liovpm3grt 8, 1941 Harriers Face PM In Last Dual Run • A slightly favored Penn State cross-country team will enter the wars in its last dpal meet whela it tangles with the Pitt Panthers on the Nittany Lion course this afternoon. Today's game with Syracuse • The 17th meeting of the two Colleges is scheduled to get under promises to be about the cloSest way some time during the first and hardest hitting gridiron bat half of the Penn State-Syracuse tie on New Beaver Field this year football fracas. , but there's another reason why • The Blue and White holds a 14 .the prospect of seeing the. Orange to • 2 edge in the series, but the men and the Lions tangle whets home team is out to get revenge our football appetite. for the 24-31 whipping handed The success of our visitors. has them by Pitt last year. brought fame to the razzle-dazzle, The Lions will be trying for behind-the-line and downfield, of their third victory of the season, their Y formation, with the re 'having lost one. Pitt has one versed center set-up getting near triumph under its belt as against ly as much publicity as last year's 'two losses. • Stanford's T formation. Just as Four seniors will see final ac- -the rest of the 18,000 prospective tion in dual cross-country rim- 'petition today as the harriers Two Safe Bet s—Pepper Petrella, left, veteran "scat" back, who our• Nittanymen fare against this stream-lined machine. draw the curtains on the regular returned to top form in the NYU fracas last weekend will again be • We say machine because anyone season. The quartet, Captain Bob Higgins' choice at the tailback spot in today's game with Ossie Alex Bourgerie, Herin Goffberg, , who believes Syracuse is lacking Solent's Syracuse Orangemen. Bill Debler, right, . capable under- • 'Pop Thiel, and 'Vern Kotz, were 'in good old fashioned power is .in study to Petrella, will also be ready to take over when the occasion fora surprise. True, the Orange the IC4-A - charnpions as .freshmen. arises. Defiler, although a first year man in varsity football, has men specialize in a tricky often ' Pitt's biggest threat to a final Lion victory is a sophomore, Bill Steadily ,improved Ids running. ~ sime attack, but when necessity Curtis. . Curtis is undefeated •in competition this year. Along with I - • needed yardage through the line the sophomore star, Marcus Allies with the best of them. and Captain John Brosky bolster Many Liriciciers Hope ' Lions On Up Grade . the Panther stock. . On their season's performance, The lineups: •'; _ • Syracuse rates among the elite in Penn State—Boursferie (1), Gott- :b a • . the East. After losing a heart erg (2), ' Gordon (3), Stone (4), • or Surprise Victory . . breaker to Cornell five weeks ago, Smith (5), Thiel (6), Faloon (7), - Ozzie um, topping strong Wisconsin Solem's squad gained mo- Kotz (8), Hyson (9), Kintigh (10), ;Conthme.d from . Page One) x and Cressman (11). unsuccessful. An Gallery Will Remain ment last Saturday. It' will take an Pitt—Allias (20), Brosky (21), . By virtue of last week's 42-9 Curtis (22), McGibbeny (23), Gra- landslide win .over NYU, the Open This Afternoon all-out effort by a strong football team to beat our guests. ham (24) 1 Saunders (25), Miller Lions seem to have found them- . Eight days ago we would have (26), Davis (27), Carr (28), and selves .and are. counted 'on to turn • Visitors to the College will have said that the Lions would, have to Foote (29). ~ in their best game - of the season an opportunity to view the currentbe satisfied with the short end. of against : Syracuse. Three weeks art show "Fifteen American Sculp- the score. But after seeing them ago, by comparison, Syracuse - tors" when the display room in 303 • against NYU, we believe they are :Finesse; Not Power trounced NYU, 31-0. Main Engineering remains open capable of winning the remaining Coach Bob Higgins' strategy is this afternoon. The gallery usually games on their schedule if they keynote To Success based on a strong . defense, the closes at noon on Saturday. Lions having been . drilled all "We feel that the exhibition, in can avoid a let up. Anything ex cept 60-minutes of give and take, W Of !tiffany Soccermen b Week on the variations originat- addition to being the second show with emphasis on the former, will ing from the novel Y formation. of sculpture ever to e displayed spell disaster for the - Blue and However, the full - offensive on this campus, has interest as the Long, aimless power kicks are White this afternoon. noticeably absent in the Nittany strength of the regular backfield most important art gallery presen will be available. tation of the year," Harold E. Dick- Calling The Turn Lion soccer team's style of play, for Since Syracuse' . s eleven has son, associate professor of fine arts, Last Saturday's predictions Coach Bill Jeffrey believes that stressed ground plays all season, said last night.: . bounced back in our face