WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1943 BETWEEN THE LIONS By BEN BAILEY ---Sports Editor .Despite the inroads of wartime Titan Swimmers rationing, Coach Galbraith's swim- •ming team still has plenty of chlor .ine to spare in which to drill for In place of the originally sched :its season opener with Carnegie uled meet with Pittsburgh which, .Tech Saturday afternoon. has beep canceled because the I dropped around to the Glenn- .entire Pitt swimming team has land tank yesterday to check up on some of those glowing reports entered the services, the Penn reaching the office about Gal- State swimming squad will prob ;braith's "big surprise" of the sea- ably engage Westminster February son, and found that they not only 6, Coach Galbraith announced last were correct, but that some even night. Only official approval is bordered on understatement. awaited. . • Out in front for the mermen, of course, is Bob Cowell, holder of The Westminster mermen are the junior AAU backstroke title coached by Joe Ferris, a former and possessor of hardware repre- Penn State 'phys_ed major. In senting first places in scores of past years, the Titans have tried other regional contests. -to schedule a meet against the ' Other outstanding chlorine-cut- Galbraithmen, but have never 'tern who will see action Saturday succeeded. They are reported to 'are Bill Christy, Herbie Hirshfield, have an excellent team this season •Bob Musselman, Dick Wesner. and Galbraith claims that Joe *Walt Juve, and possibly Bob Ferris's men may surprise State. Nowell: At present, the Galbraithmen Incidentally, Gal himself pos_ are busy practicing for their open sesses• an exceptionally smooth ing meet with Carnegie Tech Sat crawl' stroke—l saw him demon- urday afternoon. The strength of strate it on the edge of the pool. the Tech squad is yet unknown, Undoubtedly it should prove to be but the Tartans will duel against ^a great asset in getting out of a Westminster Friday. The contest crowded elevator in an emer- should be a good measuring stick .gency. of the Tartan's strength as well One of the most puzzling "sin". as" Westminster's prises" on the team is Rocky State's .squad is knee-deep in Young, freshman diver from Al . good reserves this year. For every lent - own. - event Coach Galbraith will have Tied on to a short, squat figure, a good second man in case of sick- YoUng might be mistaken any- ness , or injury to some of the sea ;where for a well fed rural person. son's starting members. :He pushes around behind a solar plexus which looks• for all the The Lions have two top breast world like the front-piece of a strokers at present in last year's B-17. varsity member Warner and fresh- When I first laid eyes - on hith, I man 'Walter • Juve. eJ uv e , who was immediately reminded of a comes from the Buckeye state, former chum back 'home who was 1942 Northeastern Ohio Dis- Would never go within a city block trict Champion. of a water collection unless he Though freshman Bob 'Cowell, .had several inner tubes tied to his who has been sick, was in the pool torso, not to mention a pair of yesterday, he is not likely to see water wings, for safety. action in the Saturday meet. Gal- And yet-this boy Young can ex- braith has not yet decided defin ecute dives of all variations which itely who will take Bob's - place, would put even the newsreels to but may use Wesner, Warner or .shame. He holds titles in the Na- Goodman.. tonal Interscholastics, 'the New • The Lion coach is cheerful about Jersey state championships, as prospects for his sprinters which well as several others. is one of the reasons this year's • . Young's fancy diving is some- mermen squad is strong. _thing:to behold,. and will be a big Besides freshman Bob Mussel factor in many ,of Penn State's man, Galbraith has at his cora victories. •Galbraith has several mand Honneger, Steubing and divers of caliber in Mickey Beeck- Chovet, all from last year's team. et, Schaffer, and Cline. Another sprinter is a freshman Even though the boys are limit- from Blair Prep by. the name of ,ed in the number of light fixtures Stokes. Galbraith believes that 'available priorities, you know— Stokes may develop into an ex and must swim around in a par cellent dash man. • tial dimout after 5 p. m.