FRIDAY, ?PARCH 29, 1946 The Little Man Meet Joe O'_.Tou.kl,. Player-7- Note:---This is the first in a series of features on the little men 'on campus, better kilbem os LMOC's. We just triaitght you'd like to know therm) When the bights go on at the Pll,oyeris ahOw Vied:mill.' tonight; CYTOu'cia fWill ante again be a soldier, medieval variety _far. try from the Lieutenant - :o'Tolisa of the Army Air Corps ,pletUred at the' right.. , a ifourth semester pre-aged, ist•just one of the'llittle guys who help make Players- a working or ganization; not a bdg star; but just of the trellowa that keeps -things going. `'Arid it takes a lot of therm. to make Players' go. - The . down stairs of Sdhrwab Auditorium -0 111esdiy - night 'Was - as bilsy and. .;as confused, to the unexperienced eye,: as a - nylon sale. - So , many ~ ,peciple, and each of them travel- In a ,diitferent direction; :SeWing'eaich .ether into costumes, % - slapbing on inalteup, lighting for ro r, and (periodically ",Cast.". " In this madhouse we found Joe ' !Wandering out of the men's dress intr room. slightly dighabille- (with ,',Out his shirt, that Eli.) Just as we over• the blushing stage -and - ..-Went up - to -be introduced, aVlirni 13rekein,. a• make-up girl, kidnap -..-1560:J0e, sat him-down in-front of a mirror ,-- and thianded him a jar •-•16f',..c01d.-crearn: . --- •"Wiaddo I do with this star?" .:the askedy, bewildered. Put it on,: at m .. arse," she coni. `Mented, and went on to ,the next 11eyer, He registered, the expres typical to 5_ six-foot-two ,Male rwhen ,confronted with such - .•-a feminine thing as cosmetics. We :stared. Somebody got out of the 2.,way. and he noticed Us: - - -:"Wihat's the matter:. Dissatprove .Of my. method?" • - `.` , A.h.,'lguip, no. But I'm from • Collegia.n,'•anci we want to get, an ':interview.on you and , where are '7.l'"Ellkood/ City," -he said, and then Mind Caine up with her trus ty kleenex to take of the cold „cream. "Nut's. The minute you get .the stuff on, .someone comes to take it off.” -:_ eri ,"Wihkat_ do ybu want to talk. to rn e for'ytway? All I do is harry spear in;, thisthing. I don't even . • iVie exicilialned that almost all Dr. A, H. Reede, Department of Economics, - recently retUrn ...• • • , •. . • _ed from _2B months in Italy with AI , VIGOT' will , conduct the 'third in the series _Of Seminar Iopies`.`R.EL.IGION IN WAR AND- PEACE," in 'the Fireside • Room, Sunday morning follow ing the . Siuderit Department ServiCe of Worship, Mrs. James T. Smith will present "READINGS FROM DEVOTIONAL 'POETRY" at the meeting of the Westmin ster PelloWship - Sunday . eve ping ". The 91st Thursday Morning Matin Group 'Thursday, '7:90 A. M.' with breakfast together fol lowing the Worship Service. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper -will be administered at the Morning Church Service of the State College Presby terian Church, Sunday, April 7 at 10;,.45 A. M. • ---.- Have You Discovefed. For: Yourself Something. ,Of The „Refreshing, Spiritual Fellow ship That 'Awaits . You At The Wes4rnir4ter; Founddtion? IC 1. 4 Joseph O'Tousa great actors started out carrying a spear. This seemed to placate him somewhat. "ilut I do Ihave a lot of fun in this show," . he •continued. wound oneguy and chaSe another MY the stagg in the last. scene of Act 111, that's almost better than talking. Of course, I get it my self- later, but that's fun too. Watch the A. A. Store Window Monda THE COLLEGIAN By now Nye were really cook ing; gee, an,_interviemr! Just then another meither of the make-up crew handed us a piece of brown beard to , unbradd, and Mimi came ovei to color Joe up with grease Paint. It's rather hard to , talk through a back, but when she let to get Joe's foreihded, we managed to go on. "Haw did I get into this part? Why, I stopped Neusfbaum in a dark alley , one night, and told him, I got i, or else. Okay, the truth is that I tried out for the "Curse of Gold" last semester and they told me I was the serious type, that I should come out for Macbeth, so here I am." Mimi came back , with Joe's forehead, and they disappeared somewhere to put it on. We were stopped momentarily by Vera Eby Sewing Ray •Kelly into a suit of mail, mode from cord. By the time we found Joe, he had his forehead on, and, with sev eral coats of powder, looked more like a red Indian than O'Tousa. We asked him about his out-of- Players life. "I'm independent, and that means politically, too," he said. "I donq. lire in a feat, or belong to one either:l Work part time in private' home, for •room and 'board, -land I like it a lot. I was at State before the war and it's swell to be back." • • i :!; : il ... . . . . ... .... • .......... ..... . , . ... .. .. . . . . .. ...., . .. .... ''....i:: N . ''''' • g i .L.':' , W4; :-.."51% : 4`::., ..Vgg l i4 VS; i '. '. • : . .....': ' ,"' fi , `. : 7 ".:..i I. S.C. Preehrts_ BUNNY HOP Featuiing the smooth music of— ANDY KERNER Hop along to .the Bunny Hop with your favorite "bunny" . It's a gay dance to Usher: in the Easter season . .; . And wait till you see the surprise we have -in -store •for you .. . . gonna' take •place at the Bunny • Hop . . Watch for the surprise in Colleg,ian oh Monday! Semi-Formal $2.40 per couple Aprl 6. Flowers by McMullen Rec.. !-101 9-42 w. : $ gi f %
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