LADIES' VOL. 38—No. 111 Drivas, Sherman Top Coed Elections Politicians Bury Hatchet To Give Campaign Talks By EDITH L. SMITH '43 Campus politicians buried the hatchet long enough to present campaign speeches at the All-Col lege mass meeting in Schwab Aud itorium last night. With a student representation of approximately 100, (those_ daring to cut Sociology 4 and 'defense courses,) Jerome H. Blakeslee '43 (C) and William C. Mazzocco '43 (I), candidates for All-College presidency, pleaded for support in five minute speeches. Other nom inees introduced party colleagues and set forth platforms. An all-out plea for cooperation during elections March 24, 25 - and 26 was made by both groups. Need of absolute confidence in •party leaders was emphasized by almost all candidates. H. Leonard Krouse '42, senior class president, presided as master of ceremonies. Jeanne C. Stiles '42, elections committee head, ex plained alterations in this year's code. Smoothness in dress and deliv ery prevailed during the final speeches by Blakeslee 'and Maz zocco. The. Cani - puscandida,te „asked students to have discretibil in aP pointing student leaders to offices during the speed-up college pro gram. He pledged himself and his Party to the interests of the,. "Penn State students" and promised de mocracy in all governmental func tioning. Mazzoccoi Independent nominee, pledged his party to cooperation and furtherance of fraternity ,and non-fraternity relationships. He expressed his disappointment in the turnout for the meeting which he said, "showed a defiinte trend toward political cliques on the campus." Jess V. Fardella '43 (C) All-Col •lege vice-president was absent 'from the - meeting on a•boxing trip; - while James R. Frakes '45 (I) pres ident, was confined to the College hospital. • Fur Flies As IFC 'Frowns Severely' On Mixed Drinking "Now all togetnet, gentlemen, one big frown,"- stated Thomas J. L. Henson '42, Interfraternity Council president, as Council members decided to "frown se verely"' on .unchaperoned mixed drinking. This mass frown was not insti gated without difficulty. In fact, it took three shillalahs, a brickbat, and two clubs to calm down Prof. Sheldon C. Tanner, IFC adViser, who was in favor of "disapprov ing' instead of "frowning." `.'Come hell, high tide, or high water," he shouted, before being subdued, "parents will not permit their kiddies to drink!" William F. Finn '42 was not of the same opinion and said so in so many left hooks. "If we're of gun-age, we're of drinkin' age," said Big Bill, dust ing his fingers. This remark was followed by a timid gurgle from' the vice-presi dent, heretofore unnoticed, who (Continued on Page Two) . ~..., , J . 40 jc , B at ty i) (g il d 41; 11 'ANI. Extra! By JEANNE STILES Women's Editor Gone we the days when men run the campus! The feminine == part of the Col legian staff, out 97 to prove" this, ousted the men from their cellar niches in Carnegie Hall, stocked up on "no-sleep" pills, leaned back in their chairs, and set about "putting the paper to bed." After spending 149 issues hud dled on the well-added back page, it's no wonder the gals Went slightly haywire. But, tomor row, again, the women will take over, only this time •in a more serious vein. By that time they'll be more acustomed to the pace. From stem to stern, this issue of the Daily Collegian •is feminiz ed. And it was good to see the men sink to their knees and beg for two inches. Marce 'Daisy Mae' Stringer Snags Man In Eighth Show Thespians Rale Her Top Coed After eight Thespian shows, Marce "Daisy Mae" Stringer '42 finally snags her man! Ever since her freshman year, Marce has sung, downed, and danced to charm TheiPian audiences. Each time, script writers would give her a man. Trouble was, they always took him away before the show was over. In "Hide and Peek," Marce gets her man . and keeps him too. Her true love is none other than Rub b,erpuss, an escaped convict. Marce incidentally, plays the part of Corky, a college coed. In addition to novelty numbers, she calls an old-fashioned square dance. Miss Stringer, who holds the record for performances, was sec ond woman to be named outstand ing. Thespian coed by fellow fun ny-men. She was awarded a gold necklace at the annual banquet. Dorothy L. Reeves '4l was first re cipient. Marce's Thespian career began in the - chorus: From dancing she Coeds Set Plans went to comedy lines, and in the new show returns to dancing—but this time it's feature numbers. In • addition to regular shows, For Mother s Day Marce helps the Mobile Units build morale in surrounding army camps. She has earned part of her College expenses The old saying about talent run-: ning in the family applies to Marce, for her three sisters are also entertainers. One sister, Lou, stole Thespian shows six years ago Siebert Withdraws From Sweater Contest Withdrawal of Marjorie E. Sie bert '44 from the contest for All- College sweater queen was an nounced last night by John H. Knode '42, acting president of In dependent Men's Association. Balloting for queen will open to morrow at Student Union and continue through Friday. Tickets for the dance will be on sale at Student Union Thursday t:,dld Friday for $1 tax included. Special Women's Issue OF THE PENNSYLV WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 18 . STATE COLLEGE, PA Gals Oust Men Women covered the sports, wrote the edits, the sports' edit— " Between The Liars," and treated men's news the way they treat ours. "Little Bits" Lehman, sub bing for the night, steamed and fumed , Eis he batted out "W, the Vermin." So to the front