Successor To The Free Lance, at to_ 4 ; ": : ..-, • • - t „, ,:, .., • ' -:•."....'.-. • /:,!: ' . 1„ : `? -.. . . ~ !..;. VOL. 40—No. 3 Blue Key Taps 53 Sophomores; Initiates Monday Smoker Held Monday PriorTo Tapping ... Blue• Key, national junior hon orary 'society, Monday night tapp- ed .53 qophoinores after a smoker held at the Phi Epsilon Pi fra ternity. The first part of formal initia . Von was held in front of Old Herrman '44. nal's order and as a result were Main 'at 12:45 p. m.. yesterday William F. Emmons !,44, has summoned to appear before the when initiates received blue keys been selected to enact the role of seven-man board last night to Despite Curfew and ribbons. Pastor Manders, a local clergy- receive further penalty. • "Despite war priorities and the - Men' who were tapped are: man .and lawyer -advisor of Mrs. Fred C. Capuder '43, represent- curfew, the production of `Kur-• Wrstling: C. William Sick, Alving. ' - ing the Forestry Society, said, af- few. Kapers ' this year's Thespian William C. Masseth,, and James Jacob Engstrand, a gardner, Charles H. - .Ridenour '43, Stu- ter the decision had been reached, musical c o medy, to be presented W. Payne: boxing: S. Barry An- will be played by Robert R. dent Tribunal chairman, an- "Although I think Tribunal would in Schwab Auditorium during derson, Howard L. Schwartz, Leibachel• '44. nounced last' night that Tribunal like to take our spirit away, we Junior-Senior Ball weekend, is Kennard W. Rummage; gymnas- Engstrand's daughter, Regina, had . fined the Forestry Society will just have to take our fine." going forward," Kevert Melia tics: Carroll S. Barton, Harvey. will be played by Dorothy T. $25 for failure to remove mark- Six freshmen were also penal- '45 Manager of dancing.. routines, H. - Scheirer, and Edgar H. Sykes; Koush '44. Regina ' represents ings placed on campus advertis-. ized by the seven-man board last and Cadmus Goss '44, stage man-. fencing; David B. Robinson, Wil- the only real character possessed ing Forestry Ball. night for custom violations. ager, stated at rehearsals for the S. Credman • and Harold W. with the joy of living in the play, • The penalized men are M. D. show last night. Benjamin. • The entire play is one entang-.. Swimming: J. Richard Cope, E. ling web of circumstances which, College Shows • Kraemer, Jack Breger, Leo Pos- "The choruses have . been prac-, • trel, J. Richard Hutchings, Larry ticing Sunday nights and may Pirce Roy and Paul L. Bost; ice show Ibsen's belief that the sins R. Shambach and Alfred Farrell. soon work Saturday afternoons, hockey: Richard E. - Yoder,. David of the father are borne by the . 1 I. * Reese and Robert W'. Bruce; son. Ibsen's - fresh language and - E • nrollment Gain . , Mellot said, "in order to make up the time lest because of the cur skiing: John G. Mitchell; basket- choice expressions, plus an entire . . ball: Robert F. Snyder, Thomas originality of plot, establish the Anincrease * in • the enrollment Reserve Enlistments few *" - • Mainstays for the choruses are V. Blythe and Richard Reynolds. opinion that,"Ghosts", is his great- for the current semester shows To Close December 31 four veterans from last • year's Lacrosse: Travis E. McDaniels, = est work. - that .edneation at the College has production, Midge Johnson '43, Norihan W. Barrett and James H. . not been materially affected by Student 'enlistments in all Doris Disney '43, Miriam Zart-' Hoag; track: , Charlds'• G. zipkt, - • . Green Pm Will••Be s , the .war as 'yet. ' branches of the Enlisted Reserves man '45, and Betty Lyman '45. ~,;,•W„.4.11iain.,,,,1.„;an- A 4.1.9,rty:7„,'„,„: , - , ,,,,,,.•,_.,- _ - _ ,, ,.. _,. ; ,....._,,..y. ..,.... 4 - .. . : ....._ , ~., :'. • - • . - .