MONDAY, .APR.II, 1., 1946 Engineer- Plays . .L . ousy. Trick A loud, booming explosion. rocked the campus and rever- berated through the Nittany Val ley just as the last stroke oif mid :night died =ay from Old Main last night. Huge clouds of black, greasy smoke billowed from the .rigiht front corner of the Armory, ,arid bright red flames licked at • the windows. Conateanation . was rampant among the qulickly 'gathered throng of students, faculty mem bers, and townSpeOple. Wihat was burning? Naval ammunition? the target range 3 A the FLOTIC'S be % loved' Sprindfields? . Finally the dismay was dispelled When an old - inetrrber of the taculty. (Who can rernerther when Casey thatricul- Med) .reealled that the "Penn State Engineer (an alleged pub --lication) was hibernating in that _corner of The building.. ' Assured that mething of irripor- Aance was endangered, the hoarde hastened home to - resume their needlessly, interrupted sleov.. In ifact they *et*, driVen away by the naukkons fumes erimitating •. - itibm' the fbnrning :foul; moldy Aiditts— - The „valiant; loyql, brave .mean ibers ..of .the .e.aphalpha laurnp, and 7lineket.fir'e 'brigade itaYed on the •-scene • I"hic't '6l their sense; of,:dutY. .'t6Ward • the :Navy, and/restrifeted 'L their , attention. tosaving .the es sential parts of the building. fft was rumored by certain dirty, pilgitieer. staff inerribers, 'who were (finally awakened wheri their. clothes - 0 1 aught ante). that .the was caused by the Collegian. But ';of course- every one .knew-that these lies were nOthing bwt• libel, and the Varlents, barely esdaped tarring and 'feathering: The truth of -the, matter is that the bombing was done .by • thevn ......celves- to collect the insurance and stave off the bill collectors and. • Sheridf a little longer, - • Calendar Today—NO CLASSES --. Beer be served in. the lounge of , Otitt Main. Students .are requested to bring their own glames. , Library-open f - or sight-aeeing, Tomorrow ‘D - Oimi 16 serve brealld?rtt until 11. Ctilegian to give party , for candidates. and stiff(S?'?!! FREE! FOOD . TOO. No 13Iand rehearsial—Meiribersi urged to -Come 'and meet and talk sfacip with .T: Dorsey. •-• I. Club 'Get-Viet:Falai:l - add ..Party --9 p.m. for all coeds .(Spe ' dal privileges for those with Tioint -aryerages). -- Block and Bridle dlub to judge ``Jitterbugging" contest. 6 vim. ~Thiunsday--Chem. Phys. School 'sponsors FREE MOVIE ot local theater—" Th- Postman AglisVays Rings Twice" (or—" You dan't Do Your OHem. Problems Here" Hcme Ec Club ;iS giving aikVay cakes--=-5 pm. To all eoeds who don', , t date trait. men.. (no figure worries) - -DEAN'S OFFICE arrnounlces all blue books postponed INDEFI NITELY TWO-WEEK E.4iS,TER VACA TION (believe this .and you'll be lieve anything) _ Chapel Drop In . . for 'a seer aiEter Cihapel in the first nor loungs 'Old Main, Sunday. A.PITM SWIMS , .DK Pabert -RatterSon assisting. Pilots af the planes whictt will perform .theAtunolition will be STP snern-: bers who 'were . formerly. students at the College. No iprciiision is being trtade for the College buildings Which will be destroyed, hit Soc 4 nvdlQ meet as per schedule in the .Sigina"Phi Epsilcin house; The Bursar wishes to announce that refund§ be granted those ettudents. who paid laboratory fees if they present their iernestei• receipts at the Bur sar's office sometime prlor of the detmolition of the eamfO us. how to be popular or peter q /ones this is an incidental story (ob viously to fill up space not other wise filled up with the usual bludb) •about one peter qu jones a very distinguished student of a certain college( which for various reasons mainly because slander suits areh and to, defend we will leave unknown) in which he slept away four years of his busy peter was an unattractive member of practically every so ciety on campus he just Missed the national honorary (for sound sleepers of course) becaus a very unconsiderate pritd wakened pet . er by raising his voice above a whisper in an eight o'clock ' peter was a great farvorite with the student he could be beaten at tennis golf badminton and tiddle winks he was the delight of the beginning swimmers because he couldn% even float like a jelly fish bridge player's loved him 'since he 'could be Set even when holding most, of the trump all in all peter went down in fame as -the best uneporsmen in school" peter's profs liked . hiin too since he slept quietly through his classes when called upon to cite peter never . failed to respond if he was ignorant of the anisWer• Or' of the.. questiOn. asked - .(tinostl* it Was both) ,he replied With whatever information: he 'had picked up whidh he. - felt - :would interest the class . finally peter was graduated a UAW .With an all college -avert age of 3. (-3.. of course-and.