" . 7 Off Now--Bearer-fie - . a Bedenkmen to Seek Win Over Dickinson Baseballers Baseball coach Jae Bedenk has nominated Ken Yount for start ing hurler as the Lion nine attempts to hit a winning stride against Dickinson at New Beaver field, 2 p.m. tomorrow. AA Book coupon 27 will be used as admission to the game, Harold R. Gilbert, assistant Graduate Manager of Athletics, stated Yount pitched a six-hit game in I losing to VMI Monday 6-2 in the season's opener. The righthander was a regular starter for last year's once-beaten team. Dickinson will field a veteran bolstered team against the Lions on their first romp over the home grounds. Probable pitcher for the visitors will be Al Rohr, a pre war standout hurler. Bedenk indicated last night that he would probably make a few changes in his starting lineup Harold Hackman will start at shortstop in place of Pete Berletic with Don Stark, Bob Urion and Ken Hosterman or Bill Davis in the outfield. CAPTAIN SUTHERLAND Captain Gene Sutherland will be at third base with last year's captain, Chuck MacFarland, at •first. Ray "Whitey" 'Kurowski at second base will complete the starting infield. - Ed Sebastianelli, - Ben,yish, Torn Folan 'and Berletic prob., ably see duty as •pinch-thitters or utility as the 'coach strives to find a winning combination. Ed Holler, who caught the two rOad-trip games,' will probably start behind the plate with Don Herb and George McWilliams in reserve. • Don Stark, new left fielder, is currently 'leading the Lions at the plate with four hits, including a double and triple, in• nine times at bat. Davis, Holler, Urion, Mac- • Masterminds (Continued from page four) found the Guadalcanal hero some what of .s puzzle, and one boy ex presed the • belief that his latest action "certainly fits into .the pat- JOE TEPSIC tern he set as a college athlete." On the one or two ocoasons that he did exhibit temperament on the playing field, both in football and baseball, the coaches' took command and disciplined hirn , firmly. In no , instance was he re bellious or unwilling to accept GUARANTIED SY MARLIN' FIREARM; COMPANY Fin4its • ;:c i.,..STATW.COLLEG4:23ELINSIELVANIA, RAY KUROWSKI Farland and pitcher Bob• Gehrett trail with one hit each. The aver ages: G' AB R H Pct. Gehrett ... 1 2 1 1 .500 Stark .2 . ,9 2 4 .444 Davis 2 3 1. 1 .333 Holler. 2 3 2 1 .333 Urion 2 4 2 1 .250 MacFarland 2 9 0 1 .112 uzzled— the consequences of his tenxiera ment. In the Fall, he joined the foot-. ball team, developed into an out standing runner, led Pennsylvania collegians in touchdowns scored, and at season's end was- named to many all-star teams. - While his Afootball ability at tracted consideralble attention, he at no time indicated that he fav ored the grid game over baseball. Last Spring, he experienced trouble in finding his hitting eye, but was still a constant threat at the plate, and in May accepted a a $17,000 bonus to sign a contract with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Late last summer, in the heat of the pennant race, he reftised to step down to the minors because his contract had insured him maj or league status, and again this Spring he gave the same answer to a suggestion that -he report to Mobile of the Southern Associa tion. • 4) FOR YOUR 4 FAVORITE GIRL Buy her Candy and Nuts from our large assortment of MARY LINCOLN and WHITMAN CANDY . . KEMP CANDIES AND NUTS_ AT " THE CORNER" "unusual" Between The Lions Fifth National Champ Glenn Hawthorne, Sligo war veteran, is the fifth Penn Stater to own a National Collegiate box ing title. Davey Stoop and Al Lewis were the first Lion entries to win titles tin ma, followed by Frankie Goodman in 11936, and Paul 'ScaHy in 11941. First 25 the Hardest! Bob Rutherford, Sr.. dean of Penn State 'coaches, is looking forward to his 26th year as Lion golf mentor. He will be assisted by 'his son, Bob, Jr His other son, Ken, is golf pro at the Mt. Pleas ant Country Club. Coed Loves the Water Penn State's coed swimmin' star, Judy Auritt Klein, of Phila delphia, practically lives in the water. In the National telegraphic intercollegiates, she won the 75- yard individual 'medley, swam: on two 'winning relay teams, and