PAGE TWO Lion Booters Top Colgate, 5-2 Torgeson Hits for 3 More Goals A stubborn Colgate outfit managed to blast two goals into the Nittanv Lion nets and' ruin the State bid for a pos- : sible unscored upon season yesterday, but the Nittany Lions had too much of every thing and kept their 22-game unbeaten streak alive, 5-2. Co)-, cate has never won in the 15- gamc series. i The game started off along the usual routine with Tommy Nut” driving up the middle and elud-i ing two blockers to score the first goal for Penn State at 7:35. I Then the Lions erred and of-, fered a free kick to the Red Raid-: ers as the result of a penalty.' Ed Groves, speedy forward, boo!-| ed the ball into the right pocket of the State net and hopes for a perfect season went out the win-' daw with the point. The enraged Li' enrage came back strong with Per Torgeson leadingj the way. Torgeson. a brilliant) sophomore prospect for AU-Ainer-1 ica honors, look a pass from Dutch Walz and slipped a goal past Karl Greenleese, Red Raider goalie. • Torgeson Repeats i Torgeson came back again at 12:59 of the second canto to man-. euver the Colgate goalie out of, position and fill the nets with' score 3. ! Both teams played inspired ball after the lockerroom session. 1 Slate had to overcome the stingy. Red Raider defense to Ret a kick through at 12:59 of the third stan-| za. Once again. Mr. Torgeson. 24- year-old student from Nor way, slammed the sphere pad goalie Greenleese. Torgeson did this one all by himself, faking beautifully at midfield and dash ing past three defenders before' putting his toe behind the score.' Jim lied berg ended the State scoring with a tally at 16:l(i of the final frame. Hedberg scored on a side shot from 8 yards out after taking a pass from Mike Stollmeycr. Late Tally The Red Raiders tried to fight back, but it was 100 late. Jack Nordeman managed to penetrate the Stdte defenses, on a 12-yarJ smash with just two minutes re maining. Statistically, the Lions outdo! the losers by 42-2 G, which in it self. describes the game almost as well as the score. Although Penn State didn’t beat the Red Raiders by a score rela tively like last Saturday's 10-0 romp over Syracuse, Coach Ken Hosterman still had a chance to get most of his players into the contest. Despite the two goals scored against him. State goalie John I Lawrence once again played hisj usual outstanding game, saving, numerous shots from sinking in. j Greenleese, the Colgate goal tender also did a mentionable’ job, especially in the first half when he averted a Nittanv run away. 3 Students Hurt In Auto Antics Three students suffered minor injuries while in, on, or under! automobiles in last night's foot-] ball victory celebration on cam-1 pus. ~ j develop spirit among the student Dianne White, junior in liberal members and the athletes.” arts from Pittsburgh, was held for) An athletic commiUee headed observation at the Un.versity hos-, by Mike Beattie will plan an PP 3 * a f Ler reportedly fell °ff, tra-squad game for the public in the front of an automobile which the £ ear f ° tU re. cr 0 • • el __! The purpose of the club will be s P' ta a ,“ t |’“ rllles said she j threefold: first, to promote inter suffered brush burns. t j n tke game 0 f i acro sse and fell from the front of the car,' XS , ' edforknceinjuriesand; May Will Speak At Chapel Today Frank McLaughlin, freshman j Dr. Rollo May, who will speak! dent of the New York State Psy in business administration, was! on ‘‘The Constructive Use of An- chological Association, and the treated for cuts of the palm oflxiety” at this morning’s chapel author of several books, is a mem his right hand and was released.] service at 10:55 in Schwab Audi- her of the faculty of the William He reportedly - cut his hand:torium, is a New York City con- Alanson White Institute of Psy while holding on to an automobile suiting psychologist. chiatry. Psychology, and Psycho bumper. I Dr. May, who is a past-presi-' analysis. ★ * ★ w < - i "» 7 - -2 s * \r*J -.><*■ vT s -- Jr y ■f- f - , 'jsry^/.C —Daily Collegian Photo by Joe Patton IT'S A FREE BALL, and two Penn Slate soccer players are fighting for it with a Colgate hooter. The Lions won their third game of lhe season, defeating the visitors, 5-2. The win puts the Lion record , J f? back a free ball during yeslerday's Colgale-Penn Slate soccer game. Toraesbn scored three goals to lead Jhe winning Lion offense. Colgate broke ihe Lion unscored upon record by cashing in on two goals. Lacrosse Club Adopts New Constitution Plan | At the organizational meet-: 'ing of the new Penn State La jcrosse Club Thursday night, a constitution admitting alumni, townspeople, and University students to membership was adopted. James Houck, senior lacrosse lctterman and club president, said :that the group would be “more of ja fraternal organization to de jvelop interest in the game and THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA the best of its ability, .facilities that will enable the members of the club to enjoy lacrosse; and third, to instill a competitive spir it among the athletes and stu dents. It was erroneously reported in The Daily Collegian Thursday that the club would offer finan cial assistance to lacrossemen to aid scholarship. The group will not aid the players financially.but will attempt to promote nigher scholastic marks. Also discussed as a future ac tivity of the organization was the possibility of obtaining facilities in Recreation Hall for indoor “box-lacrosse.” These facilities, if obtained, would be available to all members of the club ex clusively. Issues to be discussed at the next meeting, will include: for mation* of an alumni newsletter, lacrosse guide and induction of honorary members. ★ ★ "Well they don’l wear 'hearing aids’ in my classes, and they insist on sitting at the back of the room." Smart Shop 123 SOUTH ALLEN STREET Victory luxury-loving outdoor girl... SNOWFLAKE WARMER Enormous shawl collar of rich, deep Orion* pile frames your face in flattering warmth. Action-tailored of water-repellent treated cotton poplin; quilted, color-matched snowflafc* print lining is wool insulated for more protection against the cold. Black Orion* collar on White, Russet, Gridiron Green. Platinum. 10-18. 25.95 *DuPont*9 acrylic fiber SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1956
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