MGE SIX News Briefs Stock Judging Contest The Bloc , k.l..nd Bridle Club will Sponsor a stock judging contest in the Stock Pavilion at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Record Concert ?rime for the weekly Sunday gecord Concerts has teen chang ed to 7:30 p.m. for the rest of the semester. This week's concert, held in Grange lounge, will fea. ture Brahms, Wagner, and Harris. Chess Tournament All wembers interested in, en tering th e Hillel Chess Tourna ment are urged•to sign up at the eoundation by Sunday evening. FCA Movies A two-hour movie on Fanm Credit Administration material will be shown. in 121 Sparks at :pm. Monday. Sigma Delta Chi Meets Signicl. Delta Chi, men's journ alism honorary, will meet in 114 Carnegie Hall at 7 p.m. Monday to discuss inititation for new members, plans for a high school convention and a publishers' convention. Varsity Rifle Team There will be a meeting of all varsity rifl e team.' members and mbnagers in the Armory at 7 p.m. Tuesday to elect team cap_ twins and managers for the next season and to announce the awards of varsity letters. New Econ Prof • Anthony Lucheck, newly ap pointed associate professor of eco nomics in extension, comes to the College 'Eller a tour of duty as the European rePresentative of the National ClO Community Services Committee. Graduate Exams Graduate Record Examinations will be 'administered on May 5 from 8 to 12 a.m. and May 6 from to 5 p.m. 'Candidates must. reg_ ister before noon April 17 in room 210. Buckout Laboratory. A Idebaron Recent iplecl4qes of Aldebaran in clude Hellen Etter, Barbara Gillet, :Ruth Gralber. Adele Holz. Virginia Livingston, Mary Madeira, 'Phyllis Allowrer, Dorothy Rebich, Nancy Swartz. Ruth (Wendig. and Eliza beth Wise. Alpha Sigs- (Continued from page one) many initiate twenty_six pledges Saturday afternoon. These pledges will be the first men initiated into the new fraternity. Immediately after the banquet Dr. Cramlblet will lead the Ina. ternity in a Black Lantern Silent Procession starting at the chapter house and ending at the Little Theatre in Old Main, where me morial services for deceased mem. bers will be held. The parade is one. at the oldest of Alpha Sigma Phi traditions and is held annual ly by many of its chapters throughout the nation. National officers, college offic ials, and alumni of the fraternity will be present to witness the event which will unit e into one organization over a thousand alumni and undergraduates of the college, Perry said. , s • : . • , ::.121.*Ekettr.! pcs. .0411111 ENGAGEMENTS RINGS $36 to $l4OO CRAB To. EIS sat. e A THE DAILY COLLWx LAN; .. STATE COLLEGE, P4O7,SYLVAINILk TWO OF THE 14 musicians and players who will appear in "An Evening in Cathay," the Artists' Course dividend program appearing in Schwab Auditorium at 13 o'clock tomorrow evening. Admission is by ticket stub from last evening's concert. Premiere of Campus Movie Scheduled for Tuesday A premiere showing of "Your College," a 16mm. technicolor film aout Penn State, will be presented for faculty and students Tuesday night. April 15, in 119 New Physics Building. Made on campus by the Motion •Picture Studio of the College, the color film is a thirty-minute movie and will be run in two show ings. The first showing will be held at 7 o'clock and the second an hour later. The movie depicts the College's services to the Commonwealth and how they have been developed since the Land Grant Act of 1862. Froth Names 'Coed Queen, Adds Extra Cartoons in Ift Ball Issue Queen of Penn ,State, ; eli.pser, : in the• •recent . cqed'lleditt,Y•,co'nfest. will reign over' the TFC Ball issue of Froth on sale Tuesday at &it dent Union, the Corner Room and Graham's A.C. The queen is entered in a na tional eontest, for . the selection of Miss American Coed of 1947. The national winner's photo will ap pear in the Froth Senior Ball Issue. Penn State's hero, X. G. Eye, re turns to Froth this month in the thrilling tale of his• adventures with the nefarious villain of the Orient, Peiping Tom. Frothy also 'boasts an extra pag e of cartoons plus all regtilar fea tures and columns. Here's How . . . to get the most out of your fishing. Those big ones get away so easily that reading up on the art of fishing really pays in weight of the fish you bring home. • We have the latest tlshings books by Ray Bergman, Jim Gasgue, H. T. Walden, George Harter and a host of other notable fishermen in stock now. They vary from "Upstream and Downstream," "With Fly, Bug and Bait," "Bass Fishing," to "Just