• every evening, they should go to town , • in their opener with Tech this Bees. Step to the Fore Saturday, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111 (Continued from Page Two) quested for years by the Fennsyl ' Women In Sports vania Bee Growers Association, • , - ' which strongly,. supports the plan. .. . .. •• .. Amo id numminn i muummonflfflui P.t . olfessoi Anderson, a graduate • • ' . • - .. of Penn Btat, in '24; received his 1 , Last meeting for beginners in master's degree from Cornell in fencing 'will be held by 'the WT { ..4.. '25. He is one of the beit informed 'Fencing Club in the Body Meehan- men in bee culture in the United ' -,c'§ - : 11, CiOn1; -- White •Hall;!froin'6:o to Stkei. • ' '•• ..- ' "• • .. - , , 7:30 p. in. Thursday, according to As a result.of numerous requests Winifred E. Spahr '44, president. by agriculture students for the in- H. Arthur Meyer, instructor in itiating of bee culture courses, it is physical education and, varsity expected' that such instruction will fencing coach, will instruct, assist- be introduced shortly ed by a member of the varsity fencing team v 4 4. In ' connection with skiing in_ Miss. Barbara Bradshaw, graduate struction offered by WRA Outing assistant in physical education, is Club, a skiing party on the College in charge of instruction. Complete golf course has been planned by equipment is_ furnished by 'WRA, the club for Saturday, January and can be used only for super -23. vised classes. ' • Skiing instruction for beginners is offered on . Holmes Field at 4 p. m. Monday through Friday and at PENN STATE CLASS RINGS L. G. Balfour Co,. h 9) S. Allen St. in Charles Fellow Shop lio Cages Resume Campaign Against Lions May Book 2 p. m. Saturdays and Sundays BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS . THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Wrestlers Oppose Syracuse In First Match Of Season 'With the return of several var sity letter men, Penn State's wrestling team's hopes loom brighter for the coming season. Charlie Ridenour, Sam Harry, Al Crabtree, and Bob Morgan ap pear to be, the standouts for the current season with the first match scheduled with Syracuse on Satur day at Syracuse. Probably lineup for Saturday's match with Syracuse will be -Mat tern or Lowry at 121; Ridenou. or Shibli at 128; Harry at 136; Crab tree at 145; Lindzey at 155; Reeves at 165; Conrad at 175; and Morgan at heavyweight. Because it is still rather early in the year, Coach Paul Campbell urges all freshmen, transfer stu dents, and men from undergradu ate centers who are interested in wrestling to report to Rec Hall as soon as possible for workouts. All wrestlers are to report to the Dispensary for physical exam inations before Friday afternoon, Campbell ordered. Clinic Gives Visual Aid All men and women who are interested in visual re-education Joe Sylvestri, Syracuse junior exercises for entrance to the Ar- guard, is one - of the best set-shot my or Navy (especially Air artists in collegiate basketball this Corps) should report this week winter. He will meet stiff opposi to the Reading Clinic, Room 8, tion from Penn State's own long- Burrows Building. There will be shot expert, Jack Biery, in to a charge as yet undetermined for night's court tilt in Rec Hall be this service. tween the Orangemen and Lions. Andreas will start a quintet of T® Meet Western stars led by Captain Danny Di- Pace, who has finally recovered Saturday Night from an injury sustained mid-way in last year's winter court season. Followers of the leather-gloved DiPace played very little thus far . sport, boxing, a form of entertain- Baird in the 145-pound division this season because of the injury, meat that is as old as civilization, but now he is again ready for last year, may be able to fight his competition. will get their first peek at Coach way to a starting position in the High scoring Joe Glacken and Leo "Fred" Houck's gladiators lineup for Saturday night's Joe * Sylvastri, set-shot artist de when they meet the University of matches. . luxe, will pair at the forwards. Western Maryland squad in• Rec . Working out in the four-corner- Glacken is leading the Orange- Hall. ed ring last night were Orient men in scoring and Sylvestri is Nearly thirty men have respond- Martella,- 175-pounder, and Frank one of the best set-shot scorers in ed to Houck's call for varsity as- , Hawrylak, who is in the unlimited college competition. pirants, a great majority of whom division. '• have had experience .in IM corn- Although both men lacked ex- Big Red Stanton, six foot-four petition