PAGE SIX Gym Team Wins National AAU Title Lion Underdogs Nose Out Swiss'Club, 60 1 / 2 -60; Greene Retains Rope Climbing Championship The Nittany Lion gym team nosed out the pre-meet fav orite Swiss Gymnastic Society of Union City, N. J., 60 1 / 2 -60, to captdre the National AAU title at Jersey City Saturday. The Swiss teams holds the 1944 championship. Steve Greene was the only State entry to place first. He successfully defended the title he won last year in the rope climb event. Although four seconds slower than his record- smashing four seconds of 1944, the climber easily won first place. His only competition came from his own teammates. ,Marvin Man gus and Mike Gaitonis took sec ond third places respectively and Navy; Trainee Ed Hobart, a new comer who competed for the first first time in national events, split the fourth position. Lion domination of this event proved the turning point in' the meet, according to Coach Gene Wettstone who believes the point and a half won by Hobart proved the deciding margin. Greene brought in points in three other events by copping thirds in: the side horse and rings and a fifth honor in parallel bars. Hal Frey, 1944 tumbling cham pion, turned in a good perform ance by winning second places in tumbling and the long horse, fourths in Indian Clubs and all around, a fifth in the rings, and sixth places in the high bar and parallel bars. Other point winners for Penn State were Bill Wintersteen, last year's title-holder and third this year in the Indian Club swing; Stan Lourimore, fourth in the same event; Tim Petroff, fourth in tumbling; and Warren Neiger, fourth in the horizontal bar, fifth in the long horse, and sixth in all around. Larrossemen Bow To Cadets, 154 Losing to Army, 25-1, the Nit tany Lion lacrosse team will seek its first win in three tries when it plays host to Swarthmore Col lege on New Beaver field at 3 o'clock tomorrow. Swarthmore, • holding a scoring edge over the Lions, should pro vide keen competition with its tune defense and good stick hand ling,. Coach Nick Thiel said. "They are one of the most suc cessful teams in the country. Composed of Navy trainees and civilians," the mentor added, "the Garnet team is not too big." The starting lineup will remain the same as that against West Point. John Nehoda will receive the starting nod at goalie over Navy Trainee George Meeker, and Dean Kissell will continue as an inside defense ' mate to Bronco Kosanovich and Seaman Ed !Bauer. Letterman Tom Smith and Navy Trainee John Nolan, who made two of the best showings in Sat urday's game, according to Coach Thiel, will open at center field with Jim Worley. Three Navy trainees, Hal Taylor, Mike Clara tmella, and Eugene Hannum will handle the attack posts. The Lions were outplayed in every quarter of the Army game in which only 16 Cadets, most of them veterans, saw action. State's only score came in the second period on a screened shot lay Lee Gaumer. if your TYPEWRITER NEEDS SERVICE . dial 2492 or take it to 633 W. College Tricksters Meet Mules Lion runners will compete against a strong Muhlenberg team on New Beaver field at 1:30 o'- clock tomorrow. Coach George Harvey has entered the same team as last week with the addi tion of Hal Frey in the pole vault. Although it collected only half of the first places in the eight running and six field events, the Lion tracksters downed Colgate University, 75-51, Saturday by rolling up enough seconds and thirds. The only doable winner was )Jinie Nugent, who won both the quarter and half-mile races. 120-High Hurdles: 1. Bo b Stead, Penn State; 2, George Heddy, Colgate; 3, Dick Light, Penn State. Time: 17 secs. 100-Yard Dash: 1. Birger John son, Colgate; 2, Harold Dixon, Penn State; 3. Bob Gernand, Penn State. Time: 10.4 secs. Mile: 1. Paul Smith, Penn State; 2. Walter Hopper, Penn State; 3, Leo Smith, Colgate. Time: 4 mins. 54 sees. 440-Yard Dash: 1. Ernie Nug ent, Penn Stale; 2. Vince Fite°, Colgate; 3. Francis ,Martin, Penn State. Time: 51.6 sees. Two Mile: 1. Russ Taylor, Col gate; 2. Jay • Goldstein, Penn State; 3. Ken Woodworth, Penn State. Time: 10 mins. 52.4 .secs. 220-Yard Low Hurdles: 1. Glen Treichler, Colgate; 2. Bill Dotter musch, Penn State; 