—_ -, .. . _will-be .terminated -.December 31,- Giving, a hint as to one part.of ~. R. Edwards; tennis: ..S.Riiii.eit.:l:ll,b7„.on- Eihibitlf fide - - . '''' -- - -- - • •-• •••• Wrth. 6947 ': students-enrolling-in .....,. • - • - • , -...•-.., . - • -war Service Advisor Robert E. the show, - Mellot said ' that ' the September, an increase of 49 . ::.bard, Robert. y... Klein and ,Bern- . . .. • Galbraith announced last night. prize dance number is an exhibi ... , . - students . over the first semester. . and Cohen. enrollment of the academic year -•- •'• ;Baseball: Dick Collins;,' John F' pig, .' ; which ',was ~ .born . at the enlistment ,quotas will be • open dancing simultaneously. 194142' is evident. • ' r : ••;Byrop and ,William jr. §thvii4t.i;s446::b4:tni•-.Tuesday'#ight, will • • •.- --- -..- ... •••••••' - only to incorning s .frehmen.- lites-7 , .....War, priorities .:,on .lumber and '' . Zioff:,:_ . .....Johri t';::`. LloYd,"•'.li.erberi'Veliiiitely be eXhibited:at - the Ag Freshmen - ..lead- • all classes - ent freshineri as well 'as lupPer- other: scenic material are 'causing: .... .. •. , ;tlirklifield, , and.. CarP,F: Beiersdox*:;", Frolic . " . .Wilbur - - Ent 't chairman a count .Of 2427, the . larsest in. the '.clabSrneri • will:4hen• he.,ippligible us. some trouble Goss stated.. "We . hiitory .. of the C011ege....• 0. 1. 2.;: 1 1 3 .4,..e.0 . , for., :entry .1 - Me. ^:any 'of tl - 1 - -.. 1te7. are :already ,busy .at work . using. . 1 ..6' i."; . .':fcio‘ tbai,i.: l '.:) , Viyie: . lia - p - OW'''4 . o4X.l -. %*_'.4h 4 el' dance; ...Stated!. early ' thiS . • '.:7 *aiiiiiii" "and s ..RoViMlif V-I§6; : 'itie.;*.:4loltig-': Collegian went to VT.ith, the. fresh" enrollment "ofiotli'- serves.. -- • • •••:'• • '4' - sets,•od .-- improvising,and- - doing . ... . . :-:,Cer:• Wes .CrOniniller, - Itii.nee,ROS . g:prersW - ..- : ..• . , . - , -- • er universities` nearbY,• - :the -' doi.-• - • • . • • . r ' ' - '- - --, ••' •• - ••, ',; • - ... d .. • • l Galbraith advised' all students . the best we . can, he said, , and . '. - 'arid ; Dick.:7buffirib. , ;- ..- ,`.. '''' ' ' '`• • • ••; •'' .. '' - `4 . ' ''''tli ' t d t . hhd ., I ; .;,.... •,, .....,- ..,,, . ...,..,....,,;; .1:r L., , ~. t,- , /,:,,Ar,...e many s u en 5.7 o a „ ege enro_men for e. c as! o . forty-bank" 'surpasses . ..tile -cern . - . interested in joining the Reserves though we :can't - get everything :•,::::!..;.. Cheerleaders: . .. - MichaelHlaWA44* - d,..te see this oddity of na- biried freitinian•enrollinetit of Vie ' Who ; 'need; P.-think the scenery Will: have yetACl agri y or : enliat.. V. . . . ~ .. Fred .Zurtia , ,and.,-RObert;' , ..S . o.r Oi - i5' 7 7 , 4a4;1: 1 1 5 r0f. Mark A. McCarty of Universities'. •• . .:- • -.• , merit., to .tale: : actinrr - beftire".De-•• be' as ~ - f irie. as . ever. ~.• •. •• ~ , of • Pittsburgh;, *.• Car-:. - • • • ' • • - - •‘ : :.;worth; , ...011egien.;:,...:(edi:t4ia1.).:....-„,the,' department of . animal. hus-. - . ; I ; 4 .1.• : -.• .a.,i : ,...,.• ; e . .-.,..,_•• , -... ceinber lin order to . insure ;their ' • Theme •of • the_ scenic- design, will 'l26i:ifs, Jaffe; . .Wiliiani.,Reifriet -. ;a'ilii':;:l;l4iidrY announced ,that no one • negj •- e • - 9 .-.?••-P-R ~..,:i . J . M•P'..P, ' , . .':- : •': 'enlistments .be tore .-the..,enct-of- r .be..010. •Main-and the story. will . : . ;':-Ip;eter Scott. Collegian (buSirieSs);;Wiiiild:...he ~ permitted to see the However,' the. •• combined. - ..f .. :osh the-year deadline . . - . revolve around ;the :curfew. : totals of the Penrisifirahiai.•Teir .. • The. • '•.. •'' . ~.., ,-Skits ,will :lie"under the .direr- : liell 3 o't ileSson'andLeßsinVniii:-**4.'until it is put on display • - .•_,:••-..: ..,...: ....,.. - .