PAGE TWO THE DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Established 1940. Successor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and the Free Lance, established 1887. Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania state College. Entered as second-class matter July 5, 1934 at the Post-office at State College, Pa., under the act of March 8, 1879. EDITOR Jeanne C. Stiles '42 Editorial and Business Office Downtown Office Carnegie Hall 119-121 South Frazier St. Phone 711 Phone 4372 *TANAGING EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR ... NEWS EDITOR .. ASSISTANT EDITOR ...,... Louise M. Fuoss '43 ASSISTANT EDITOR .... Kathryn M. Popp '43 A.SSISTANT EDITOR Edith L. Smith '43 SECONDS—Hetbn ICeefauver, Sally Hirshberg, Jane• MutphY, M. J. Winter BEER-BOY Ross Lehman '42 ;BENCH-WARMERS—BiII McKnight '42, Stanley PoKempner '42 Graduate Counselor Wednesday, March 18, 1942 Under The Hats? Hat men at'e the students who wear funny lit 'tie hats when it rains. Men's Hat Societies have long been a source of contention. Extremists urge their abolition; conservatives accept them as they exist. With 'traditional nonchalance and disinterest, the ma jority of students never think about them. We aren't radical in Our views concerning these hon c varies—but we aren't exactly conservative. Definitely' we disapprove of them as they exist. Froth ' hints •of memberships being sold for $lO, from rumors of political influences, from whis pers of "good kids" helping fraternity brothers, mite wonder if deserving men always wear' the !hats. To be fair, we must admit that no honor ary can find a perfect system for choosing mem i We realize, too, that more deserving men are elected: than remain unelected. But the sys im Mad' certainly ;be . improved. And what about these semi-barbaric initiations snvOlVing the ski trail? Judging by the be draggled, beat-up appearance of initiates, there must be something. more than rumor here: ' What, do, Hat Men do anyway? They report :Erosh customs violators; they help at football Games;- thley have dances—and they wear their hats when it rains. Still trying to be fair, we must recognize the possibility of Hat Societies dbing good' work. Having admitted this, we feel free to' add 'that innumerable opportunities for service work still exist. New freshman men will be in increased need of wise and kindly assist ance with orientation problems. Students - need scholarships. Defense wants challenge action. Hat Men are chosen for superior leadership and contributions to activities. We think they have what it takes. We also think it is time for them to . display a little of this latent ability. In other words, we would like to be shown that :Fiat Men can do more than wear hats And We Fan For It! Campus politics are great stuff4of the people, by the people, and for the people—and we all fall for it. Of the peoplea few smart guys bent on graft ;and glory set themselves aside to pick and mold campus leaders, IVlembers of the same clique 'Often do not follow the - Same platform. Their 'actions are influenced' more- by personal gains ithan party policies. Witness' recent clique uP set. .Two strong members sought the same goal. When one achieved clique chairmanship, the other dropped , out. Purpose of the people was not vital enough to keep them working together. As a result, the party is gasping for breath in its last lap. By the people 7 --afraid the opposing party might ,submit a similar list of candidates, one campus clique refused to announce its slate until the oth er party had. A slate of champion pugs and cam pus smoothies with Sandwich Shop spreads is not 4 .)y the people. For the people—finance board or nd finance board, it's not always the best man who wins. Maybe the money does go through the College's ;hands before being received by the select few, but motives of petty grafters are not always known. Having wrangled her way into one party, a haughty "politicienne" is bragging about . i.he size of anticipated profits on junior blazkrs. Condemnation serves no good purpose unless it balanced by constructive action. Wlint'.= the use of taking: off the lid if there no steam to 04C'Jne? ... Alice M. Murray '42 .. R. Helen Gordon '42 ... Emily L. Funk '43 Louis H. Bell -L. M. F. -E. L. F THE DAILY COLLEGIAN ammummumitimilummuummitiniimmutimmumommiliminumum m• antac s Maiden z J c_. ummiummilummiummumminimmilliniiiiminimmumummommilo Panhellers For months we have waited In silence and fear, Alert to expose' The dirt we have hear(d), Comes now the day When at last we can warn That 'many •a lassie Had best net been born. There was rushing to heed And Charlotte to fear, H we'd rumored about That the Chi O's drank beer. But they ordered a barrel Rolled to the door Via Ag Hill Need we say more? Where politicos gather None can surpass Shrewd Alpha Chis With offices to' pass Came Theta formal And rapid hush-hushes For a few of the fold Who did "Please pardon us's." "Hi rushing, it's quality—" The Kappas 'laughed But changed their tune to— "We got tale shaft." Crafty DG's No mean pipers—they Substituted lead ones For "Anchors Aweigh." But why carry further And stir up such dust • 'Tis no wonder, we say, Panhel's such al bust. We calmly retreat And leave you to bluster This is our all— We and Custer! -MANIAC'S MAIDEN Thumbnail Portraits Show Six Honor Women Cover Activities Complete coverage