Senate Denies Change In For Vacalion Burden On Traffic Given As Reason . ••• • • Ad m i nistration App roves p re -I n d uc t ion T raining The original date for Thanks giving vacation will not be chang ed, College Senate voted yester ( day: W elfare Group g ian Ch ec k" Announcing the decision, Prof.l Jacob '' Tanger, department of ,political science, chairman of the . Fines Fraternity One-Dollar Ink., i induction training program by the With the approval of the pre .Senate committee in charge of the I calendar stated that a proposal to - '- president's office yesterday, Mil -change the vacation from Thurs-• Conforming to the recommen- of the Collegian also stated that lard T. Bunnell, supervisor of class ,day to Friday was voted down • or Code Violation dation of All-College Cabinet, at no time in the future would centers at central extension and ,because it would have placed a the Daily Collegian Board of Di- the price go above $1.25. This coordinator of Student Training -heavy; burden on transportation A Penn State social fraternity rectors decided last night that flexible rate is necessary because for Civilian Defense, announced facilities and would have meant has been placed on probation a national holiday. the remainder of the semester by only a _one-dollar increase in fees College enrollment will • deter- that the course will begin imme changing for would be necessary for next se- mine in the future just how much diately and will accommodate 700 Every effort will be made by the Committee on Student Wel- niester to place the Collegian on financial aid the Collegian will upperclass men. the administration and faculty to fare at a recent ,meeting, it was the check-off financing basis. receive. Students may register for the have students attend Friday and When Cabinet okayed the stu- Gordon L. Coy '43 Collegian course in rooms one, two, and announced by Arthur A. Warnock, All- editor and secretary of the Board,three CarnegieHallfrom dent vote on the system for' 6:30 to 'Saturday classes following the dean of men and chairman of the Thanksgiving holiday, he added, committee. College elections, November I'7, pointed out the saving that the 8:30 p. m. Monday. Starting next - The calendar for the summer 18, and 19, they did so with the new set-up will mean to each in- Tuesday, training will be conduct , Mixed drinking at a fraternity suggestion that the increase be dividual student. - "While in the ed four hours per week for five :fall, and spring semesters 1943-44 dance caused the committee to set at this rate. was also released by Senate yes- take action'. There was also evi . past the subscription price was weeks. Classes will last for two Designed to assure the campus set at $1.75, under the check-off consecutive hours and may be 'terday. dente that members of the fra- of a daily paper for the duration ruling it would amount to only scheduled for Mondays and Tues . Bectause of nearly a month ternity had made disturbances of the war and a much enlarged a dollar and would be payed along days or Wednesdays and Thurs spring vacation, the summer se_ following drinking' practices on and,, improved daily after the war, with the regular fees. Coy stated days, according to Mr. Bunnell. .rnester of 1943 will not begin un- that and other occasions. Dean this plan, used by many other that this new rate represents a To fit students for military, in tit June 7 and will end Septern- Warnock did not reveal the name large universities and colleges, saving of almost 50 per cent for time is the general purpose of the her 24. The fall semester, sched- of the fraternity. will entitle each student to the each student. uled to start October 5, provideks Evidence brought before the paper and do away with circula- After the students approve the course. However, this training will . - n.fiii . a Christmas recess the same committee revealed that some tion difficulties encountered in system, the'Board of Trustees offer specific preparation for mill -length as this year's calendar drinking had taken place on the past years. will have to sanction it before it tart' leadership and command and opportunity for quicker promotion allows. The recess will be from dance floor, but mixed drinking The Board of Directors' definite can become a definite part of the December 'lB to January 3. was largely limited to the • base- statement concerning the price fee program. from the ranks, Mr. Bunnell paint ed out. Since the fall semester will ment social room. - • • . The course is designed for men terminate on February 4, there While on probation the chap- AA •I• • I who are not engaged in ROTC will only be a four day vacation ter's normal priviledge will not Mil i tar y Decorations, e 3crap Campaign training now and for transfer stu :between semesters for the spring be curtailed, but its officers will • dents who never had such training, term of 1944 begins February centor Queen Added S till in . • • Mr. Bunnell continued. Classes 8. be held responsible for. seeing .