WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1942 Pli L I 1 ong J o hn ' Starts South His With . Best Boys Today . .A Coach Grins th East, Chi 0 chanical engineering or boxing, . Like Little Kid Jess also turns to more frivilotts -Wiii Basketball • By LOUISE M. FUOSS '43 things. "If the coeds wonder why I don't date," he remarked non- From AOPI, Theta Awful-long - John Lawther and his proteges leave tonight for New chalantly, "it's because I'm true to the girl back home.". Orleans—and, gee, we hope they Some like 'em hot; some like em Chi Omega and Ath East came '---- "There's nothing I like better beat Dartmouth - , so they can he cold; but we all like 'em strong! .out winners' in basketball today as than to be late hit. a date. I like . they trounced the AOPi's and The- Regional. Champs. "Talk of the tourney" Bob' Baird to see them sizzle. Then ask her tar with scores of 36-10 and 32-17. If their,,sliding 'zone defense and and outclasser Jess Fardella black- where she wants to go," he smiled, calculating offense puzzles Dart- out all competition to shine in this . . Coeds who rolled up high scores 'mouth puzzles Much as- they do most field. but always go where you want to." were Marty Duffman with 12 for teams, the Lion Lads will win and Bobby started his fisticuff tuss- Ath East and Anna Lee Carey with •• dribble •on out to Kansas City to ling with his big brother and one 10 for Kappa Alpha Theta. Pat play for 'the National Champion- thing led to another. "My broth- r-- - -= Patton, ChiO, and Betty Widger , ship. AOPi, each scored 18 points. er," smugly smiled the little Baird, John, awful cute. He THESPIAN GYMNAST Marce " is now my favorite opponent. Other Chi() players were Fran has blue .eyes, and black, sort of Angle, Friz Burke, Bernie Maurer, curly hair, and a little-boy grin. Stringer '42, who really belongs ' There is nothing I like better than on the front page, but we didn't licking him since I am no longer Betty Miller, and Dot Radcliff. Let's see now, how did he describe have room. Now in her eighth stooge and kid brother." Virginia Bloom, Ann Drivas, Chris that sliding zone defense? Some- Thespian show, she's a phys. ed. But even Syracuse's Loren Fox, Jean Gailey, Peggy Gregory, thing about continually switching major and is famous for her gym- Schoff, 25 times undefeated rival, and Ruthie Storer played for AOPI. men 'in relation 'to the ball. (But nasium parody on the recent song didn't ruffle the frank All-College Ath East's team included Alice how can they have all those sub- hit, "Jim." prexy. "Confident," is the way the, Burwell, Evelyn Jackson, Marty stitutes -in ono game?) Haverstick, Helen Hooper, . Adele "Gossiping" 'Gross denied that shook the undefeated's gloved Levin, and Pauline Rugh. Theta he has an inspiration.. Maybe he . players were . Betty Christman, was kidding when he said he play- - etween hand. Despite punchy tendencies, Bob- Jimmy Irwin, Mary Louise Hart- ed just for fun, because lots of by is a serious man. "I prefer text sock, Gracie Judge, Frankie Lieby, times he wanders around the in- Perky MacClellen, and Polly Phil- firmary all dressed -up when he e Liars to fiction and tragedy to comedy," . he stated. lips. isn't even a bit sick. - When studies, politics, or box " Griping" Grimes is engaged to —With PAT GORDON— ing aren't demanding his time, a girl at home and hopes to be AIN'T OUR BOYS SWELL? ....Baird is wrapped up with his girl. married this summer, so you can As I sit here pressing in the "That gal is straight stuff all right" see why he plays well. He's smart, waves of my lovely dark hair, I concluded the EIBA finalist. "She too, because his average is 2.57 and am possessed with the thought, always chases me home early to he's taking mechanical engineer- "My, we have a nice bunch of ath- keep in top shape." His advice is ing. His teammates call Baltimore letes." •(I always think aloud.) to never have. two girls at once, • a Whippet. The... dictionary says Take Lenore' Krousehe's a since one is enough to keep your that is a small, last dog. (Does great guy. Xo matter how large hands full. that mean he goes. to lots of dances the odds were 'last fall, how tough Another survivor of the 19th an and dates a lot and is a Gay ,Dog?) the temptation to follow the easy nual EIBA tourney is strong, silent Because they think he wears way out, Lennie never took second