Fishing." So, when' the season opens on the 15th, to be sure you know how, get your fishing books today, at KEELER'S It portrays the College's three primary services under the land grant charter instruction, re search and extension. The new film, now being re leased for interested gro u p s throughout the State, describes the College's wartime efforts, in-: eluding the instruction of more than 7000 trainees assigned to the campus for training by the Army, Navy and Air Corps, and of the 140,000 men and women who re ceived special technical training for jobs in war industries. Two featurek of ' the film include the College's ire - :atirierit of its cur rent postwar problems Wind crest, veterans' trailer communi ty set up to accommodate 333 ex- Gl's 'and their families; and the freshman farmout syst e m, by which the College has placed 3000 first-year students in 21 co-oper ating college centers throughout the Commonwealth. The movie depicts also some of the future problems that the Col lege must solve if it is . to meet the current unprecedented demand for educational facilities. Concerns Give Fellowships Two new research agreements. one with Ferro Enamel Corp., providing a fellowship in 'ceram ics, and one with Kraft Foods for research in cheese manufacture, were announced at a recent meet ing of the executive committee‘ of the Board of Trustees. Research contracts were re newed with Allied Chemical and Dye Corp. for chemistry research; Charles Pfizer Co., , penicillin re search in agriculture; and Crop Protection Institute, research in botany, For research in the. School of Mineral Industries, three com panies matched $34,000 supplied by the State Legislature. They are Penn Grade Crude Oil, Carnegie- Illinois Steel, and Brockway Glass. The committee also accepted 4 proposal under which the College will lease buildings and grounds for fruit research in Erie County. The building will be constructed by the . Erie County Agricultural Research. Corp. The College will leas,, the building and do research until monthly rental payments rea'dh total cost of construlction, when the College will acquire the porperty. The College's cross country running course is located along the margin of the Golf Course. • • IThe suattafaetariag of women's' an / children's ; wear is a • • • THE FARMER , Cultivates from land or livestock the raw ma terials of cotton and wool. THE atoning. synthetizes such materials as pulp wood and coal and air into fibrous yarn. - THE TEXTILE WORKER. • spins raw commodities into yarn, weaves the yarn into fabrics. - • THE DESIGNER . creates artistically an original model for the fin ished garment. THE GARMENT MAKER fashions the textiles into the clothes that make the women of this country the best dressed in the world. THE RETAILER purchases and distributes the product, keeping - always in rhythm with the pulse of the public. And all these are means to a livelihood for hun- • dreds of thousands of Americans, supplying • THE CONSUMER who wears the clothes and who, of course, corn prises the foundation of the entire structure of the national economy. • This is the first in a series interpreting the general economic highlights of the women's and children's .wear industry of possible interest in the choice of.o.field of endeavor, 'Series sponsored by Women's West-Daily, it Fairchild. Publication, 11 East 13th Street, New York 3, N. FRIMAYi ..APRiL 111., 191,7 Health Association Names Dr. Jones Vite,-President Dr. Lloyd , M. Jones, 'professor' of physical education at the Collt‘ge. was elected Wee-president of the Eastern District Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, at a recent meeting in Brooklyn, N. Y. Other faculty member s of ,the School of Physical Education and Athletics/who attended the meet ings were Dorothy Briant, Marie Haidt, Mildred A. LuceY, Sherman P. Fogg, Charles M. .Soeidel, and Charles W. Stoddart, Jr. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of LAW NEW YORK THREE-YEAR DAY COURSE POUR YEAR EVENING COURSE CO-EDUCATIONA Member Assn. or American Law Schools Accredited • Col:eg,e.Degree Required for Admission Veterans of World War II who have cam.. pleted two years of college work toward accredited degree may matriculate within one year of honorable discharge. Full tsansc•iipt of record! required in every ease FIRST YEAR CLASS BEGINS Septembe r 29, 1947 For further information address Registrar Ferdharn University School of LaW 302 Broadway.-'New Yvrk 7, N. Y
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