YAGE FOUR is:'airolkeKede CN 42 New Anati& Sing Set for I Moffier's Day Weekend Martha E. .Tames Panhel ),•nic vice-president and rushing I;;l:tirman, who is acting president of Panhel in the absence of Bea -1.:-Ire M. White '44, announced last cvf\ning that no rushing will be auowee this semester. Although this will be a semester ‘uf free association between the 42 (),rolled freshman coeds and up 5, , yelass sorority women, no pledg ilig will. be permitted, Miss James I:hted. All upperclass coeds and • yrc•rhman coeds who have with ::f'•od previous rushing seasons at •11,r• College• may pledge sororities. Plans for the annual Penhel Sing •wc•re also discussed at the meeting. The "Sing" will be held on Moth •cr's Day weekend, the exact date of which has not been set by Sen- A. committee with Carol M. Kane '45 as chairman has been appoint ed to plan. the summer semester )cashing code. The executive corn- Inittee to serve with Miss Kane Includes Panhellenic officers Sally Hirshberg '44, Dorothy J. Jen iings '44, and Miss James. The next Panhellenic Council zwueting will be held at the Alpha Y-psilon Phi suite in Grange Dor i))itory at 7.p. m. Tuesday, Jarm o:try 26. Vtin Itiip If( Install frosh Form Officers Jean A. Butz- '46 was installed as president of• the PSCA Freshman Yorum in the Hugh Beaver room, Old Main, last.night. Other officers include. Betty Ann Condron '46, .-I. , ice-president;• Betty M. Shenk ' 1 46, secretary;: Joanne -E. Nye '46, treasurer; and Clare L. Weaver !45, chairman of freshman- work. • Harriet• G; Van Riper '44, PSCA vice_president i _ officiated at the .enudlelight _installation,: Members attending- the . meeting. were given Vorum membership.oard... Head Daily Collegian Classifieds ron RI S—Double room for HELP WANTED—Boy or girl to • 'nen.. Single. beds, _innerspring do clerical work and some sell_ 4nattresses. A very .nice room for ing in • local store under refined ctuclents. • 3t ch REM conditions for full or part time - position with evening work in "OR RENT—One large double involved if student include college room. Private home. Single beds. schedule. Write Box 261 Sloan'. heat. Dial 4101 • • LOST-mold earring near Post TAKE YOUR 'date to roller skate House. Lost Tuesday, January 3. at the Coliseum: Skating Wed- Finder - call third floor Jordan, )iesday, Friday; •Saturday, Sunday Room 403 'lights, 8-11: East of Center Fur- Route 4ii • dents to distribute COL COMFORTABLE Well-heated LEGIANS..Good pay, short hours, v.oem,. Running water. 123 - . W. healthful conditions.. Must be able Dial 4850. to respond to alarm clock. Call 3t.chg.SlVl. Bailey at Collegian office or phone 4186. 3t comp 13 B. ron RENT—One large sunny - room with soft beds; close to FOR RENT Furnished apart campus. Call Kimmel, 3332, 243 ment. 4 students. Reduced rates. Pugh street. • 5t comp rtk Private bath, electric refrigerator, Gentzel stove. Phone 3341 or call YOR RENT—Comfortable three- •at 129 S. Pugh st. St chg 13 LAM room. apartment, with private FOR RENT—Comfortable single 'kith and entrance.• Electric refrig room. Quiet home. Front bed crator, Magic Chef range. Call ,976. 2t comp 12 RBM room. 244 S. Atherton st . Phone 840. 3t comp 13 MH ) , 'OR RENT—One single and one WANTED —Two -students for double room with shower at. 403 Allen. Dial 4215, 3t chg 12 REM apartment. Average room and board expenses last semester were RENT-Roommate for double $5.55 per week. 525 W. College. room, Single bed and shower. Dial 4165 )'rivate home. 426 E. Beaver.. Call ROOMMATE WANTED—For 4- 4465, 3t pd 12 REM room apartment. Call 2431. Yon RENT—Two double rooms and one single. Christian boys rweferred. Private horale. 717 W. Rides Wanted— ') Ic•aver. Phone 3471. 