FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1945 Calendar TODAY Mortar Board meeting, WSGA room, White Hall, 4:30 p. m. FSJC.A Upper Class Club, 'Tenn State Spirit," 304 Old Main, 7:30 p. m. Sabbath. Eve Services, Hillel Foundation, 7:30 p. m. TOMORROW Cabinet Luncheon, PSCA, 441 W. Nittany avenue, 12:15 p. m. Kullman-Merriman Artist Ser ies, Schwab, 8 p. m. Newman, Club, informal dance, 'Phi Kappa, 8 p. m. Russian Club Celebrates Eastei., Hugh Beaver room, Old Main, 8- 12 p. m. SUNDAY., Chapel Services, Schwab, 11 a Evangelical Youth Fellowship meeting, Evangelical Church, 6:15 p. 171. MONDAY JWA, 405 Old Main, 6:30 p. m. • Orchestra rehearsal, 117 Car negie, 7 p. m. First Semester Club, Dr. Roy Dickerson, 10 Sparks, 7:30 p. m.. • • Penn State Engineer,. 2.• Armory, p. m. Pi Lambda Sigma Initiation, 305 OM Main, 6:45 p. rn. , . Speaking Contest, lt2l..Sparks; 7:30 p. m. , . Alpha 'Lambda Delta; -Dean.'of •Women's office, Old Main,' 6:30 p. m. TUESDAY 1 WR , A Executive Board meeting, WRA. lounge, White Hall, 6:45 Panhellenic /meeting, 305 Old •Main, 7:15 p. m. 7 Treble Singers rehearsal, 117 Carnegie, 7 p. Collegian candidates for adver tising staff, ad office, Carnegie 7 p. X-G-I Club meeting, 405 Old Main, 7:30 . p, m. . '' Collekign - 6aildidates for editor ial staff, Collegian office, Carneg ie, first semester 7 p. m., second semester, 7:30 p. m. Bed Cross Blood Donor com mittee, 417 Old Main, 8:30 p. m. ;WEDNESDAY Pre-Med Society, 7:30' p. m. ' Club Presidents' meeting; WRA. lounge, White Hall, 5 p. m. • _ Junior' Service Board meeting, Dean of Women's office, Old Main, 5:10 p. m. Orchestra rehearsal, 117 Car -negie, 7 p. m. Newman Club Discussion Club, Lady of Victory Rectory, 7 p. m. ,THURSDAY •GSO meeting, ,10 Sparks, 7 p.m. Intramural Board meeting, ,WRA. lounge, White Hall, p. . • F)reshman Council meeting, WSGA. rom 4 White Hall, 4:30 . 13. r.ll. Hou s e of Representatives meeting, 305 Old Main, 5:15 p. Theta Sigma Phi-Matrix Din ner, Hotel State College, 6:30 p. Aquacade, White Hall, .8 p. m. Choir rehearsal, 117 Carnegie, 7 p, m. • • Tribute To . •Mother • . . . Congress hag dedicated a special day' to the memory of "the best mother in the world, your mother." •Ideally, every day should • • • be Mother's Day. We humbly thank her for tieing our beacon light through all the storms • • and ealins of life. • WOODRING'S Floral Gardens Phone 2045 • Beaver. Ave. Group Sponsors Essay Contest Five hundred dollars is being offered by the Military Order of the Loyal. Legion of the United States for the best essay ..of not more than 500 words on the sub ject, "What My Country Means to Me." The contest, which has been commended by Gov. Edward Martin, is to be governed by the .l'ollowing rules: All entries must be typewritten or written in ink on one side only of typewriter size naper. The contest is open only to 'those who were born af ter October 1, 1924. Entries must be.. accompanied by the age the writer will. be October 1, 1945. All manuscripts must be - mail_ cd to the recorder of the Military Order of the. Loyal Legion of the United States, ComErnandery of the State of Pennsylvania, 1805 Pine street, Philadelphia, 3, by Sep tember 15.- • • ' The .MilitarS , Order was foun ded by . a 'grouP of Civil War of ficers after Lincaln'S assassination to' act as a stabilizing influence on. the . country. Athong . its niem.- .bets haVe — been six ,nresidents of the „Unite. States'and many mill „lierOa;s. Marriage- (Continued from 'nage. one) of the College Church, Dickinson College, Carlisle, will open the in stitute •when. he :addresses the Chapel congregatieri on "Relig ion-in Marriage" Sunday morning. 'ln the evening those student re :igious: groups desiring will dis cuss aspects of. courtship and Marriage -- as. they, are related .to religion and ethics. 'Dr. Clifford R; Adams of the College Will conduct the last dis- Lcussion of:the Institute when he will speak on 'Emotional Atti tudes- and Adjustment: in Mar •riage" •ip.• 12i1 Sparks at 7 p.m. Tuesday._ • Nancy Norton and Robert Mc- Gregor' are co-chairmen of the program. The following repre sentative's from cqrnpus' organiza tions "are' . kissisting them: Ann I.;Onise Decker, Women's Student GoVernment AssOciation; James -Hugo, Interfraternity. Council; Ann Keller, Panhellenic Council; Richard Mauthe,.. X-G-I Club; Betty.:Pike, Women's Recreation Association; and Florence Porter, MCA. " .