Successor o _ 'ree Lance, E s t a bli s h e r 1 .• . . "di ' OlO %F ilirt. -401 VOL. 40—No. 2 . . Dancerosas Jerkosas Menace Dance floors; . Women Elect Storer . e r bin. Rover-Boys Give Coeds Fallen Arches , 1 By DAVID SAMUELS'43 exponents of this stance should Diener To WSGA Posts We're sitting quietly at o u r Rem- beware of breaking their collec • ington pecking out another student five necks. poll 'story when ye ed, bellows: Then there is the "Rover Boy" "Get the h--1 over to the Armory floor and his gal friends likes to wander all over the riend saddles. fenseand write a feature about the De- . fense Stamp Dance!!" The Rover Boy's brother is the "Track Star"( 'who thinks he is Polling 376 coed votes in yes- So we sidled down to the barn running- a 100-yard dash. He is terday's WSGA-WRA joint elec• . across from Schwab's architectural afflicted with jumpin-jive, cireum- tions, Ruth M. Storer '44 became triumiih, scared up a dime, and scribing the floor in whirlwind WSGA president for the coming skittered in. There we saw Penn fashion, leaving his partner in a year. Running against • Miss State's prides and joys dancing cold sweat. Storer, Dorothy L. Jones •'44 their hearts out to save democracy. The "I'm--afraid-you're-going-to- tallied 284 ballots. Cutting a path thr o ugh the get-away" sty 1 e finds couples jungle of stags, we ; beheld a floor , ascloseasthis. Just the reverse is With a plurality of 95 vote over her opponent Kathleen M. show worthy of 20 times the ad- the genus "Keep-your-distance-I- Osgood '45, Patricia Diener '45 mission. Certain rare typ e s of just-ate-onions." This lad assumes moved into the vice-presidency homo sapiens were monopolizing he's dancing in the days of the the floor with their antics. S-0-0-o,' stately minuet when wide skirts with a total of 375. to you guys and gals who hayen't made cheek-to-cheek dancing a Of the 'two junior candidates yet taken • advantage of George pastime for giraffes only. for senior senator, H. Anne Car- Donovan's brainchild, we recom- "Pump handles" belong on the iuthers scored 85 to Frances M. mend that the following types be farm, but they can be seen in the Angle's 56. Other election re exterminated: Armory. The flailing of arms is turns are: treasurer, Patricia First, there is 'the "I -like-to- tiring. It is also useful in knocking Hallberg '46-389, Rochelle Meisel take-my-time" smoothdrip who is out pests trying to cut-in. '46-235; junior senator, Jeanne B. definitely in the groove—but solid. Female of the species is "Chat- Ogden-111, . Alice R. Fox-30; He stays- in one spot so long he ter:box,in-a-bandbox." Sh e car- sophomore senator, Helen L. wears a groove in the floor. This ries on endless discussion about David J. McAleer '43, cla s s Martin-60, Nancy Ferris-10. type usually takes . the "Can-I- herself to the tune of "My De- president, last night released the Independent senator, Dorothy - rhave-a-chunk-outa.-yournforehead" votion." This femme is an expert names of eleven seniors who will K. Brunner '44-96, Grace E. stance. Or if he is less barbaric, he in the art of losing friends and be candidates for positions in Class Sammons '44-15; town senator, prefers "lips-to-forehead." Ta 11 (Continued on Page Three) . Day activities. Final choice will be Elizabeth Furst '45-21, Dorothy , made by seniors voting for five of Shigley '45-31. • • " the men named. . , Since there were three nom.- Lieut. thervanik . . Further Plans Mode For Check-O ff Vote_ ..__. nees for freshman senator, final election for that officer will be Committee Names held at the WRA finals tomorrow. Goes-To. Air Corps Further plans_ Editorial, .Page 2) . Results of the preliminary ballot- I plans_ have been com- ' • . • .. . . ing for freshman senator are: •• - • •• - pleted • concerning •-the check-off Heyen-H Men Jane Dye-70, •• Virginia Sykes-- Lt. - Charles 'R. Chervamk, as- ' ' t'hyllis •De auria 64 - " - t — A," professor Or - iiiiiirdir. linan-in g" si ' st " e •A a k b; • ; - - •7,-.• - -----. , 0n0;. , ... :,- -.., AR; • ar, l 4 .- sis_an ... __ -Collegian -which , will - be put up „ -- , ,• . - .... .. . . ,- • . Miss Dye and Miss. Sykes , will .science .and. tactics, Willlehife for • • • • • • - . • 'Eleven. senior men instead of ' • ' for -- student - approval at All-Col- the 'Air Force Pre-Flight School lege -=Elections,:Noveinbex : 17, . 18, : the originally..: n anne ten were nathed' Jail' night 'a candidates Only final ' WRA 'vote' - brought • at 'Kelly . Field,' Tex., tomorrow and . 19 - , , according 'to • dordOn 1. for senior honor Betty Pike • into the office- - of where .he will train for active Coy' '43,:Collegiatt.editor. • men.. posts, . in • sophomore • representative - .with a tiuty as •an Army pilot, Col. Ed-Class . Day activities: ' Coy , stated-'that ., ,the Collegian ~, • - ••• ... . .. total of. 205,, while _her .opponent ward: D. Ardery, • head •of • the" i Executive Board formulated . this The men. chosen are .Jerome Julia Gilbert tallied 100. ROTC , ' , deprtment, announced plan, which would' consist' of 24V-.. 