Jess Fardella ,who also mixes springs when 'he jumps so high, helpings at the training table. black eyes with intellect.. "jumpin' Egg" Egli always has a lot of trouble ,with the referees. Eleanore Gross is a capable ath- If he does ,goon an occasional Hornstein is the Coeds' Choice. lete, too. He . never tried more spree, the boys remedy it with Dr. It's good that his „legs are so long than 50 field goals in one night, Greiss' punchy pills. "Sure-fire because now' he can out-run all 'and he was so square with his cure," asserted the 127-pound these .women. Cohen rooms with guards that he used only one hand pugilist. him, and helhinkS - that looks don't to shoot. Fardella's ring career started in mean everything.. Smith -is the Roberta Baird, our fast-stepping college. "During high school," he only left:hander =and is awful Prexy, did a just job in the ring. lamented, "Mother was always . Every time 'he KOed another 155- afraid I would be hurt. Now that tricky. • pounder, he'd start debating, "Re- I'm a champ I guess she doesn't .- solved, that the Penn State boxing care so much. You know how in' ' Around team h.•G a topnotch captain." mothers are?" ifs Norwoodette Ewell pulled an- When he isn't entangled in me , other Frances Merriwell last week The Sports Arena , when he turned his ankle just to prove the Lions could lick Cornell Peanuts and leMonade may be without his flashing performances. Oh, 'shucks, there goes another gone, but State's sports arena nail! 1 gives the thrills of a free circus. Norma Gordon showed his true Performing on Ree Hall's floor, colors to IC4-A 'last week when he and floating thrOugh the air, mus produced his Social. Security num de men go into action any time. ber, his student metric card, his Here is a coeds eye-view of a typi transcript, license, and birth cer eal pre-spring afternoon. DIGGING UP --DIRT WHILE tificate to show that he didn't WUNNING WITH WERNER: really spike his track shoes, so - "Wunning" under the scrutiny there! of Coach Werner, , the track team These are just a few of the ath letes who prove that all our boys thrashed arms and legs 'to keep in a championship shape. If Uncle are ducky. There are just as Sam 'can wait til June, we should many nice chaps in tennis, la rate with the 'top" - ten in the crosse, gym, intramurals, and oth- er groups. IC4-A's outdoor meet on May 26 • In fact, except for the unclean and UDDLING with HIGGINS: 25. ' . - Brooklyn hoboes and the Republi cans, the athletic ,situations here All State footballers haven't learn- • ore great. ed how to huddle,. for The Hig Aren't sports editors swell guys? spent most of yesterday's praCtice on this art for 45 prospective pig skin pushers. With versatile Mike Kerns mobiling, arosind the coun tryside, 50 per cent, of the team's oomph was obvionSly lacking. BATTIN"EM OUT with BE- BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS There'll always be an EASTER PARADE Two Piece 25.00 29.50 • 350 ° •. COVERTS • GABARDINES • • CAVALRY TWILLS • SHETLAND§ No vest with these suits. You save five dollars in buying the 2-pc. suit. Charles' Fellow Shop 109 S. Allen St. • SHINGLES • CLASS PICTURES • DIPLOMAS Have Them Framed at the . MUSIC ROOM Glennland Building • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN DENK: Handsome Joe, knee-deep in mud, watched his boys in knick ers, funny hats, and undershirts toss artificitll snowballs at one another. • "Aside from Bill Debler," he moaned, "the heavy hitters are still an unknown quantity. Prac tice depends on the weather man, because by Friday there may be a foot of snow. You know this Penn State weather." RACKETING WITH ROETH KE: "Success of the tennis team this season may be predicted after the first matches with Mlllhlenberg and Lehigh next month," said Coach Ted Roethke yesterday. "When all our boys get a chance to show their stuff on the College's ONE asphalt court they'll engage Susquehanna in a warm up match, probably April 15, be fore mustering courage to face the unbeatable Muhlenberg and Mat Doctor. Recommends Punchy Pills for Boxers Fardella, Baird Mix Black Eyes, Intellect By EMILY L. FUNK '43 BUY DEFENSE STAMPS Write for chart picturing 18 beautiful styles. It describes advantages of MARVELOUS PATENTED FILTER Wm. Demuth & Co., Inc., N. Y.C. C£h . t dint - . T 11 r. A 1.,%1 PAGE THREE
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