page came the women, just to prove' to the hard boiled men that they could do it. Pet peeve of the year has been that the men spend too much time 'bickering about women's affairs. So to impress on the men. that their's are not tip-top, we've tack led some of our peeves against them. But it won't be for long—our victory will be short-lived. From today's page one prominence, wo men's news will again recede and the men• will smirk as they regain their haven. But "We, the Women" know the women can take over. This is the yezlr for women "to the front." And this is THE issue to prove it. SDn — Cry To Get Tickets Explained This is breaking our hearts. But we couldn't resist the tears, moans, sighs, and pleas of the Sig ma Delta Chi's to tell. you that they are planning a ducky pro gram for their annual Gridiron Banqu'et at the Nittany Lion at 6 o'clock tonight. Deadline for making - reserva 7 tions at Student Union has been extended to noon today. You got ta wear formal clothes and you'd better wash behind your ears. • The men who help .coeds put out campus publications are all excited because they are going tO play practical jokes on the fel. 7 lows who help women run the campus. Somebody said something about an after-dinner speaker named Con McCole who doesn't put peo ple to sleep very often. A new and different Mother's Day program to give a picture of the campus in action has been an nounced for April 17 and 18, by Patricia Mac Kinney '43, May Day chairman. Tapping of outstanding fresh man women by Cwens, sophomore women's honorary, at the annual McAllister Hall breakfast and pre sentation of newly-tapped Mortar Board members will initiate ac tivities. White Hall's doors will 'be thrown open for demonstrations in the swimming tank, gymnasium, and other recreation rooms. 'WRA clubs will cooperate to provide a full afternoon of events. Home Economics students and faculty will welcome mothers to open house Saturday 'afternoon. Alumni Day exhibits of clothing, foods, child care, nutrition, and home crafts will be shown. A STATE COLLEGE MARGARET K. SHERMAN '43 WSGA President Men Will Sport Revealing Coats College hotdogs are looking.for ward to Spring to dispense with_ figure-concealing top coats and reveal manly shoulders and slim hips. Not to be outdone by the sweater girls, the metamorphosis of warm weather this year will more than ever show off massive curves. Unless the army gets them first, BMOC's will display shorter jac kets, pegged trousers, and sleeves that •reveal bulging muscles, re placing pre - war . loose - fitting styles. For summer semester wear, shorts are predicted to be a top ranking favorite. Long, droopy shorts are advised for those with "spindle shanks," while the ath lete will prefer short. Shirts of thin "peek-aboo" ma terials, light as a feather, are be ing displayed in cool colors. Water and sun dried hair and skin need special care in Summer months to remain soft, luxurious, and strokable. To keep your hair and your girl, to banish the fear of a sunburned baldy, invest in subt ly scented bases, creams, and oils. A little care to your hair and com plexion each night before retiring will chase wrinkles and prevent a high forehead. In the morning re move the night cream with a soft tissue, apply cream and dash cold water on your face and neck—al ways cream the neck to keep it smooth and supple—and every pore will tingle with the fresh vi brancy of youth. • rgiatt * * * ANN DRIVAS '43 WRA President Weather Too Breezy For Skirts PRICE: THREE CENTS Judicial Will Be Head Named By KATHRYN POPP A new high •of •700 coeds 'voted in yesterday's final WSGA-WRA elections to name Margaret K. Sherman '43, WSGA president, and Ann Drivas '43, WRA presi dent, by a 15-vote edge over Pauline Crossman '43. New officers will be installed in the southeast lounge, Atherton HEM, at 6:30 p. m. today. I. Jacqueline Shafer '43, run ner-up for WSGA presidency, and Miss Crossman automatically be came secretaries of the organiza tions. Election Results WSGA President Margaret K. Sherman .. I. Jacqueline Shafer ... WRA President Ann Drives Pauline Crossman WSGA Vice-President Dorothy K. Brunner Dorothy L. Jones WSGA Treasurer Kathleen M. Osgood .... Gloria G. Greene Senior Senator Nancy E. Gosser Margaret M. Lams Junior Senator Ruth M. Storer Helen L. Schmelz . Sophomore Senator Patricia Diener Joan K. Miller Town Senator H. Anne Carruthers Ruth Clyde H. Elizabeth Furst WRA Vice-President Margaret K. Ramaley .... Frances M. Burke WRA Treasurer Grace L. Judge Frances M. Angle New WSGA Judicial chairman will be announced at installation services tonight, in addition to (Continued on Page Four) Skip Your Vitamins; Give Pep To The Team Wanta reduce? Skip your din ner and come on down to The Cor ner around 5:30 to scream around a bit as the basketball team leaves for New Orleans. Chuck Peck '44 claims there's gonna be a pep rally just like be fore the war. People will cheer and hop about—and, gosh, it sounds like fun! Plug: Cakes are still a nickel if you get too hungry. Late News Flashes ... GRANGE DORMITORY—.Col legian Editor "Superman" Leh man walked about campus more leisurely than usual last night as a result of coed management of the paper which enabled him to devote more time to Kathy. LOCAL DRAFT BOARD—Last night's draft lottery results show ed the holder of number 3485 to be Vernard H. Kotz '42, SPE, the lucky winner whose num ber was in the first little pea-green capsule drawn. DUBLIN, IRELAND—Irish col leens and laddies tucked away (Continued on Page Four)
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