or on the varsity and perience,- it is expected that their inch giant will be at center for freShman squads of 1942. timing and coordinated footwork Andreas. Bob Shaddock, who is close beind Glacken for high scor- Although Houck has not made will improve enough before weigh the final decision as to his eight ing-in time on Saturday. lag honors, will start along with varsity starters, the squadhas DiPace in the guard posts. • In the 135-pound class, Henry been whipped into shape well Lasch IM find shows Able substitutes for the visitors , , enough to cause the Great Leo to promise • are Billy Hoeppel and Jim Acker- Neither he nor trackman Jimmy lose a few hairs worrying about son. his middleweight classes. Wright, 155 pounds, exhibited any The probable lineups: • , of te Leo the Lion Builder i polish and footwork of sn't wor- Syracuse Pos. Penn State ' ried so much about his flyweights Hammerin Homer Hoffman who ,Sylvestrie . f. Von - Nieda fought at 135 for the Lions last and heavy men for he has plenty Glacken f. Gent displayed but both pugilists year, of good material in both of these Stanton ......c, Hornateir* a natural tendency -to learn the divisions. Shaddock g Baltimore fundamentals quickly. When Leo and his eight blue- Outside of Jackie Grey, most of DiPace g Egli. . robed battlers step out of the the men who worked in the ring dressing room into the brightly lit last night seemed a bit off in their Ag Honor Roll gym Saturday night, it will mark jabbing and. footwork. (Continued from page one) the opening of Houck's twenty- Grey, who tips the scales at aV. Harman, Ernest L. Heimann, first year as coach of Nittany Lion bare 119, gave his sparring part- Lois B. McCool, Florence A. Por mittmen. • ner a thorough working over. His ter, _Dean Svec, Allen J. -Vohden,, . _ .._ Houck Mittmen Maryland Team Much of the success of this year's team will depend upon two varsity holdovers and several men who boxed on the freshman team last year. Returns from last season's var sity include Captain Billy Rich ards, who - weighs in at 155, and - Jackie Grey, All-College president and holder of the 121-pound berth. Fight fans may get to see Jackie Tighe, who captained the frosh in '42, and Glenn Hawthorne, also an experienced yearling boxer. Tighe will attempt to fill in the shoes of Bobby Baird who won the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing As sociation's 145-pound crown for the College. Likewise, Hawthorne will be EIBA bound if he attempts to suc cessfully follow the precedent set by Jess Fardella, who captured the EIBA title in the 127_pound division. Earnie George, Iliit;d-hittine, • In t ranntral ist Who understudied Set-Shot Artist • , timing has improved noticebaly and Laurence C. Walker. since he first won an IM title last Two-year: Henry Menge and year. Charles M. Orris. SPECIAL MEETING TODAY All Collegian freshman and Sophomore Salesmen ATTENDANCE REQUIRED ! ,4100 P. M. C. N. Orangeme Co-captain Egli Returns to Lineup Penn State's basketball team, which has won four and lost one during the current cage campaign, will make its first 1943 appearance in Rec Hall tonight when it meets a strengthened Syracuse court five at 8 p. m. Co-captain Johnnie Egli, injured for the last two contests, will re turn to the starting lineup. This will mean that the team which started the season will again be the opening combination for the Lawthermen. At the forward positions will be dependable Larry Gent and Whitey Von Nieda, who is at the present leading the Lion scoring with 45 points for the season. At the center spot and pivot position will be rangy six foot, five inch Dave Hornstein. Co_eap tains Herk Baltimore and Engli will be at the back court positions. Two substitutes, .who saw much action in the Temple tilt and will probably be called on by Coach John Lawther, are Jack Biery and Jimmy Lawther. In the Orangemen, the Lions will face their toughest opposi tion on the Rec. Hall floor this sea son. The Orangemen were slow to start this winter, but have come along fast and should be in top form for tonight's tussle. Coached by Lew Andreas, who is in his nineteenth year of bask-; etball at Syracuse, the Orangemen lost three of their initial qUartet of tilts. They came back strong against Niagara last Saturday and will be a definite threat to the Lion's 16-game Rec Hall winning streak. PAGE THREW
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