• • . Faculty advisors include Dr. Adams, Miss Della, Avery, Walter Coutu, • Rev.. tdfwerth Kor t e, .Tames - T:' Smith; . and Dr, Anna Stevens. • • \ ' l ,l Ili tag , 11 4k' Ar LITHE COLONIAL 123 W. 11 itt any Ave. awkreertiliorieraleßofesl ALL ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER D ia 14850,6 pmzyNwmnq CLASSIFIED SECTION REPAIRS - THE TRINIDAD COCKTAIL (R.&C.-C.) should not 'be spilled into pianos; nor should bobiby pins or corsages. Eut if they have, call me for a tuning and general checkup. Richard. L. Eisenhower, of the National Association ofi . Piano Tuners. Phone 621, . Jersey Shore or write box 172, State College, Pa. Give detailed directions with rural addresses.. lschg WANTED BADLY—A rope strong enough to keep George Englert at the PiKA House. Beyer Dorm. T.HDRE HAS been an exchange of top coats in the Allencrest. I have the other coat and would Lppreciate it if the other person would return mine. Call Morton Bernstein 2603. FOR SALE—Pair of black and white ice skates. Almost new. Size 6. Stock up for winter now. Call Room 39 Ath. A BLUE OVERCOAT has been lost a week ago. I would ap preciate it if the Tinder would call Lou Plotnick 2603. :Reward. ROOM with private bath, shower. • Private entrance, single or dou ble. Call 817. LOS T Silver identification bracelet with initials J. L. S. Please call Janet Smith 2941. Reward. • ltpd LOST—GoId bracelet with Penn State insignia. If found please return to June Rosen 202 Jordan or call 5051 ex. 72. ltpd LOST—Near Sparks, gold brace let with blue stones: Pleas& call Harriet Kirschner, 2nd floor Jor dan 5051, Reward. ltpd LOST—A. gold bracelet, Penn State insignia on it. Please re turn to /02 Jordan Hall or call 5051—Ext. 72. ltchg LOST—A pair off red-rimmed glasses in a red case. Please re -I.urn to Student Union 'cause my eyes are getting red-rimmed too. Jane. Dispensary Treats 2192 The dispensary treated 590 ASTPs, 92 V-12s, and 17.10 civilian students in the month of April. In the same period 25 ASTPs, 1 sail or, and 66 civilians were hospital- Journalism Alum Uses College Training in Army From the Riviera to the Rhine in less than six months of action is a story that can well be told by Pfc. Bob Sieger, who was grad uated from the College .in Decem ber, 1942. A combat doughboy of. the fa mous 36th "Texas" Division, Sieg er was wounded February, 1944, near Cassino, After his release /from the hospital, he worked on the' division's public relations staff, writing for newspapers overseas and in this country. In one of his stories Sieger wrote: • "They (the 36th) can took back even farther, to the Italian campaigns, for theirs is the division which spearheaded the initial American assault on Europe, the first American divi sion to land on the European mainland. On Sept. 9, 1943, the Texas' division stormed ashore at "bloody Salerno" to establish. a beachhead that expanded into the first Allied liberation of European soil." After helping to chronicle the :combat feats of the 36th, Sieger has recently been made news edi tor of the T-Patch, official field newspaper of the division. A sec- Junior Class Meeting A class meeting for all juniors will be held in Schwab auditorium 7 p.m. Wednesday; announced Stanley Bernheim and William !Morton, sixth and fifth semester presidents. Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, and Arthur Warnock, dean of men, will speak. Plans for a junior class picnic will be dis cussed. Penn Slate Club The Penn State Club will initi t iate new members Tuesday night after the regular meeting. All nrospective members are urg ed to come as they will not become members if they are not initiatedy he added. ized in the infirmary. The infirm ary also treated 446 students in the out patient department. PAGE FIVE cnd anniversary edition of the paper was published in Germany on Sunday, April 15. A journalism major at the Col lege, Sieger has put his trainimg to good use both in the States and abroad. Ile expects to remain in the newspaper business after thr! war. Fri.- "THE JADE MASK" Sidney Toler Sat.—'SONG OF THE BANdir. Dennis MMore, Jimmy Wakey 1911 "ARE• THESE:•," ' OUR PARENTS Helen Vinson, Lyle Talbot Tues.— "AN AMERICAN .7 .7 Brian Donlevar;:.Ann wiNDow'tv-I.' Wed, • Joan Bennfti.• Edward' G;'',llooAlicinoP-1„,-,:,. Thurs.-Fri.—. •-"...• :•• " ' "THIN MAN 'OOEA'I7IO/444Z;cr;: Wm. Pow.elL-MyrnasLOi A . etity Weileed THE SONG OF BERNADETTE with JENNIFER JONES WILLIAM EYTHE • CHARLES BICKFORD Directed by HENRY KING Produced by • WILLIAM PERLBERG .• ti 20, 6 • 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers