• Successo•r To Tl,.e Free Lance. Established 1887 . . , • • • -:•,, . vr . 1 . . I . .. - IBM' ~amTeo •.. . Z r .:ittr littiill • . ;.'''..,,::. T o tt eg i ttn ~,,,, {TAT s L #OO . • Vilio rl/ , W C A ra R 1 , A ff 1 it — i: sil,ps i • g' 3 ..ro VOL. 40—N0. - 2 . 9. $/ 1 Boxing Highlights Waring Will Feature Top Tunes Book Exchange All-College Dance Selected By Students On Program Sets Sales Record A surprise "world champion , ship" boxing bout to initiate the boxing season, will highlight "The Knockout Round" in Rec Hall, 9 to 12 p. m. Friday. The All-College ; dance, sponsored by the four in ' dependent organizations, is the first of its kind to be given, Ray A. Zaroda '44, general chairman, announced. The "world championship" bout .is scheduled for • release at inter mission. Weight, time and partici pants are all part of the surprise. In their first attempt at a corn bined All-College dance, Penn State Club, Independent Men's As soci6tion, Independent Women's Association, and Philotes, are co operating with the College request for fewer social functions. Because the exchange is sched- Group B uled to close tomorrow afternoon, Day in, Day Out, Praise the_ students who are to receive money Lord, Buckle Down Winscicki, for books from the exchange are Abraham, Play Fiddle Play urged to report to 9 Armory so (swing arrangement). • that they may pick up the money Group C • any time between 1 and 3 today You'd Be So Nice. to Come or 3 and 4 tomorrow. Home. To, Carioca, Moonlight on Any books that have not been. nitzer -Heads :SO . The top choice from each group should be selected and in the the, Campus, So Beats My Heart for You, and The White Cliffs of sold may be picked. up by their respective owners at any time to -4110111010 'Staff event that there is . a song which Dover. morrow upon presentation of the receipt they received when the . . ' Rosalind B. Schnitzer '45, will i ~/.1 - “ .4 9- " , ' (Jet - ogether y, book was brought to the ex- T " 6 succeed Dorothy E. Bosley '43, as ir-, In unal Sits FrohLUstoms• por Tranfers change. editor of Portfolio, campus literary / In the two remaining days, the magazine. y Book Exchange still finds the need. Other newly el - Stiff -Mein; - ' ''' *---'' ''' ' '''''' ' .. 4-11 .-. ."-' . ' - . ~., - . . . -, bers .are - Renee Isaacs '44,; adVer— o e ecuve • °morrow • Frosh Tonight . for Matheinatics, physics, English composition 5, psychology, chem tising manager; Robert M. Kidd - • istry, industrial and mechanical . . . '44, circulating manager; James L.. ' • ' • . First semester freshmen and engineering, an d agridultural Freshman Customs will begin • . transfer women will be expected Pram° '45,, managing editoor; books. for all new freshman men. at Ba. . . - Mary Jane Hetenyi '45, art edi- to attend a meeting in 110 Home m. Wednesday morning, announced Senate Revokes Students who still wish to buyi tor, and Walter C. Price '45, busi.. Economics at 7 p., m. tonight, it J. Robert Hicks '44, Tribunal chair- • or sell books through the ex was announced yesterday. -ness manager. • - change are urged by Coleman to . man, last night. • • Frosh 10 O'clocks Purpose of the meeting, spon • : "We are anxious to have more • • • •do so before its doors shut at 4 "It was felt by the Tribunal," ,sored by Cwens, : national wo submit their work to • • p. m• tomorrow. stated Hicks . "that the frosh now Meeting in a special session men's - sophombre honorary, and Portfolio and wj.ll be glad to con— • • ' entering the, College needed more Saturday, WSGA .Senate voted to WSGA junior 'Service Board, will Sider any • stories, articles, poems than ever something to draw-them withdraw .10 o'clock week night be to introduce leaders in wo- , that are handed in," • announced k - • • permissions originally granted to closer to State and something ;to men's activities to new coeds, ac- Miss -Schnitzer. ~ second semester freshmen and re instill into them the Penn State cording to . Carol .M. Kane '45. 1 NeXt issue of-the magazine is - • • • vert to the hour system •in effect spirit that is so well known by all. board chairman, and Mary Grace due .on the • stands* on .or about this reason the' summer semester and For reason and upon the ad-• Longenecker '45, 'Cwe.ns presi- January 20, and - will be the .first of longer days demanded more lem vice of all who have gone through . dent. six issues planned for the twoent regulations. - Customs before and felt theywere• • • Ruth M. Storer '44, WSGA corning ,semesters. Subscriptions Under the present system, •see- president, will represent the Wo for these -six issues are being of- of college, the Trib- a great part . . for 50c and may be obtain- lanai has decided that all freshman and semester freshman coeds . will men's Student Government Asso fereded at 'Student Union or from any • • 'men entering the College this se , . receive 9 o'clock permissions with ciation. Miss Longenecker, as no dating week nights and one 10 • mester should observe Custom's ef-WRA Intramural Board chair- Staff member. , • fective Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock- •and one 1 o'clock week- man, and Elizabeth J. McKinley • . a. m." ends until move-up day. Conduct - •• • . . . '4a, activities chairman, will ex- Alimint Drive Continues ' .:, The customs that must be ;ob-. of the, ccieds and their willingness plain • the function's of the Wo •• to accept custom regulations, as -'. Edward K. Hibshman,. Alumni served by the frosh are:men's Recreation Association ' 11 as thegrades theyreceive Association executive ' secretary, .1. Dinks shall be worn at all we The work of the Christian As at, mid-semester, will determine Yesterday urged sophomore stu- times. sociation will be outlined by Har the date . when they receive up dents to fill in and return pledge 2. Freshmen shall carry at all riet G. Van Riper '44, PSCA vice cardserss privileges, Ruth M. Stor for membership in' the or- times a copy of the Student Hand- president. Dorothy K. Brunner el '44, WSGA president, stated. . • ganization. The membership drive, book known as the "Freshman 44, independent senator, will rep- First semester freshmen will re- begun last semester, brought 86 re- Bible" and shall wear at all times 'resent IWA and Philotes, organi ceive 9 o'clocks week nights and sponses., a signfourinches by ten inches • . th nations for independent women. • , weekends until January 28, e .• Under . „,thestudent-alumni, plan; upon which his name and home - IContinued on Page TwOi end of the three weeks no-dating the sophomore willbecome a mem- town are printed in one-inch, ,•, r • . period. After that date they may ber of the association for his junior black; inked letters. - ' ' take 'the 10 and 1 ' o'clock week- 'Twenly - six Coeds Enroll and senior years and for. a period 3. Freshmen are - not permitted ends, with dating Friday and Sat of five years after graduation. (Continued .on Page Two urday nights. . In Six Defense Courses . Green hair ribbons, measuring . . Twenty-six Coeda haVe enrolled four inches by three-quarters of a. in the six defense courses offered' yard,' must be worn until 5;36 p. to women this semester, according in. February 8. Name card, bear- to Julia G. ,Brill, associate' profes- Men . students in the• Enlisted 'the transferee, besides passing the • ing the coed's ; name in heavy sor of English composition. Reserve Corps are now eligible to examinations, -include' an - applica- black letters one inch high, ,must In order to continue any one of obtain transfers' to the Army Air tion. ;signed by one parent, three Measure three.by five inches. They e courses ten coeds must have Corps Enlisted - Reserve; providing letters of recommendation, and a are to be worn until 5:30 p. m. - . . •enrolled in the class before Fri -that , they are 'able 'to" fu - lfill - the birth certificate,' if one was. not February 22. •. • . day. The highest number of en- Tequirements 'for the transfer, ac- produced' at the time of enlistment Dress customs need not be worn rollees in any class has been eight - cording. to recent,word rpm Capt. in the •ERC. , Friday after 5:30 p. m.; Saturday in company administration, Miss H• S 'Engert, head of the •examin- Asked w h•e the r • enlistments after 'l2 o'clock noon, and all day • H. • Brill added. • - Mg board for this area. . - have, as yet, been opened again. Sunday. These courses were designed to .to students wishing to join the re- Freshman transfer- women' must Reservists ' wishing to obtain prepare women for service with - •'serves, FAWS . Galbraith stated observe first semester ' freshman such transfers must . first notify the armed forces, to provide addi that all are now closed and that customs until further. notice, Miss '' -- Engert at• • his • headquarters -- at (Continued on Page Four) no quotas have been set; for the Storer said. .. • Fourth and Market streets in Hai- . • new freshman class. In addition to changing hour 1---- . risburg. Only exception open •to men regulations, WS G A appointed `After reporting. their intentions wishing to join the armed forces three coeds to take care of table to the• Air Corps head, men in the is the Navy's V-1 program, which reservations in women's dining ERC will then have arrangements is still open to