PAGE 'TWO I , peak , 'Weather to Put Engineer to S Warm Clothes l On Flood Control Col. Stephen E Smith, district In Style Today engineer for the Baltimore Md, office of the Corps of Engineers, By TERRY LEACH i will discuss the flood control pro- The Fraternity Marketing Association, hamperedwinter weather and w inter grathe usquehanna Union . 34 four clothes , hou Id be the style P• m tomrrow S in the Hetzel years h poor fraternity participation will present a resciiu- throughout toda,, and tonieht !dining rooms. tile to Inter fraternity Council that it either endorse FMA , A cold front reaching Univer-. The address will follow a joint site Park yesterday afternoon dinner meeting of the American or disband it filled the skies with clouds and Society of Civil Engineers and Robert Krakoff, FMA board member who introducedEngineer ent temperatures scooting down-.the Societe of American Military ward. the plan said FM.a. vv ill call on IFC to endorse the organiza- The possibility of snow flurries; The address is open Lion by 100 per cent membership or rain arrived !public with the front. Ticket The formal resolution will be This condition is Soles dray•n at an executive meeting of likely to remain FNIA today and ints If FMA is disbanded it does not toghwt student Reach 5800 necessarily mean a new Strong in d marketme, sponsored by IFC can and brief rain accompanied thr 1 . to} :e t plece h rat, oft a u aeriyal of th i For Con cer The association will present Concert the resolution to IFC, because cold front — 6, u.„,... After a pre a committee appointed by IFC CLUE:This ends it. dieted low last 4 .,irox eretel% 5800 .ck e t - to investigate fraternity alit- (Answer on page 12.) night of near 32 i ha ~• 1.. en _.old fur the United fudes on FMA has adopted no degree; the temperatures today States Marine Bann coi.certs, Ste- final resolutions. Krakoff said- are expected to climb no higher ashen liiegens publicitymanager' Howard Thompson, chairman of Housemother than the forties for the concerts . said yesterday _ the committee, reported at LIST. 1 Weekend weather featured yen Sales for the matinee perform-'night's Flif_e meeting that he felt' cold temperatures throughout the since have reached 1900 and 4900 it impossible to get 100 per cent Never Forgets I county- and particularly in Uni for the , weninY show fraternity membership in FMA , x.ereity Park. Tickets will be sold through the Thompson and his committee I 1 The lowest official temperature day of the concerts or until a ca- made a survey of approximate- of the season was recorded by the Incite crowd of 6000 for each con-' ly 48 fraternities. - "lt's the same i porm Rules l Univerty weather station as 25 cent isreached . Tickets will also old story," he sasd. l ! It seems that some housemothers ' degrees Temperatures for be sold at the door. The 29 fraternities who betong have to bring the rules into every - Oldest Military Band to FMA are well satisfied while' thing — even favors. i Park yesterday shooed a high of the rest said they can find no' Take, for example, the „.„ 4 „ o f a near 50 degrees and a low in the The band • the oldest militar y morning ofnear degrees, theneed for the organization t certain housemother who tele- 46 d I symphonic orgarwat on in phoned a certain coed one certain / country, will present concerts at'Before some fraternities would i night.l 1 3:30 p.m.Sind 3 p.m.Thursday in join FMA, Thompson said, they;O lu cky - ; IFC Adds— Rer-eation Hall would drop out of IFC. Two of ' Our coed was visiting hall so her unlucky t (Continued from page one) Tickets for the matinee are 50 the fraternities sur , .ey ed said down the shape of the house pin; de roommate look the call. cents for children and Si for they positively would not join adults. Reserved tickets for the the FMA.I Being a helpful sort of a girl, ferently-colored tags for fresh and for brothers and pledges; !she dashed around the dorm tr y - . menevening's performance are SI 50 Thompson and David Har- mg to find her roommate.parties closed except to rushees and urreserved tickets are s l . mirk. FMA board member. re- 1 Without success she dashed,having three or four led es n Tickets at HUB ported the results of an at- 'back to the room to see if she, door duty at combined p g artie o s, Tickets mac be purchased at tempted survey of food costs for could take the message and rubber stamping all eligible the fietzel Union desk Waring one month at two non-member 1 The housemother was the dfi n k en , I Lounge