4. 1 ' 8149..,5199,, : Gordon L. .Coyl. Since .WRA nominees for each yesterday. _- ' - ing a certain portion- of each se- Donald W;" Davis Jr., Harold W. other office numbered More than Graduating from the Pennsyl- mester's• fees set 'aside for man- Freeinan, : William S. Ivans, M. two, the WRA half-of yesterday's vania Military Collegejn Decem- tenance !of a 'daily campus paper, _William Liidelius, David J. Mc- election was -merely. preliminary, • ber 1937, where he received' a .with the. idea of insuring 41 . ke Colz..Aleer, „-Robert .L. ,Mawhinney, with the final'voting scheduled Bachelor of • Arts degree and a lege a daily paper under wartime HOWard - J.. Merrill, Robert - J• for first• floor, lounge, Old Main Second Lieutenant'S • commission, conditionS. , Perugini,, and Bernaril A. Plesser. from Ba. m. till Bp. m. tomorrow. Lt. Chervanik was placed on ac- Already 'students are assessed The necessity for choosing . Still in _.the . running for 'sports on their fees for College athletics, eleven men arose from the large five duty at Fort Meade. Md.(Continued on page four) In August 1941, Lt. Chervanik debating, glee club, - and - other numher Who have taken leading . was transferred from Fort Meade campus activities. When 'Collegian parts .in campus activities during to Penn State, where he has been is placed on this basis all students their four years in College. Rare Green Pig . serving; _as assistant professor of will be automatic subscribers . and , Pnly.,, , ,second ,semester seniors - military science and tactics ever each one will' be entitled"tO;` . re: . . were considered and.- choice was since. -After the start of war in ceive a copy every day. -• . , ... • made . on,. the, basis of contribu- Born n Barn - December, he was promoted to r .. tions for the goOd of- the ,College • - the rank of ;First Lieutenant. ' rrosh 'mar-Remove •. during their four years here., . • ' Bulletin! • . . Cards - for, voting for the men . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111191111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! White -Sox At •8 A 'M State College—A-rare specie of 1. .2 - will be -sent out to •• each •Senior •.. _ • • • • .: .sne swine family; .the abligacurus. , 'LATE NEWS ..FLASHES Freshmen men....may "discard beginning tpday.- „They must ce. their white sox starting today at returned by Tuesday' to Student a green' pig; :was born at the Col elge barns 'last night, Prof. Mark ' . . 8 a - . .M. Charles H. Ridenour '43, Union.- Each senior ,voting, must .A. , McCarty of • , the• department of 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111191111111111111111911111111111111111111111111111111 Stud en t . .. .. . . list of d ie men in the order „ . Tribunal' :c h a i rman,- an- .five,„ •_. aaimal husbandry has _announced. - . Following ..a - general ...Republican • trend , throughout ..the . nation, . . , Via" Thera is only arie Other .aniaiii of " re - , notinced last night. . :, • .. - '' :: . ".;f:d.‘l*'l!)re.f6renbe, And liidging ports , from; 3,394 Patinsylyia*i •precinats out,of .9,961 -gave: Getiaral - "AlthOugh.• there • are. 'only , .tWoo e cope, on .a . point •basis. • _ , ...:- thie..specie' known - to- be: existing. Martin ; 61(Loco;_votes ' while -527.000 were registered 'for -his. Democratic . dress customs. that: still: rpnat:bC ';•• l3 W l A.94:P..„k,;:''tc2rn9tr9W.' 4 16 •I'Diiily: .-Ylai baby iig,..weighed.:tw&riOinidi ' - ' ' • • ' byfreshmen, '' all! Other COll6ifdri'z'Wili,.'-ritibfiali. ',short , bi- at'' birth. and,- is• being kept. in an opponent,. F. Ross, -at 12:30 : th is :1119rniFig. : . wo rn • • ~.. 1...• -•.••• • • - -....-- .- 's •;(,•• •.--;.. -.,' •: •.• , ' • • Clair: freshman regulations - •Must: be ' , Mlall lll 9a ,4,ltete - hes::.of ,each of - incubator. • • :,., An`r,Assobiated4. - Press. report said that 109 Democrats and 30 Re- , - • . - 4 , - ~. f. .. ! . lo on fr o w f r ia.i.. Is' '' .. F *) •. • - ~ ** 4 , complied • with, Ridenour - said,.... l• -. .. , r• I . . P ag e '-F ou r) -ou 1 publicans , had been:-assured .seats in.-the. House of. 'Representatives. “c ontra - - ry to - rtimorS - ' artiblig , 'first "-‘; ';' l' - ' - ' ' -'*' ' . ' ' '"We are doing 'all in 'our power Republican --Thomas E. Dewey •was- elected governor of -New York semester frosh, customs will : not. .:ri t •.: - to obtain- the permission of Prof. with. reports froml,4oo • districts out of 9,327 showing the Republican - be lifted this week , ' • '.