•• current-semester •will 'close . • • : 'and;: cross Ted•St - eiSell ) itraCf:theFrolic Friday night After 06',. and Drexel- •umuertaties. ' ex 'Decernber•P•l4,,:.and any.,„belated :tom •tof Ted..ClantS. : '43: Managers :tarry, - Doyleand.Statiley S::Welfei:4l.A.:St: may be sent to . the Na- ceeds,lbe College!!.by2o3., .•••••••• - attempts 'to.z.prilist after." the .6e- .qf '• other, crews - are: • electriCal ' :•.•:1101111111111111illi1111114111111111111i1111111111.41191111ifilliWtie01:Pvestock•Show. . With, 6538 . studentg . .op, the cember I.°-,dae:?:Will'lace the - pos.-% Ct-eim,•%Donald , Reihart..!43,..proper 7 , :,, '.' • ' '' • ..• -.'''' -:'...' -•• ) - '•••C'X' l l 4 l4Wpig,. which is being care- campus -. d . t . • present compared sibilits 'cif - refiisal- .since 'recruit- ties, :. Paul Gaivanek. '45, music, ILATE NEW ,:::-.'".::-..i.:4ully.;:ivatched and-. cared for, is with the 6361'..enrelline . , Year-itig facilities may be closed with- George Washko '45, and prodyc ...... _.. -.-- ••••• - •- •• -•• • • -•- •bging kept-in an incubator. When ago, ; the :• college'„'stands:', a ;out. advarcarriCaice. - , tie 1 - id. crew..Hank.D9ley. .'4B:- "FLASHES! '' ''.--.• ''... pgt..en. the' scales yesterday it unige . position, , sincet increase uni.-„ : „. , - - ..,. :, ~ .5.,,.. . , a .. . .. . -. , .weig .p 330 pounds. The versifiescan .repo ~ an increase in -- .. - , . .- , . :-...... • ...- - .. .. . Graduates . May- Obtain. •• : - - iiimmoujiminownutiliniummiummuminnii • • • . - ii . ... • .„. specie , is. _noted. •for• its• rapid ..A total of 324 studefiti are en-_ Charles D.• , Aikman - •'44 - was Unlimited . Invitations •! ••••w,. .. . ~::4,3yA__600 Axis planes and 260' groWth). - • . rolled-- - arthe undefgraduate can- chosen president • :of. Fletcher . Because .Commencement will be • tanks have been destroyed or cap- • . "Adthission to the. exhibit will ters, including 71 sophomores, Rinse Na.' 2, 'an IMA unit .• at .held in Recreation Hall this year, taxed by . the British, and 9,000 be free to 'all those attending the 247 freshmen, arid 'six . special recent elections. . Other ' officers there will. be no limit to the num priseners, including' many 'offiCers, Frolic," _Bull said. Tickets for students. Eighty-five freshman are ' Don L... Croft '44, vice presi-b e -• r of invitations each senior may' have.- been taken. Boininel"s:forces . the dance . may be • Obtained at are . studying forestry at the Mont dent;,. and Mike-Lynch '46, secre- have, Frank R. Flynn '43, chair-. are, in full retreat, and :his second. Student Uion: or. at the door. , Alto Undergraduate. Center - . 'l'. laryLtreasurer. - man .of the committee, announced in.eoininand has-been killed. Lon- , •....- • - • . • don reports. that the Royal Navy First. . . _ yesterday. . • ',.is strongly supporting the offense. . • -Three Cass Day Honor • Men Candidates - • • Flynn asked ,that seniors place their orders as soon as possible WASHINGTON—The Navy an- - - at Student Union beginning to nounced small gains in the .Solo- • - 4 I • • ill el day. Deadline for ordering will mons and in New Guinea, east of Bo ast Widely Vaned List-Of College Activities be -Wednesday. kokoda. , .. - - • . - -. • Hours at which a committee Editor' first silon social fraternity, "Bus," as Chi, journalism honorary; and All- member will be at the desk are in a series of articles listing the he is known to many on the cam- College Elections Committee. today, 9 a. M. •to 12 and 1:30 to activities• of eleven' seniors viho., Pus,. is also manager .of Penn • DONALD W. DAVIS, Jr. sp. in.; tomorrow, .10 a. in. to 12, are candidates for honor posi.., State's boxing tarn. ' Donald W. Davis Jr. lists among 1:30 t o 2,, and 3 to 5- n. m.; Sat lions in Class Day exercises. The Blakeslee, always active•in'carn- his