desk the Music Hoorn and fraternities. i considerate type_ She said very i Harold Beury , senior in busie Sigma Chi freternits One fraternity listed retail food ' apologetically, - I'm so sorry I . ness administration from Shamo' Soloists - for the performances _ prices, but, .according to Thomp-i made you lose your breath. tkin,said he believed the issue will will be Bramwell Smith.coronet, 'That's perfectly all right," le the cook later revealed the 1 - be on the floor of IFC meetings William Jones vocal baritone :.son, fraternity was receiving discounts P led thegullible roommate l evere week He proposed fresh - John Beck r a 11 ,1 3.1 and Charles Erwin, coronet of which members of the house "But,"th e rule-conscious ;man rushing be limited to two e. ere twee% are. i housemother continued. "you i months in the spring, and said The other fraternity, according( shouldn't be running in the (this would eliminate or solve Navy to Interview to Hamrick seemed completely ; halls , ' many current problems unaware of food costs and seemed For CE Pro gram not to care Hamrick said he felt he could 'Annual Ml Club Party i f Collegian Circulation Staff Applicants for the Navy's new open an office downtown and iTo Be Held Tomorrow I The Daily Collegian circulation -taff u ill meet at Civil Engineering Corp. program become prosperous simply by The annual Mineral Industries 645 tonight in' wilt be interviewed today in 206 sending bills to fraternities for Club Party will be held at 8 p. m. the Collegian office• i Engineering '•E ' goods not delivered. ,tomorrow in the Extension Con- A representative of the Fourth, Hamrick said most fraternities ference Center. Naval District Engineer is In don't know what's going on con-I There mill be dancing and charge of the interviews which'cerning food buying and seemed • bridge Pla}mg, and refrhments began yesterday 'to care little about saving money 3 will be served.l The program is designed for on food. I MI Club members and one guest those seniors who due to curric-, may be admitted free. Fifty cents ulum requirements... were not ble in will be charged for each additional to take advanced Reserve Offi-Students Pick Grapes I guest l cers Training Corps Graduates ml One of the prized privileges oir __- civil,mechanical architectural, students in "the good old days mining and petroleum engineer-; was that of gathering grapes and ing may become commissioned of- other fruit from the college vine ficers under the te-ogram 'yard and orchard. They would 'usually take advantage of this by bringing along their pillow cases and filling them with all the fruit they would hold• FMA to Give Fraternities What's This? Ultimatum on Its Future Campus Parties— (Continued front page one) tem at football games taken out' of the hands of the hat society. councils and placed under the, freshman and sophomore advisory boards. and calls for a student relations committee to explain to students the procedure in which , All-University Cabinet sub-com mittee members are chosen. Campus party has - taken no stand on the amendment putting Cabinet members on the Supreme Court, which has been the main campaign issue of Lion party. The total valuation placed upon the entire University plant is 574,-' 000.000. STOP IN an try some of our DELICIOUS FUDGE It's the Best! Bring Your Film Here 8 Hour Service The Candy Cane "Between the Dimers" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA We Have the Following VENDING MACHINES Ready for Immediate Installation Candy Cigarettes Coffee Soups and Hot Foods Sandwiches Fruits and Cookies Soft Drinks Milk ice Cream F & S Vending Co. LOCK HAVEN, PENNA. C 7 7 Jong 3 BARBER SHOP Haircuts by Turn or Appointment Phone: ADams 8-8012 231 E. Bearer Ave. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1956 Gamma Sigma Pledges Pledges of Gamma Sigma, .na tional service sorority, will meet 'at 6:30 tonight in 3 White Hall. FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS 900000000000 TATE, : 1:53 : 4:26. 6:511 : s:n "REBECCA" STARTS WEDNESDAY Walt Disney's "FANTASIA" with Stokowski Wide SoperScnoe Serena% Technicolor -*CATHAUM -ENDS TODAY "SHARKFIGHTERS" with Victor Mature BEGINS WEDNESDAY HIGH SUSPENSE! "THE MOUNTAIN" Spencer Tracy - Robert, Wagner 4-NITTANY Today - 602 - 7:54 - 9:43 "A Kid for 2 Farthings" Starring Diana Dors BEGINS G P.M. WEDNESDAY "Very niugual:" —'Sew Yorker "Proud and the Beautiful" Michele Mort.% - Gerard Philipe to the NOW
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