-don't ask me. how he graduated it's a blade secret i can't. regal), peter's .family_was siroud 'pater 'gave hill!). .the position Of fOrty-SeCond vice 4. ;president in .the faaniily - firm .with the. small. remuneration of $2,700 weekly he spent it wisely invest ing twenty - icerits" "weekly , 16 . loolloble gum (his only viceac r wired from his college days) the rest peter decided to give to his alma meter to whom 'he owed his grand Success! - taiyczofE - - Woffman Announces U. Limited Regitfrilion Unlimited regigtration - for •niel and Women IWias anpafunced today WciEnian. Startinc this , Fall 'Semester the College. will .adi - 0 amlicants • nehio housing-,:eoriditions make possitble .aeccmnodationr of eq. Many students, as neee:mtarzn. = Although e x aet ' ,iniformatiOn cannot yet 'be _revealed, - .high".an: 7 thonities , have expresTsed an optin ion, that the lawn in front of Old Main and the field behind Car negie and in front of Tri-dormS will (be wised house or • rather tent ithen'ew stuldents. Yes, "tents," is the word whispered by the of nitoials and - muttered by [(be few stludents who seem to know. Once again green dinks and bows will apbear on the eamipti as bewildered frosh seek . the coi rect tent .in the long rows which well iprobabily resemble an Anny 'camp. The new motto for the fresh 7 man.student will be, "Tenting Td night, Tenting on the Old Mlain Lawn," • .Eng Faplosion—April Fool • m 0 i eats 1 Peter 0. M==ill Door Will Open Youll. Walk In Following la protest from coeds iheeanSe Atherton . Hrall doors are loelted- cat - 5 p. m., the Dean of Women's orifice-: as • announced :that • the' *dormitory Will remain open' until 3 a. M. on weekdays and 5 a. m.-Saturdays -and Sun days. "We felt' that the girls were juStified. • in. :complaining !about walking to the front door after 5 p. m.," the dean said. hope they will not feel that the present hours - are - too early—,however, they may feel free to prop open the 'dbors at any time when they wish: to stay out later." "Ereedgm hf thought and pendence of action are the key-'. notes of modern education," the dean of women added; "therefore, we have also decided to have no regular meal .hurs at Atherton Hall- 4 coedB May come to meals at - .any :time or may have _them ; served in bed it they desire. They also may play their radios at any time-during the night, and are free to negloct their studies en: 7 , tirely if :they feel they interfere' with thir social activities." "We..-are working on a plan,' the dean declared, "to persuade the olllelge administration to sus= spense 'with regular classes du.r.7 itrg. the..spring;seaion ; since many of the girls have declared they do not, have enough time for sun T - - Six fget . . . of snow and 20 below zero temperatures swept the Penn State Canipus t oday. Drifts forced irorVates_ of the Tri dorms to use snow shoes to reach classes. Eight (members of the Physkal Education School who were play ing 'tennis yesterday late yester day are - reported to be lost in the ,blizzard. The meteorology de partment predicts two weeks Of sub-zero weather. In roam 120, 7:30 p. m. today Deutseher Verein-fillousley of a Prien si r=mwsivmna The Cory of Inderella, TheTinySlassGlipper, and Chinese Prarming By RELEN HEED This is the tad sale of Inder cella, a poor mullery scade. Her stuel creprnother treated her dike a log. While her stomely hep sisters d•id nothing but taste wime, soor ,pin.derella slorked and waved. - Although s he longed for tale mannpony, old lady Dimon Segree belt her kusy. While her sean misters flinkked and wirted with the prandsome hince, our heet sweroine dashed wishes and flubbed seloors. • FHOWever, as always, the torm wtirned. A wold itch, sometimes referred to as a gairy mother, turned up with a couple of pice and a murnpkin. The gold irl waved a wand and bo and lohold! Hirigs thappened fast. The codents became roachmen, the cumblvin - a poach, and tagged Rindy was fanstrormed into a parnoungluss (also called Wolly hood iturftf) At the ball, she wow ed the Tag , stine. Chime Prarm ing Tell in" Dove with her but on the make of stridnight - everything changed batik. Indercella 'once more was only a murrery scad in clamed rothing. The clime had 'one prue horvv ever. She had. left one slass glop- Per h , ehrrid. The since prearched his country. No Errs geet were small enough. At last he came to the coilse off .I:lindercella.. Ser histers vied in train to Let their geet in. the sliny tipper but lowly Indercella got her •finy toot into it 'easily. Chime Prarming immediately quopped the pestion and now they're mappily harried. The poyal ratlace is full of little jun dles of lady who lbve their dummy and muddy, but love their gairy fodmother -also for they have more fawn dun ridihg the `lold ady's stoombrick. - • Whew, what a mell of a hess that Was, eh? . . NSW PRESIDtENT Ai 'Focils • _ _ , ALW AY S : - WELCOME : at - . • it THE ' - ~. _ . , ~PHp.NE: .23H ... r ' 4- i I UgliC .. .. i IL ) - " i : i i ob, \ l'l ' . - • , . 203 5. BEAVER, AVE._ ' . • . StATF. t j OLLeGE ' • " , RAGE FIVE -Compliments Another Friend
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