3. Tie between Light and Stead, both Penn State. Time: 26.8 secs. 220-Yard Dash: 1. Johnson, Colgate; 2. Piteo, Colgate; 3. Dix on, Penn State. Time . :' 23 secs. 880-Yard Run: 1. Nugent, Penn State; 2. Martin, Penn State; 3. Jack Wiedemer, Colgate. Time: 2 mins. 5.7 secs. Pole Vault: 1. Charles Willing, Penn State; 2. Jim Keating, Col gate; 3. Tie between George Or teig and George Heddy, both of Colgate. Height: 12 ft. Shot Put: Jim Groh, Colgate; THE COLLEGIAN AL. LANG, who took first place in the javelin throw against Col gate, will compete in the same event against Muhlenberg to- ASTP Units Organize Inter-barracks Leaiue The ASTP Softball League is well on its way, announced Lieu tenant Farnum, special service of ficer. Plans are also being made to organize a tennis tournament in the near future. Most of the games were rained out this,week. In the Company B tilts, Barracks 17 nosed out Bar racks 28, 7-6. 2, Bill Mullins, Penn State; 3. Al Herman, Perm State. Distances 41 N. 5 ins. Discus: 1. Jim Groh, Colgate; 2. Floyd Lang, Penn State; 3. Al Herman, Penn State. Distance: 121 ft. 6 1 / 2 ins. High Jump: 1. Reddy, Colgate; 2. Jim Holtzinger, Penn State; 3. Jim Mcßride, Penn State. Height: 6 ft. Broad Jump: 1. Melhart Chel osky, Penn State; 2.. Willing, Penn State; 3. Dixon, Penn State. Dist ance: 20 (ft. 4 ins. ‘. Javelin: 1. Lang, Penn State; 2. Dino Taccalozzi, Penn State; - 3. Don Evans, Colgate. Distance: 170 ft. 6 ins. ALWAYS . . . 111 The unusual morrow Corner Softball Standings INDEPENDENT LEAGUE Team Won Lost Grahams 3 0 Barracks 7 2 0 Penn Haven 1 .0 Nittany Coop 2 1 Foster Lodge • 1. 2 Beaver House Lutheran Church .... 1 3 Penn State Club 3 INTERFFIATERNITY LEAGUE LEAGUE A Team' Won Lost Sigma Phi Epsilon ... 3 0 Beta Sigma Rho 2 Pi Kappa Alpha 2 1 Phi Sigma Delta .... 1 2 Theta Chi 0 2 Lambda Chi Alpha .. 0 2 LEAGUE B Alpha Phi Delta .... 3 0 Phi Delta Theta 3 0 Phi Kappa Sigma .... 1 2 Sigma Phi Alpha .... 1 2 PI Kappa Phi h 2 Delta Chi 0 3 LEAGUE C Alpha Chi Sigma .... 2 0 Sigma Pi 2 0 Sigma Chi 1 1 Phi Kappa Psi 1 1 Delta Tau Delta .... ' 2 Chi Phi 0 3 • VI i 2 L*Jk.GUE Team ' :\ Won Lost Barracks. 36 • . 5 1 Ba 4: ~2, 6 4 2, Bar*. ' , S 37 3 2 Bart* Iks 13 2 3 , , . Bartacks 9 0 6 Charles Shop Exclusive Agency Arrow Shirts and Are you "Tie-Typed?" Are you a one-style-tie man? Do You swear by stripes? Are solids Your stand-by? Now's the time to break that habit! See the new Arrow Ties. They come in pat terns, stripes and solids, and you'll find examplei in all three types that you like. All Arrows are cut on the bias with a special lining to resist wrinkles. They make perfect knots every time! $1 and $1.50. Back up your 'Arrow Ties with some swell Arrow Shirts! SHIP TS and TIES FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1945 Baseball Squad Downs PHI, 10-2 Bedenk Men to Face Swarthmore, Teachers Penn State's baseball team chalked up its. second diamond victory of the season when it routed Pitt, 10-2, but fell too a strong Bucknell University squad; 7-4, in this Week's games. • Pitt ras not won a game in threesea sons.',— Coach 'Joe Bednenk's ball club, will face SW;artlitiaor6 on New Beaver Field at 2:30 o'clock to . - morrow and' ' 'meet the Bloomsburg Teachers *College nine. here at 4 p. m. Wednesday. ' Saturday the b'aseballers won. their second game. in a week when freshman Bill Hill held the Panthers to six hits and didn't. issue any free passes to first' base' in a game ,called because of rain :n the sixth inning. Pitt 'opened the scoring in the first canto ,when Matthews was safe on MeHale's error and took second on Delancey's bunt. Kielb's cut and Zimmovan's hit into right field brought him home. -Mar siglio batted a double and came home on Fassio's hit in the second frame to score the visitors only runs. Lucchino walked five Lion bat ters and McClurg two in the secL and inning to begin State's -scot . ? ing frolic. Dan Hopkins' hit brought in two runners and Latry_ Williams' bingle two more. Three walked home that inning.. Be- denk's men "scored twice more in the fourth and again in the fifth. ;before the game was called. $2.24 up. For Ties ';,,,iti.
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