Mary Lou Thomas, Nancy Vierck, and Jean Winters. Chi Omega, cardinal and straw: Annette Agner, Janet Barney, Alice Goold, Ann Franco-Fer reira, Lois Gorr, Kay Kegal, Su zanne Kohler, Carol Lutz, and Elizabeth Witcraft. Kappa Alpha Theta, black and gold: Ann Lutz, Joan MacKenzie. Sybil Kersh, Sally Gardner, and Deborah Smith. Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi, wine and silver blue: Sally Jervis, Madge McKee. Barbara Runyan, Patricia Run yan, Susan Ruble, Nancy Hutch inson. Barbara Cain, Mary Lee Klink, Harriet Szatkowski, Ann Rozelle, Mary Taylor, and Nancy Newman. tee on recom- proba of Inde- I Review, in pre on. ed with Skating I he sub that the dent on Sigma Delta Tau, cafe-au-lait and blue: Shelda Bachin, Sandra Grotsky, and Carol Weintraub. 2 Continue Rushing Two sororities who turned in lists have not finished rushing. They are Alpha Xi Delta and Beta Sigma Omicron. Alpha Xi Delta, double blue and gold: Judith Dußois, Sue Lenker, Elaine Mohney. Clau dette Rimel, Charmaine Washko. Barbara Bixler, Phoebe Felk. Lin da Hamer, Danby Lobinger, Mar garet Querry, Dorothy Spannuth. Carol Dickson, Sylvia Bohlayer. and Patricia Miller. Beta Sigma Omicron, ruby and pink: Ruth Ott, Elaine Baily, Llynndeth Fox, and Joan Delacy. Marriages Holmes-Balderston Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Balder ston Jr. of Wallingford announce the marriage of their daughter Eleanor to Thomas Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holmes, of Holmes. Mrs. Holmes is a junior in edu cation and a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Mr. Holmes is a senior in busi ness administration and a mem ber of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Win a NEW RADIO Every Week • at S a lly c, One ticket FREE with each small BizzA Two tickets with with each large Save your tickets for an additional bonus One Small One Large PIZZA for 20 f " 1° TICKETS drawing every Monday while offer lasts THE DALLY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA University Scientisfs Study Cancer Growths in Plants University scientists are working to better the under standing of the growth of cancer cells through current studies' of "crown gall," a cancer-like growth in tomatoes, lroses, and other plants. They hope that their findings be applied to cancerous growth in animals and human Employment Interviews The following flints will con :duet interviews for February 'graduates and advanced degree candidates who expect to receive' ,degrees during the current school, year in the Placement Service of fice in 112 Old Main: i Nov. 13. General Telephone: BS: LA. Nov. 15. Inland Steel: RS: LA. Nov. 27. Hoover Electronics: BS: EE. Nov. 28. U.S. Naval Ordnance Leh: BS: .Phys, ME, EE„ ChE. IF— I Nov. 28. Pittsburgh Consolidated Coal: AD Degrees: Cht'. Chem forg. P. analyt.l Nov. 28. Norton Co: HS: Econ. IE, ME •Metal, ChE. EE, Chem, Cer. Finance. RuaMena. Accra. I Nov. 28. North American Aviation . 4 Downey I : BS: Chem. Phys. Math. Eng Sri, AcroE. CerE, ChE, CE. EE. ME. MetE. I Nov. 28, Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp: HS: ArchE, Econ, Gen Arts & Sci ences. Hist. Math. PuliSci„ Pre-Law. Speech. ' Acctg. Mgmt, Finance. Mktg. T&T. Cer, 'ChE. Chem. CE, EE. Eng Sci. Geol. Min. IK. Journ. LMR, ME. Met. Mnt:E. Psych. I Nov. 29. Insurance Co of North America: 118: LA. Bus Adm. Nov. 29. Standard Oil of California: BS. INS: EE, ME. Pnge. MetE, Chem. ChE: PhD: Chem. ChE, Phys. Nov. 29, Stewart-Warner; All Degrees: EE. ME. , Nov. 29. U.S. General Accounting Office: BS: Acetg. Nov. :10. Civil Aeronautic, Administra- Ition: BS. MS: AeroE. CE. EE. ME. Nov. 30. Clark Controller: BS: EE. ME. IE, Mktg or Mena with electrical ex perience. I Nov. 30, Ilycon Eastern, Inc.; HS; EE; MS. PhD; EE. Phys. I Nov. 30. The Lubrizol Corp; All De- I Igrees : Chen,. ChE, ME. 