men who have not commons. Lois M. Gardner '43 and made for them to take mental and yet reached their eighteenth birth- Dorothy M. •Whittman '44 will be physical - examinations on .some day. Any students who have in- in charge of Atherton Hall while Wednesday after the transfer is tentions .of affiliating themselves D. J. Jennings '44 will take applied for. with this division. are urged to re- charge 'of McAllister Hall reser- Other requirements needed by port to FAWS Galbraith's office. vations. SOnny Roye and His Collegians will play for the dance ac ' cording . to Gertrud.Q W. Cohen '45, IWA orchestra chairman. Tick ets may be purchased at Student Union for $l.lO or from members Of the four independent organiza tions. . . Army Air Corps Open to Reservists TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1943, STATE COLLEGE, PA 3S+ t+ Delegating January 22 as the date for his program, "Victory Tunes from Penn State," Fred Waring will present the top three tunes of the season selected by the Penn State student body. From " a " list submitted .to the Daily Collegian. by Waring, a poll will be conducted today to ascer tain the choices to •be played on his famous "Pleasure Time."' From a list appearing at the end of this article and an ad ap pearing on page two the various college groups are asked to aid in the polling of the tune selections. All fraternities and sororities are asked to conduct a vote during • their noon meal or at some time prior to seven o'clock, at which time the results will -be collected by telephone calls by Collegiah Staff members. Independents may vote at Student Union or at the Collegian• office throughout the day. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE CO FRED WARING Penn State would like to hear, not appearing on the list, a fourth choice may be listed. Each voter may . indicate a fourth choice. Waring, a former Penn Stater, has given the tudent body an I=M3 Opportunity to . select these songs for Penn State night on "Pleasure Time" and he is showing the tra- ditional Penn State spirit even Reports from the Student Book after his separation. from this in- Exchange, after finishing its fifth stitution for so many years. Jake day of business and which will Cohen and Ed Lee, also Penn close at 4 p. m. tomorrow, show State alumni with the' Waring that this year's exchange has ex show, expressed their' regards to. ceeded the number of books turn the student body in the letter to ed over than in previous semes the Collegian. ters, according to Harry C. Cole- Selections for the balloting ap- man '44, chairman. pear in three respective groups below and the top tune in each Coleman stated that, with two should be selected.. clays left for students to buy or Group A sell books through the exchange, Dark Eyes, When the Lights Go 160 books have been sold, and 400 on Again, Yesterday's Gardenias, or $225 worth of books have been I'll Be Tired of You, and Sweet handled through the post and Lovely Collegian Staff Meets Freshman and sophomore Collegian editorial staff mem bers will hold their regular weekly meeting at 7:15 p. m. today. New reporting assign ments will be issued. PRICE: THREE CENTS Still Has Need For Many Volumes Surgical Dressings Classes Continue Red Cross surgical dressings classes will begin for the Spring semester in 112 Home Economics building, 6:30 p. ' m. Thursday, Miss Nina M. Bentley, assistant to the dean of women, revealed yeS terclay. Stating that she was. some what disappointed in ccb.d re sponse to appeals last semester, Miss Bentley reported statistics oi,the work done during Novem ber and December. According to the assistant dean, 62 coeds and 3 supervisors put in 204 3 / 4 hours in this particular phase of the war effort. The total effort netted 800 surgittel spongeS. Topping the list of time con tributors were Marjorie I. Zint '43, with 11% hours; Anne W. Purcell, assistant in bacteriology; Nancy I. Spencer '43, and Mar jorie K, Rosser '44, with 11 hours `each. With the borough quota . raised to 15,000 dressings a month, Kiss Bentley said that she .wOuld to have an attendance of •at least 50 coecls at each meeting. She stated that tentative plans are made for having sororities and living units pledge a certain num" ber of representatives .. at . each class. Candidates for LaVie A call went out today for all second semester sophomore and junior candidates for LaVie to meet in 315 Old Main at 4 p. m. today. This includes any new can didates reporting for the first time. The senior board of LaVle will meet at the same time in LaVie office.
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