3t pd 12 RW-2—Altoona. Leave any time Yon SALE—Set K. and E. draw•• after noon Saturday, return Sun- Mg instruments. Phone 2627, ask day evening. Call. Archer 4935. Manning, it pd 13 EAM 3t camp L 2 Bans Pledging LTstuscatoionnors,c H htuodlent IWA Urges Coeds fo Attend Dance; IFrosh Coeds For Fall Semester s Town Women Profit by WRA Ruling . Dean Marion R. Trabue of the Music by School of Education yesterday re- Proctor New Master R ecords . . . leased the names of the 77 students • In Ath Playroom Stale who made the honor list this last Penn Grange . semester. Students who qualify for Coeds whose beaux are in the the dean's list must have a 2.5 Edward C. Proctor '44, was . armed forces are urged to attend average or higher.elected master of hte Penn State- • IWA's third record dance, Mar The at a meeting recently, ac- The seniors are Dorothy Baron, . jorie A. Magargel '45, president, cording to Elwood A. Way, retir- Elda V. Brendlinger, Eleanor L announced at IWA meeting Mon ing master. Carl, Helen M. Fiske, Christine R. day night. Also discussed at the Miss Ruth L. Pike, instructor in Grant, Mary M. Hammen, Frank Other officersinclude Joseph G. meeting was the new WRA J r oversee; Rebecca J. Way intra home economics; and Mrs. Gert- Hatton, Lois J. Kaiser, Dorothy L. Sick,m ural. ruling granting independent rude Cronin Simpson, graduate as- Kemper, Leon R. Kneebone, Ruth X 45 ,46, secretary;lectu and Wil Nancy ma V. J. Hodg- town women privilege to form Lecturer; Morgan sistant in home economics, have E. Kocher, Ada M. Lord, Lou-teams with campus dormitories. ; been added to the staff of the etta M. Neusbaum, Shirley Paikin treasurer. , son '45 , Plans for their third record home economics department this Joanne M. Palmer, Jane M. Park- McKay W. Carson '44, Robert semester, Miss Marion L. Carr, hill, Sarah Ellen Paxton, Helen L. L. Cowan '44, Viola M.-Schwaben- dance, to be held in Atherton Hall playroom from 10 to 12 p. m. Sat instructor in home economics, an- Randolph, Mabel E. Satterthwaite, bauer '46, Howard P. McMillan urday night, were completed. 'Ad nounced. 'Russel E. Scholrff, Helen A. Sevel, '46, Martha H. Shook '45, Martha - mission is ten cents aperson. - , Miss Pike received her A.B. de- Beatrice E. Smith, Mary E. Sprech- ,R. Irvin '45, 'Margaret E. Jack '45 Martha J. Haverstick . '43 an- M.A. degree gree at Hunter Columbia College and h eerr and Edith E. Lesher '45 will also er, Helen E. Stapelkamp, Eugene nounced to representatives of in at Univ- S. - Stull 111, Ila J. Trotter, Eliza- serve as officials. dependent women living in down-. sity. She majored in nutrition, and beth F. Veerhusen, Elmer F. The executive committee con- town dormitories that WRA has was assistant to Dr. Mary Swartz Webb, Elizabeth A. White, Benja- sists of McKay Carson, Nancy -issued a new ruling whereby inde- Rose, world-famous nutritionist, min C. Whitten, and Josephine B. Hodgson and Joseph Sick; finan- pendent town coeds may play oti at Columbia University, 1936 to Wolfe. cial, Carl Widmer, Martha Shook, teams with students from campus 1938. In 1939 she was assistant to and Rebecca Way. dormitories.''Prior to this ruling, Dr. Kugelmass in preparing the Juniors are Dorothy M. Boring, such teams were not officially textbook on nutrition, and. also Dorothy K. Brunner, Dorothy G. sanctioned by WRA. served as food demonstrator. Miss Clymer, Mary L. Davis, Edith D. ,2 Pike was home economist for Cook Dengler, Ilah E. Dennis, Dorothy •All C . . . oeds May Sign . Reading Chnic Offers ... Publications from 1939 to 1943. V. Dickinson, Cecile B. Friedman, • . Mrs. Simpson was graduated in Louise W. Henry, James W. Hoff- F c . .. - home economics at Penn State in man, Theodore R. Hopkins, Reta J. •or °am Lourses -• ..._ , . 1938; and received her B.S. degree. Jenkins, Aida L. Judson, Leonard ' Education 100 Because.of the demand for help She worked in the Home Service • H. Langer, Adeline Lasky. All woman•students, irrespective -in reading, study, and spelling • Department of Brooklyn Union . of •their year, are now eligible for Phyllis I. Parsons, Margaret K. Gas Company, 1938 to 1942. Mrs. the six Codet courses offered for problems, the Reading Clinic- has Ramaley, Marjorie Rosser, Grace -found it necessary to offer stu-. • Simpson was a member of Delta credit this semester; according to E. Sammons, Arlene M. Sanderlin, - dents Education 100 this semester. Gamma fraternity. Brill, associate professor . Betty L. Schaeffer, Elizabeth Senft, Julia G.