'Engineer` Sales ;To Begin Today Tht November issue of the ; Penn State Engineer will be on sale today for 25 cents at the Ilietzel Union Building, the Cor ner Room and the Mall. Sally Wenner, sophomore in division of intermediate registra tion from Pittsburgh, will be fea tured as girl of the month. "What Every Engineer Should Know." an informative article by Merritt A. Williamson. dean of the College of Engineering and Archi- I tecture, tells of a system of moral principles which all professions demand. LA Council to Meet The Liberal Arts Student Coun cil will meet at 7 tonight in 215 Willard. The six new members of the council will be introduced and committee reports will be heard. beings The Pennsylvania Division of the American Cancer Society has granted $3600 for the first year's research in the department of bot any and plant pathology. Plant pathologists Dr. Houston B. Couch. Dr. Richard D. Schein and Dr. Harry C. Fink are con ducting the project with Dr. Couch as leader. Miss Elizabeth Woods, a Wellesley botany grad uate, is technician. Trace Tumor Growth Dr. Couch and his associates are interested in tracing tumor growth from the first abnormal cell. Although much has been done on the crown gall disease itself, little is known of this ab normal growth. Before this phase can be tac kled, the researchers find it ne cessary to thoroughly study the normal anatomy of the tomato plant. They will determine the origin of various tissue groups in the stem. To Inoculate Plants Armed with this informationi Dr. Couch reports, the team will be ready to study the develop-.! ment of the abnormal tumors. This will be done by inoculating plants with the causal bacteria to' stimulate tumor growth. • An involved study of the ,growth and development of can cer cells will proceed. Compari sons will be made to the normal development. medicated help for your troubled skin! I Irate Avontierhal news for you? Dorothy Gray seientimp, lia‘e detek.ped a new medicated treatment to protitk effec tite help to%%ards clearing troubled complexion. lir called the Mk:DICATEDSCRUB SET and the whole treatment takes just 3 easy step": 1. You probably know that good skin depends first and foremost on a thoroughly dean skin ... thus, the first step is to lather on Medicated Scrub Soap. (Massage, your face with your fingers in upward and outward t.trokes for 3 miry toes.) Made with" Oatmeal. it has an amazing ability to t.timulate hile purifying . .to rout out every trace of clogging dust, hardened oils and stale make-up. Really helps force out blackhead , which might lead. to blemishes. if neglected. :... Next. put on cooling, bracing Medicated Refining Lotion. It gets at -an important cause of many a troubled skin _ bacteria! Al'o helps reduce the appearance of ugly pores ... refines your skin to a smoother. lovelier look. 3. Last and essential step: Meditated Blemish Cregm! Apply just before you retire. It works while you sleep to soothe and heal ...... rewards !on in the morning with a softer, clearer face II you nt.t. this ME.DuA TED SCRL Ski Cum( jet/140,4y it bill really pay off ... with a complexion ‘ou'll he proud of! for ..... J I 59 0 40410. 4 the modern - ---• Dorothy Gray McLanahan's Naval Director to Speak On 'Geophysical Year' Dr. Homer E. Newell Jr., direc tor of the Naval Research Labora tory, Washington. D.C.. will speak on - The International Geophysical Year" at 8 tonight in 121 Sparks. Newell's lecture will be the final one in the fall Graduate School Lecture Series. The Class Ring is a Symbol . . . the symbol of the pride a young man or woman feels toward his or her college. It is an emblem of treasured mem ories of companionship and learning while preparing for life's opportunities. Class rings are worn for sentimental rea sons—and it is this fact that accounts for our uncompromis ing attitude toward beauty. quality and design. Stop in and see your ring at MUR'S JEW ELRY today. NERFF JONES CO. Murchison Division Largest manufacturer of rings in the world Now, real by Margaret Ilerberi Director of Dorothy Croy Salons Ifi' ~ w.. W., PAGE THREE 120 S. Allen St.
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