- 1 It will end May 26. that the behavior of its members 7 I Progress will be divided into. groups of 60 A new plan of scheduling ex- if; above criticism.. . l. 0 J .. umor-Senior Ball men each. aminations will be adopted start- • " - ' - °Decorations in a military theme Announcing that 119,835, pounds Training, which will consist of - seven distinct phases,-will include ing next semester, . Prof . • .Tanger-,. ._. • " ~, . i '. -;„.... • .;, ,, L _...and.:_ks, en i o r.pU e, g l ..„%e, , the- 'late----st...,.,aci:aß, _metal collected . -in , the ~. - stated:7--Under- , -• the - plant-exarni- Independeni--44-Naines radditions-t-o-epahs , f '-(lie' carripus', - salvage - drive have Orientation and Sanitation—inttia ,, tion . into military life, processing, nations will be scheduled to ap- g s' Senior Ball-junior Prom, Thomas already . been sold, Harold W. proximately. Coincide with the Preliminary 'Slates , • II , . Ridge.. '43, decorations chairman, Lomari, College Purchasing Agent, outfitting, and inoculation of selec tees and outline of principles of time the classes meet. The ex- announced yesterday. last night emphasized that the ..' aminations Will, be for two hours Elecfion Code Changed The . queen will be selected by scrap drive is still in full swing. military sanitation; Speech—prin and-a different one wil .be given vote of seniors from 'five senior _Of - the :total salvaged, 1130 ciples of use of voice in instruction - and command; Map Sketching— 'to each section of a Mutiple sec:- . 'Naming of :.preliminary All- women to be the corn- pounds of metal were from zinc how to make'reports in sketch. Sketching— tion course. . •• - College and senior class nominees mittee. Seniors'. will be permitted printing plates- and '925 poimds : fo - • rm military symbols; Map Read by the •'44 Independents and a to vote only by showing matricula-_ were copper printing plates. Iron • ' , mg—emphasis on cont o u r s and change in the official Elections tion cards at Student Union or the •steel, lead, aluminum, and other (Continued on Page Two ;. -Code featured yesterday's addi: Corner Room where the ballot metals . made ill ). the- remaining 111111111111111111)11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 tions to the ever-increasing pre- boxes will be placed. 117,780 pounds .. collected from campaign planning. The 'five candidates wi I 3 b e laboratories, fraternity and sor- . Four LATE ' NEWS preliminary nominees for named by Ridge and William C. crity houses, and other sources. The Old 'Main Open House 'urn Mazzocco '43. The queen will be =•----- All-College president and vice- New impetus will be given to gram Saturday night ha been ex -crowned during intermission at the • • president, 'four for senior class the salvage program through stu- FLASHE'I . • , ,panded to include the Armory and dance. a. presidentandice p i v" - res'clent, arid dent cooperation, Herbert ,; J. -■ .Schwab ' auditorium, Charles W. Mazzocco, programs chairman, Zukauskas '43, Scrap Chairman 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111911111111111111111 three others for treasurer were Thclmpson '44, OMOH chairman, also announced yesterday tha .t appointed by All-College Cabinet ':announced last night. • named by the '44 Independent's • there will be no floral corsages. , CAIRO pointed out in announcing that A jitterbug contest will be held last ni ght . There will be a place in the pro- being picked off in a slaughter un- Donald A. Kulp, John L. Miller, a permanent organization was be-:in the' Armory and a full evening grams for defense stamps. Ribbons paralleled .in desert warfare, the Robert B. Davis, and Cadmus G. ing set up' for scrap collection and of entertainment is scheduled for to be used in place of corsages will British Eighth Army headquarters Schwab. Old Main's tower.. will be Goss were chosen to vie for the be given to stamp purchasers at conservation promotion. Th e announced , last night. Two more * * open from 9tollp. m. , party's backing in the All-College Student Union. committee program includes.