- Two sections of the course will of English composition. Nittany Co-pp Adds Ruth M. Storer, Mary A. Whit comb, Lucille D. Weinstein, and Miss Brill suggested -that wo men who have not scheduled the day be scheduled. One will meet Tilo - Thursday at 4 p. m., w,itile - Ralph W. Yerger. . •the other section will be scheduled Twelve New Members .courses, outlined in yesterday's is- Sophomores are Harry B. Herr, sue of the. Daily Collegian, should 'in terms of the students' programs. , John C. Wise, president of the Alma J. Kehler, Garnett I. Levan, attend theclasses, have their . Students desiring this type of Nittany Co-Op, announced the ad- Ola M. Rokos, and Ruth Mae names added to the roll, and then help are .urged to. schedule this dition of twelve new members to Steiner.. . . have their schedules adjusted with course as part of their regular fill vacancies left by graduating their advisors. programs. The class carries fib - • - Freshmen are Marjorie S. Bill- . , seniors and those going into serv- 'credits, but has a $2.00 fee. stein, Marjorie J. Blackwood, Hel- Freshman and sophomore wo- . „ ice. The history .of Co-ops, their rise as social institutions, house en' K. Corre, Betty Jane Drouse, .men who were barred from Codet . Vivian .F. Geywitz, -Harriet Hewitt, courses last semester are urged to . • Independents S et rules, and plans for a party were Dance Elizabeth R. Hosterman, Helen J. consider the new course outline.- discussed at the meeting. New Martin, Suzanne J. Reed, Joan M. Each class must have ten members . (Continued from Page 'One) . members include: Martin, and Marguerite P. Su- in order to continue, and at the 321 Old Main. Persons interested Juniors Harold E. Walchli . and - sanin. present time a total of 28 coeds - should contact Arthur Rifkin. '45 Herrriar R. Weed; freshmen H. have 'enrolled, Miss Brill added. • from 4 to 5:30 p. m. Wednesday. Daniel Baylor,- Paul H. Burdette, • Special students are Margaret N. - - , Ralph -A. John; John J. Latshan, Fehr, Charles Johnston,- Amos D. ' ' and Thursday." • The committee heads represent.' Frank T.- MacQuown, Samuel E. McGary, and Lillian M. Oherli. • Theta Xi Elects • - ing the four independent.organiza Neely;•Rose A.-Schulman, William G.. Schrader, .David C:- Skillman, . Larry T. Chervenak '44 was re- ltions are Ray A. Zaroda -'44, Penn. and David L. Tamaccio. Phi Mu Al . . . pha Meets elected president of Theta -Xi fra- .State Club,. general chairman; 'June . - , .- -- - - • .- ternity at the house's semiannual R. White '45; IWA, general seem:- . . Phi Mu Alpha, men's- national elections last night.- - Other newly tary; Gertrude Y. Cohen '45, IWA, music honorary, will hold its first elected officers are Richard C. 'orchestra; Dorothy J. Young -'45, meeting of- the year folloWing the -Ruder . '44 vice-president;'ißobert Philotee, Aherne; and Robert'-Rath. Phi Mu Alpha orchestra rehearsal -J. Hough '45, treasurer; Jack W. :45, IMA, tickets. • : . .. .. ~ at 7:15 this evening. Newly elected Stevenson '45, house manager; J. _ . . .. officers of the honorary are Robert _Nathan Hoffman .'44, caterer; and . i . c7L ' i . A. Fredrickson, president; Her- Robert E. Kaval '44, correspond- . -- 4 . . - "'" e lin°l4 -. ". man R. Weed, vice_president; "ing secretary. .STATE—"Pittsburgh." . Louis A. Luni, secretary-treasurer;_ CATHAUM "Life Begins . at.: _ . Earl W. Roberts, warden; and • BUY WAR" BONDS - Eight-Thirty." - Mark Hauser, historian:- AND STAMPS . NITTANY—"My Sister Eileen.".. Two instructors /Added to Home Economics Staff 3t.pd.REM 3t pd REM OPPORTUNITIES open for stu- THE DAtt.,s: CO.LLEGIAN 3t chg 12 NOTICE TO FR /4 TERMITES! introducing the Collegian . Club Subscription:Plan... 5 Subscriptions $ 700 (price of 4), 10 Subscriptions $l2 25 (price of 7) 15 Subscriptions . . . . . . $19.25 (price of 11) 20 Subscriptions $26 25 (price - of 15) Here is a Chance for You to Buy Your Subscription at a Real Saving! Contact the Daily Collegian Office or-One of the Collegian Salesmen • It pd 13 W WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1943.
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