••• -•• • '......gLe, '. .. ' 1) ' '- .S ' F . .0.04: :Wes - - et or • McCarty to exhibit the obligacurus . „ ahead by 506,000 votes. , R Candidates Must File Names Early For Tests Board Will Make Final 3-Ray Visit Next Week All students who expect to take the mental examination for en lietment in the Army Air Forces Enlisted Reserve when the Har risburg Aviation Cadet Examin ing -Board returns next' Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, must file their names with War Ser vice Advisor Robert E. Galbraith before 'Saturday morning. .Galbraith's- announcement fol lc:wed a new regulation just re leased.- by Service Headquarters limiting the recruiting boards' examinations solely to those stu dents. "whose names appear. on a list submitted in advance by the representative of the service con cerned." .The new regulation was agreed upon, by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps representatives of the Joint Service command, and was, put into effect last week. As' Galbraith previously indi cated, the next visit of the Ex amining Board "Novernber 10; 11, and,.l2 will be the final oppor tunity- for campus .enlistments in the :Army -Air Forces. After that 'students will . ,have to :make en thrOugh;..:.outside 'Galbraith pbinted - bur 'Alia quotas in most of the Enlisted ,Re serves will be • close& after - De cerriber. 31, • and that .after that date only college• freshmen will •_bes• - •eligible,.• for for; - the - Reserves. Those expecting to be sworn' into the Service . :by ,Captain H.' S. Engart next week are • reminded . that, all qualification , papers, in :eluding draft. board releases, must be properly: :signed and notarized prior to the return of the Ex amining Board. Senior Engineer' Lecture `,Post-War Economics" will be dikussed by Professor. Charles S. Viyand department of economics, at senior engineering, lecture in 121 .Sparks at 4:19, p. m., FridaY,' November 6. WASHINGTON Japa n e s e man forces have been forced to New' Navy Head Named ment," Wilbur Bull, chairman 'of forces have landed west of the retire with heavy losses, the Brit-.•— . . Elections of PSCA Cabinet Henderson air fi eld, exposing the ish Eighth Army announced. The For Training Station members will be held Tuesday the dance, stated last night when informed of the pig's birth. Guadalcanal area from the east British Army is advancing stead- Lieut. (s. g.) John H. Smith, USN and Wednesday, November 10 CA officials announced Prof. McCarty said that though end west, Secretary of the Navy ily. - retired, - has been appointed in and 11, . - yesterday. the - obligacurus is but a day-old Knox announced. Knox stated, that LOND 0 N Royal Air Force charge of the Naval training sta- baby, the specie grows very rapid there is no cause for optimism in bombers raided cities in West Ger- Ten students will be elected tion at the College to succeed ly and that if it doesn't snow (cold the Solomon area. many and the Low Countries. Sev- LieUt. Commander Sparks, who from a list of 12 nominees chosen is dangerous for the obligacurus) • MOSCOW—German forces are eral enemy planes were shot down, was transferred last week to by seniors on the present Cabinet the green pig will be put on dis advancing closer to the vital Cau- London officials stated. Cornell. and the. PSCA associate secre- play at the dance. The Chicago casus oil fields. The. Russian forces WASHINGTON Paul V. Mc- The new commander comes from taries, Agnes Highsmith and D. World's Fair was the first place have suffered their seventh set- Nut!, War Manpower Commis- Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., Ned Linegar. an pbligacurus was ever exhibited back in the last seven days. the sioner, has recommended • that all .and will be the permanent officer The group of 10 electees will publicly. Moscow radio announced. manpower problems be placed in in Charge. then vote to choose 11 additional Tickets for the dance and the BRITISH EIGHT H A R M Y the hands of a single administra- A new class of midshipmen will members in order that the Cabi- exhibit are now on sale at Student HEADQUARTERS A f-t e r si x tor. McNutt further recommends arrive here at the beginning of net may have a total of 21. Union. The dance is informal and hours of the heaviest tank war- that all voluntary enlistments be next month to start training, it was Officers of the cabinet will be will feature the music of Les Stine fain. that, has been seen, the Ger- halted after January 1. v . also announced. chosen, at a later date. and his Penn State Aristocrats. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA: ST4.TE WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTO . :ER 4, 1942, STATE COLLEGE, PA T- The P d 1887 NAMES. BMOC's •Ag Frolic Friday night as an New PSCA. Cabinet added feature to . our entertain- Attend Stamp Dances PRICE THREE CENTS Coeds Cast Ballots In WRA Preliminaries
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