placed in two other events. Lowther, Davies Teach Penn State's John 'larwther and DuquesnOs Ohick Davies will col laborate at two basketball clinics this summer. The two have ac cepted assignments at Ithaca Col lege, Ithaca, N. Y., and at Virginia State College, Ettrick, Va. From Ring to Show Biz Paul 'Moss, who was Manager of 'Billy-'Soose 'during his rise to th e professional middleweight boxing championship, is now in the show (business. His first ef fort, "The Whole World Over," is playing at the Biltmore Theatre in New • York. Moss and Soose for merly were students at Penn State. Von Neida Weighs Offers ' Stanley "Whitey" VonNieda. high-scoring star of the Lancaster entry in the (Eastern ennsylvania Professional League, is undecided about the 19418 basketball season. The former Penn State hero is weighing offers from several Bas ketball Association of America and National League teams. * Young Swim Captain Captain-elect of the Perm State sw i m min ,g team is Rodney "Rocky" Young. A diving special ist, Young was undefeated in dual competition this year. ;'itirlitz Now Head Coach Bill ISmaltz, rated one 'of the na tion's ten top passers as a Penn State back 'in 1941, has been named coach of 'football at Juni ata College. A letter . From A Mayorio A Penn State Boxer Ilfl3 JACKIE TIGHE Court Team Preps For Georgetown (Continued . from page four) strong forehand have made him a strong contender for a starting position. Others who have looked good to the coaches have been Lyle Johnston and Frank Pessolano, the latter a transfer from Thiel College of .Greenville where he stroked number one •on the '46 outfit. ~ Dick Clarkson, Bill Dickson, Bill Gray, Hal Benjamin, Jack Ole wine, George Kline, Delbert belt and Dave Miller also bear watch ing as the 194 . 7 edition of the Lion net team prepares for action. Track Call Candidates for the Varsity track team sand those interested in ap pilyling fo r assistant managerships 'are reqUeSted to report to the out door track beginning at 3:30 o'clock today, according to Bud Rose, first assistant manager. -,-..-- - ..; G ''' /11 1 r . j .0 j -----:%-7;'...5!5::..,,. ; .. . ------ -:::::::::7-;• -- . •It ' / 110/704P .... 0 // • ..1 • e. ..0, / i •:) ‘f7) 6 ) OY 0 59 V 4 rril e i e t c' I / 6r ro rio r4 B ANobe / . A ~• . e. '"•,........ ... .. ; , ? ,, m , 7 .--....„:::_4:.....:4?--- 1- ' A .,•,,„w egt. s ' 1 yaw.. t`A 1 . ....,• t )i New Blend! New Taste! New Freshness! Made by the revolutionary new "903" moisturizing process. Beneficial moisture penetrates ever• tobacco leaf—gives you a smoother, milder, better smolcei Get new Raleigh "903" Cigarettes today. IThe following letter from May, or Hanlon of Scranton was receiv. ed by Jack Tighe, Captain of th:.: Penn State boxing team, after Jackie lost out in the.semi_fina]:; cif the National Intercollegia - L , boxing tournament at Madison, Wisconsin, recently. Jackie Tighe, Penn State College, State College, Pa. My dear Jackie: I was sorry to learn that a 1105 , .. injury sustained in the seconit round teniporarily delayed you': winning a national boxing charn. pionship. In our books,.however, you art• a champion, having exhibited the' qualities necessary to reach the top. Your many friends ia Scranton hav e followed with pride your great career at Penh State, and I would be unpardon•• ably disloyal to o Scranton trad... tion if I didn't tell you that yoh have been a credit to yourself, your family and your friends You hove demonstrated that our Community is a cradle of cham pions. You hove my sincerest hest wishes for continued success. ilea/ A 15746 CONTI CASTILE SHAMPOO presents , • rot TREASURE 800 OF SOHO ' al leading Stars of the Metropolitan Opera .icia Albanese • Jan Peerce • Francesco Valentin, Dorothy Kirsten • Rise Stevens PLUSExciting Contest Feature! Win 3 Days in New York ALL EXPENSES PAIR -Every Thursday Night IP. .... ..... %y. 41,•• •• • intooci t Postrtve No hee. leading cigenthp gimes you mss.Le $s Less Nicotine hroat Irritants' te ß sts prii6ed h i , . 1 0117 9 w :he .,nt ,PnY PotturF •-'-ITAGE , FP74I. Very truly yours, James T. Hanlon, Mayor, City of Scranton.
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