most recent accomplishments a urday, 9a.m. to 12; Monday, 10 final choice of the • honor men pus politics, is at present political rating in the book "Who's Who in a. in. to 12 and 3t05 p. m:; -Tues will be made , by Members of the. :• advisor for the class- of - .'45; Last ..American.Universities." Davis' is a' day, 9 a m. to 12 and 1:30 to 2 . and senior . class., voting .on cards , year he was president of his junior. member of 'Lion's Paw, Skull and 4 to 5 p.' m.; Wednesday, 9 a. m. : which Will be ' Sent to them. . class, and during the fall semester Bones, ,and•is chairman of the All- to 12 and 1:30 to /and 4 to 5 p. m.' . . Three men will be listed. each of .1941, he was student counselor . College Elections Committee. • PA. the freshmen. -day until the deadline for 'voting . . He is president .of the Liberal .il l inim 2 . sigma ,pht B ec k -on : .Tuesday..:ltailot,„mnst :. ., • , ... GOR DON. I L. - COY -..• ...4rts•.Couneil , and Sports Editor of 11 ".""'"' "" .be , returned .iii••tildiat . • UniOn G ordonG L. eby;_DailY. Collegian The • Daily Collegian. Honors ac- At a .meeting • - held Monday on or - before . that date. . ?Editor.. Gordon: is .a. Member of corded him during his first three:night, the Gamma Sigma •Phi ', ': :•;.. • - ; • ..1 " • .' • .' • - Lion's Paw, 'senior :honorary;' Skull years at the College Inc 1u d e Fraternity elected • Joseph L. JEROME H. ELAKESF..EE '.' .: •and • Sores,': upperclass • activities' Druids,' 'Phi' Eta 'Sigma,' freshman 'Boscov :'44, chancellor, Leonard. Jerome H. Blakeslee, All-College honorary; All-College Cabin e t; scholastic. .honorary; and Sigma Notis '44, vice-chancellor; -Sidney President, is a _ riolitical - science.. Student Advisory.. ommittee; Stu- Delta Chi, professional journalism . Burchick, scribe; and . Martin major. Member of_Sigma Phi Ep- dent . Union 'Board; Sigma Delta honorary. ' Schiff '44, caterer. . ~ RUSSIA—The Germans are making further gains, toward the Grozny oil. fields, but have been completely stopped at Stalingrad, the Moscow Radio announced•last night. " • • WASHINGTON According to Tuesday's election results the .Re • ipublicans have gained nine seats • in the Senate and 37 in the House, thus :leaving the. Democrats - _a majority. gIBRALTAR—The German: .4116. bas reported' that the British have large .concentrations of sea power .in thelMediterranean near Gibraltar. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1942, STATE - COLLEGE, PA Cloetingh Releases Players' Show Cast For . lbsen's 'Ghosts' A cast of five for the new Play ers' show, "Ghosts" by Henrik Ibsen, was announced by Arthur C. Cloetingh, professor of dra matics, last evening. The cast includes Joanne' M. Palmer '43, as Mrs. Helen Alving, wife of-the r late Captain Alving, man of wealth and position. Mrs. Alving spent most of her life try- ing to keep her husband's mis deeds,from her son, Oswald, who will be potrayed by Robert H. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Foresters Must Pay d 1887 Tribunal Fines Foresterss2s For Cabinet Rule Violation Reaching a decision after 30 minutes of debate 'and discussion, Student Tribunal last night fined the Penn State Forestry Society $25 for its infraction of the ruling passed by All-College Cabinet prohibiting any organization from marring campus property without gaining consent of Cabinet. "The money will be turned over to the All-College Cabinet Samp Fund,".. Charles H. Ridenour, '43, Student Tribunal chairman, stated after the decision had been reached. Sentenced last week to remove all paint markings advertising Forestry Ball, the foresters flat- Thespians Work ly refused to comply with Tribu- Attend Stamp Deltas PRICE THREE CENTS
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