of 'campus ciate Player, women's feature ed-4 activities is secured by compiling itor Daily Collegian, Alpha Lamb- College records of the six Honor da Delta, Cwens, Mortar . Board Women chosen by Senior coeds to (president). participate in Class Day Exercises, R. Helen Gordon, Class Donor on May y 9. Following are thumb- -well-known, energetic, ambi nail sketches of seniors chosen for tious, enthusiastic, happy. Debate outstanding contributions to the (four years), women's sports ed campus Jean Babcock, Bow Girl—chip per, pleasvnt, cheerful, efficient. .WSGA president, Players (presi dent), Alpha Lambda Delta, Pi Lambda Theta, Cwens, Pi Gamma Mu, Theta Alpha Phi, • Morttatr Board, Phi Beta Kappa; Louise Homer Club. - ' Betty L. Ziegler, Slipper Girl— retiring, friendly, conscientious, capable. WRA president, Players, intramural sports, Lakonides, TODAY Mortar Board. • Tau Beta Pi notes available at Anne M. Borton, Fan Girl— • Student Union for all members to modest, hard-working, clever, day and tomorrow only. sense -of humor. WSGA senator Members of WSGA House of (four years), La Vie (two years), Phys. Ed. School council (two Representatives are urged to years), WRA intramural council, bring all tinfoil to meeting in 305. Lakonides, Cwens, Mortar Board. Old Main at 5 p. m. Jeanne C. Stiles, Mirror Girl— Pershing Rifles business meet efficient,ing, 1 Mechdnical Engineering; 8: human-dynamo, consid erate, tireless, nice-to-know. Wo- 13 ' All freshman men and women men's editor. Daily Collegian, candidates for editorial staff of: WSGA Judicial chairman, All • The Daily Collegian, report to , College Elections chairman, Lib- News Room at 4 p. m. .eral Arts council, WSGA Senate, • Riding Club instruction in Stock. Cwens, Mortar Board, Theta Sig- Judging Pavilion, 7 p. m. ma Phi (president). Lenten Morning service in 304- Alice M. Murray, Class Poet— Old Main at 7 a. m. little, quick, keen, witty, knows PSCA Brotherhood Week corri-- the score, cute. Liberal Arts mittee at Hillel Foundation at 4- council (four years), Student Health Bdard (three years), asso- p. m. PSCA Cabinet, .304 Old Main, at 5 p. m. IFC `Frowns' • Community Service committee in Hu g h Beaver Room, Old Main, (Continued from Page One) at 7 p. m. said, "Besides, if we disapprove of • PSCA Freshman Cabin Open. mixed drinking, nobody will ask House committee; 304 Old Main,: us 'to beer parties any more." at B.p, m. • Then there -Was 'an awful. row, Theta Sigma Phi in 212 Grange during which some •bright-eyed at 5. p. m. genius thought :of placing the TOMORROW word "severely" after .- "frown." • Camera - Club. Print. This was iminediately snatched up 209 Old Main, 7:3'0 p.'m. • and incorporated into the code, . Forestry. Society, 105 'Forestry and the question was settled, even at 7:30 p. m . - to the satisfaction of Professor Tanner. This final agreement came after At The Movies • weeks of debate, changes, red CATHAUM: tape, and Senior Ball. Especially Eddy Duchin and Orchestra - • Senior 'Ball. • • - - - • STATE: • President Henson, after refus-• Be""TO Be or Not TBe ing to divulge names of Senior . NITTA.NY Ball violators, said that no penal ties could be inflicted on such violators since IFC had not ap proved a change made by the Sen ate Committee •on Student Wel fare prior to the dance. . FOR SALE-Used Candy Vending `Thank God for red tape," Hen- • Machine; all chromium. Call son said. "There's always some Pablo, 4939. 3tcomp• little clause somewhere that'll get you out of anything." . .VERY PLEASANT Room for. stu:- dents at greatly reduced price. Rides Wanted RW—Washington, D. C. Leave Friday. Return Sunday. Call - RW-4 3 ittsburgh.. Leave. Friday noon. Return Sunday. Call Samuels at Collegjah Office, • 71.1: 4tcomp 17-20 IVI. RW—Pittsburgh. Leave Friday afternoon. Return Sunday. Call 4825. RW—Pittsburgh. Leave Friday afternoon. Return Sunday. Call Melvin, 2827. • 2tch 18, 19 RW—New York City any finale this weekend. Return Sunday. Call Joe, 4389. PW—Kane or Corry. Leave Fri day. Return Sunday. Call. Week, 4693. RW—Franklin or vicinity. Leave Friday noon. Return Sunday. Call CherrVerys, 404 Irvin Hall, 711. 2tpd 18, 19 RW—Allentown or vicinity. Leave Friday. Return Sunday. Call 423 Ath Hall. 2tpd 18, 19 RW—Scranton—Leave Friday, 4 p. m. Return Sunday. Call Bernie, 4224 after 4 p. rn. 2tpd 13, 19, M. PW—floom for 5 to Philadelphia. Le_we Friday, 4 p. m. Call Koch, 3951. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1942 itor Daily Collegian, WRA sports clubs, • WSGA Junior Service Board, Delta Alpha Delta, Pi Lambda Theta (president), Delta Sigma Rho, Mortar Board (vice-- president). annumniminummiumniummullimumninnumi CAMPUS CALENDAR 3111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, "Dumbo" CLASSIFIED SECTION .Ie . " 4 "VARIt' , New under-c ‘ orni - -, 1. Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration Ki • 1. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving . . • 3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor from perspiration. 4.. A pure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. 5. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal ofthe American Institute of Laundering for being harmless to fabrics. Arrid is the LARGEST SELLING DEODORANT. Try a jar today! ARRID At alletores selling toilet goods 39¢ a .1" (also in 100 and 59e jars) oa.
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