PAGE FOUR INS War Correspondent, Dixie Tighe, To Lecture 'Dixie Tighe, woman war cor respondent for International News Service, will speak to jour nalism students in 121 Sparks at 11 a. in. Monday. The public is invited to attend. Miss Tighe started her career as a cub reporter in Washington, D. C. She has covered the Lind bergh kidnapping story, the Hauptmann trial, the 1939 visit of King George and queen Eliza beth, and commando training in Scotland. The INS reporter has received the distinction of being the only woman correspondent accredited to the American Eighth Air Force it Britain and the only corres-: pondent to do a broadcast over ('B'S about the flying 'bombs. Going abroad in 1942 Miss Tighe is the only woman to make an operational mission in the European Theatre or Operation., She spent 13 hours in ,the • air hunting U-boats„ • During her journalistic career 'she has worked for the Philadel phia Daily. NeWs, New York Daily News, Palm Beach Post, the. Paul Block chain, New York Post, and INS.' In 'addition, • she has broadcasted' for CBS; NBC, 'and BBC. Honorary Initiates Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman. honorary, initiated the following girls having a 2.5 average or ttet ter: Jean • Alderfer, -Romayne .Eleanor Aurand, Kay Badollet, Joan Bissey, -.• Nina Blakeslee Gertrude Bopp, , Mar garet Coley, Mary . Ann.;;Cree, Marion Deutsch, Jane Metterle,. Marion Fister, Florme Gilbert, Jane Gray, Mary Jamison, and Martha Kremers. . Annette Lanning, Mary' Law son,. Mimi Lerner, LoiS Marilyn Mendoza, Ruth,...lVloOn, , Jean Moul, Myrna Newinan;' - -BS-' ther Pebley, Carol Preuse, Cath=l erine Raup, Wanda Rickard, Beatrice Sliaw, Sara Stevens, Nancy Wass, Goldye Weisberger; Sylvia Yearick. • Tau Beta Pi 'Pledges Three Undergraduates Tau Beta Pi, national:engineer-. ing honorary, has given bids .to, three undergraduates. They •*are Hartley Finkel, Arch. E.; Arthur Thompson, E. E.; and John Tay lor, M.I. Dorothea Fischer, editor (.hf the Penn State Engineer, was chosen to receive the Woman's Badge. Miss Fischer will be the 'twentieth woman in the - country to receive the badge. teat, / an 1 &lei lawmen `THE HASTY HEART' PENN STATE PLAYERS PRODUCTION MAY 25 26 SCHWAB AUD 8:00 'P. M. DIXIE TIGHE Coeds Entertain Guests Al, May Day Dorm Teas May Day teas will be held in ,campus dormitories from 3 to 5 p. in. tomorrow for coeds living both in campus dormitories in town, and their guests. Guests may include the parents of coeds, coeds' employers, and the parents of men students. Local coeds and those -living in private homes are -especially urg ed to attend the teas in Atherton Hall, Grange Dormitory, Wom en's Building, and Irvin Hall. Newman Club Affair Newman Club will hold an in formal dance at the Phi Kappa house 8 p.m. to midnight tomor row. All . Catholic students are in wited to attend. THE COLLEGIAN Sorority. Sizort3 ALPHA CHI OMEGA . recently entertained X-G-I's at their suite. ALPHA EPSILON PHI initiated the following coeds Sunday: Janet Adler, Hele n Beerman, Claire Co hen, Sherry Feloman, Naomi Ga huse, Roslyn Gahuse, Charlotte Halipern, Nancy Hoffman, Laura Katz, Elkie Kopolovitz, Ila Jane Kramer, JoAnne Kranich, Ber nice Kurland, Marilyn Mendoza, Elaine Mittelman, Barbara Morri son, Harriet R•ockman, Thelma Rosenblatt, Bern ice Rosenthal, and Thelma Silber. ALPHA OMICRON PI initiated these coeds Sunday: Jeaen Alder fer, Amelia Dowling, Barbara Engstrom, Margart