- "a continued drive to cover the Col- Nazi generals were killed in tank . .. race. The top two senior class battle. Details 'of the decorations have ;Grow 'standa .not been announced. rd " - bearers will be chosen lege competely with a division LONDON—Military quarters in p Officers' Names from William C. Shoemaker, The complete committee, releas- of labor so that no one .person or London disclosed that the successes ... Names .of officers of all frater- Thomas E. Wilcox, Robert R. ed by David J. McAleer '43, in- group will be overburdened." in the Middle East may serve as mities, sororities, and clubs must Dickey, and Robert B. Davis. eludes Glenn W. Ely, Jack C. While emphasizing conserva- the stepping-stone for the second :be filed immediately to be 'includ- Marlin E. Zimmerman, George Glassburn, Charles E. Gundlach, tion of present materials, in- front invasion of Europe. ed in the Student Union Directory, W. Smith, and John C. Furford Simon G. Hamaty, Pa'a 1 irie M. creased efforts will be made to WASHINGTON—The Navy De- GeOrge L. Donovan; Student Union received the clique's preliminary Kline, Luke A. Yerkovich, and comply with WPB' Chief DOn- partment announced last night that Manager, announced last night. (Continued on Page Two) David A. Young. ald M. Nelson's plea to "dig deep, more Japanese troops -have been then dig deeper" for vital scrap landed east of. Henderson airfield •:. • • metals. in Guadalcanal. U. S. Marines C • • • • . 2nd . BMO . Group Ltsts Activitie s - gee The Green Pig have made small gains. NEW YORK—George M. Cohan I . died last night at the age of 64. The Editor's Note—This is the sec- Physical Education honorary; a Tau Beta -Pi, engineering; Pi Nufamed song-writer and holder of and in a series of articles listing member of Kappa Phi Kappa, Epsilon, mathematics; and Phi Eta To Appear Tonight Penn State's oddity of nature the Congressional Medal -of Honor the College activities of candi- men's' education honorary; presi- Sigma, freshman scholarship, are will be buried in New York not e baby obilgacurus, a green dates - for honor men positions in dent of the Physical Education Bill's honoraries. He .is a member far from Broadway where he Class Day exercises. They were Council a pignd secretary of Parmi of Scabbard and Blade, a Cadet : has been named "BeeO" .and achieved his success. chosen by a committee made up Nous honorary. , Colonel in ROTC. Bill is readying is in fine health. He will appear at the Ag Frolic tonight in Rec MOSCOW. -The Nazi advance in of presidents of school councils Hap is one of the few seniors in himself for service • through the the Stalingrad sec t o r has been and are subject to final vote by college who rates a write-up in Civilian Pilot Training course at Hall from 9 to 12, Wilbur, Bull, stalled and Nazi troops have been dance chairman, said today. members of the senior class for "Who's Who in American Univer- nearby Boalsburg airport. beaten off, the Moscow radio stated final choice. • sities." Freeman is also a delegate M. WILLIAMS LUNDELIUS "BeeO" weighed . 328 pounds late last night. During the last 24 . Voting will be done on card to All-College Cabinet. M. Williams Lundelius, president this morning losing 2 pounds be- hours 2000 Nazis have been killed. ballots being mailed to each WILLIAM S. IVANS of Interfraternity Council, i s a cause of ' yesterday's heat. After WASHINGTON Secretary of senior. Ballots must be returned William S. Ivans, electrical engi- commerce and finance maj o r, being shown at the Frolic tonight Agriculture Wickard stated during to Student Union on or before neer who stands number one in the "Bill," as he is known on the cam- he will be sent to Chicago for a press conference late yesterday Tuesday. senior class in scholarship, is edi- pus, is a member of the varsity exhibition at the request of the that the food situation will suffer ' HAROLD W. FREEMAN tor of the Penn State Engineer, tennis squad and was president of Museum of Art. if steps are not taken to keep farm - Harold W. Freeman, captain of president of the Engineering Stu- Delta Chi, social fraternity. Besides featuring "Bee 0" and workers on the farms. Wickard Penn State's unbeaten soc c e r dent Council, and was one of the Lundelius, who has a hand in the music of the Penn State Aris- proposed that farm workers be squad, is a• Physical Education few students to be awarded the many activities around campus, tocrats, many surprise novelties given occupational deferments and major. Known as "Hap," he is John W. White scholarship for out- belongs to Parmi Nous, Blue Key, are in store for those attending that they be kept from securing president of Phi Epsilon Kappa, standing scholarship. (Continued on page two) the Frolic. jobs in war industries. Open House Program Manned For Saturday • Successor To The Free Lance, Established 1887 - ..,... fr.t •pew , 4, ..;I;:v.r. \ V V t ...;.,,,;,7z.,:::.y., ti rot•att :::...„.„ercs_.. ~,...,„iiv• .;'-'ii V4illolltr, Air.; 1 . Dale VOL. 40—No. 4 OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1942, STATE COLLEGE, PA Collegian Check-OfF Plan To Entail Only One-Dollar Increase In Fees Weather PRICE THREE CENTS Course To Accommodate 100 Upperclass Men
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