Finkbeiner, Helen Joan Keller, Martha Krem ers, Nancy McGeary, Helen Noble, Esther , Pebly, Gladys Raemsch, Jeanne Robertson, and Lucy Sell ing. DELTA GAMMA initiated ten coeds Sunday: Russela, Marjorie Keast, Suzanne McCaul ey, Patricia Morgan, Betty Rank, Phyllis Reigle, Eloise Rile, .ToAnn , .Rorafback, Anne Sidbrecht, and Mary 'Louise WaYgood. KAPPA DELTA recently initia ted the following coeds: Meryl Brown, Jane Dietterle, Joyce Eichhorn, Betty Jane Haine, Bar bara Knoll, Betty Lindsay, Betsy Marshall, Shirley Matthews, Bar bara Morrison, and Jean Swartz. New officers installed Monday are: Barbara Reinkmeyer, presi dent; Peggy Martin, vice-presi dent; Marjorie Medland, secre tary; and Jane Mahaffey, yea: surer. SIGMA DELTA TAU reeentlir initiated: Murial Atlas, Ellen Co hen, Theresa Cohen, Edith Edlis, Elaine Fehr, and Marilyn Wat man. ZETA TAU ALPHA initiated the following coeds last Friday: Mar jorie Dyer, Sally FAters, Rita Hor ton, Annette Lanning, Amy Kal iney, Rene Kuntzleman, Doris Mawhinney, Margaret Potts, Mary K. Rice, Gloria Rometo, and Phyl lis Schmelzle. `Bumpy' Stevenson To Speak to AAUW Mrs. Eleanor "Bumpy" Stev enson will speak to the American Association of University Women at a dinner meeting in the Pres byterian Church 6:15 p. m. Thursday. Under the sponsor ship ArAUW she will also lecture to the campus unit of the Red Cross Friday afternoon. A.; a gesture of appreciation for permission to accompany her husband, a Red Cross field di rector abroad, Mrs. Stevenson is donating all the proceeds of her lecture tour to the Red Cross. The money received from 'the sale of autographed copies of her 'book, "I Knew Your Soldier" at the Friday lecture will also go, to the Red Cross. Articles which she wrote about her experiences have been published in the Saturday Eve- P.Mg Post and the Readers Digest. Philotes Weiner Roast IPhilotes, independent women's organization, will hold a weiner roasit in Hort Woods 7 p. m. Wed nesday. In case of rain the event will be held in the MIRA room at White Hall. All coeds interested in go ing to the raost are asked to con tact Martha Irvin, 2486. REA & DERICK IN CUT RATE STORES v - , e_ _ r FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1945 i U[/omen in ,S;lort.4 National Physical Fitness Week will be observed by WM next week. Highlighting the week's activ ities will be a Dance Recital on a walttz and sports theme pre sented by the Dance Club under the 'direction of Mrs. Lucy Ho henberger. It will be held in White Hall at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Dancers are Joan Bissey, Ruth Brenner, Ann Buganich, Margaret Buganich, Joy Eichom, Harriet Finkelstein Josephine Laibe, Kit Mendum, Jane Miller, June Rosen and Norma Van Tyle. Swimming Club will present an Acquacaade based on an Indian theme in White Hall pool at 8 p. m., Thursday, supervised by Miss Marion Whallon. Swimmers are Michey Barnett, Ruth Black, Nancy Bonarn, Ann Buganich, Marge Dunmyer, June Fir:A, Phoebe Forrest, Virginia Gallup, Catherine Garrett, Mari, Globisch, Louise Grossman, Doris Handiwerk, Carolyn, Hart man, Mickey, Hofmann, Alice Hooper, Nan James, Dorothy Jaun, Bobbie Keefer, Lou Lamade, Mary LaWther, Jo Lowrie, Marge Lyon, Lois 'McClelland, Lyndall Mol-' than; Joan Peters, Sue Pater, BetsY'Ross, Jane Schlosser, Nancy Slierriff, Barbara Smith; Jackie Struble, Lee Wagner, Gloria Wood Ward, Lois Wyman, and
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