three cleverness, not power, is the most the ' important asset a soccer player can Nittany Lions will attempt The Lion Shrine model by Heinz times, with two others ending in a to meet the challenge with the Warneke on the mezzanine of Old deadlock. As a result our average have. . . .. . • return of Pepper Petrella,' tail- Main supplements the show. for the season dripped to .718 Cleverness in ball handling, back, and Bill Smaltz, fullback, - dribbling, and passing is essential to top form in the NYU game. 1. • I State VFW (lives Ammunition makes this corner pick Temple to every good player, just as these When Syracuse and Penn , over Villanova, Missouri over assets are essential to every bas met last- year, it 'was Bill Smaltz IP i• " I. . NYU (that's a tough one), Pitt ketball player, says Jeffrey. ror Civilian Trang passes and Captain Len Krouse's Fordham (guess who?), South "Power has little place on the catches that kept the Lions in the Ammunition for rifle marks- Carolina over Kansas State, West points out. "Again as in basketball, game which ended in a tie. us soccer field," the soccer coach manship training under the Civil- Virginia over Kansas, Penn over tan Leadership Training Course Columbia, Harvard to upset Army, the passes should be short, delib- All Penn State graduates in the being conducted by the depart- Navy, over Notre Dame, Brown erately directed to a definite team- armed forces of the United States meat of Military science and . tee- over Holy Cross, and State over Mate. No power kick can put the will be guests of the College at tics is being supplied by State Col- Syracuse. •ball in a spdcific spot." the game today. A brief cere le e Post No. 321 of the Veterans -- It is difficult,to break high school moray prior •to the kick-off will . g oi Foreign Wars, Lieut. D. E. players from the use of sheer pow- Named DCAA Delegates honor the Men. in uniform. ---------------- Bauer, supervisor of the course, _ "er and initiate them into the use of strategy and finesse in handling season the Orange has been no The contribution came from the the ball, Jeffrey said. In develop- ticably reluctant to try %passes, Penn State gymnastics team, and Dr: _Carl P. Schott, dean of the ing his amazing teams over a 15- having tried on an average of Veterans after •it was announced that there was no provision in School of Physical Education, have year period, "Genial Bill" has four per game. 'ons for taught Penn Staters to use a short About the only change in Lion War Department regulations the supply of ammunition for the been named as two of six NCAA representatives on the United kick with knee action. line-up from the NYU game will , course. . States Pan-American Games gym " The power kick," J e ff re y ex _ be Ted Kratzke at left guard. Be- ~ nastics committee. The games Will plains, "is causw.l by keeping the cause Kratzke is fast, he will be Student Pastor Installed be held late in 1942, it was an knee stiff and kicking from the hip. given the - starting assignment. nounced. As soon as 'the player begins the use The main gun in the Y forma- Rev. Edwerth E. Kerte became pf knee action, his usefulness to the tion will be Tommy Maines, triple- `the first student pastor of the Stateßegardless of what you've made team increases 100 per cent." threat left halfback who has been up your mind you can't do, you're ton street and Beaver avenue, .It was the mild-mannered men- mentioned as , "Syracuse's candi- right about it. tor who introduced the game of date for All-American rating this when he was installed last week. soccer-volleyball here to teach his year. • • --_ __________ . players adept use of their feet and - . ,--- heads. Frosh Runners Host In this game the players use a different ball and use their feet in- To Cornell Yearlings . I stead of their hands to bat the ball With a Syracuse victory already Over the net. Not only is a high chalked up, the frosh cross-coun degree of skill developed but the try team will entertain the Cornell players gain confidence in their yearling harriers in a three-mile ability to put the ball in a given run here at'l p. m. Syracuse holds spot with ease. a win over Cornell, making the Lion runners favorites. Prof Attends LA. Meeting Originally scheduled . for last Sat- Dr. P. C. Weaver, Professor of urday, the Meet was postponed un education and Assistant Director til this afternoon because of diffi of Summer Sessions, will attend the culties with the Cornell roster. • Pennsylvania Association of Lib- Coach Bob Grieve announced he oral Arts Colleges for the Advance- will start Jerry Karver, twice ment of Teaching at Harrisburg PIAA. cross country champ from this week-end. Boyertown High School, Newman Draper, Joe Beach, Paul Smith, Ed Miller, Ed Housley and JaCk John son among the first seven. READ THE r:OLLEGIAN . CLASSIFIEDS TiiN DAILY COLJ.MIII.N 11111111111111111111111111111111111W111111111U1M11111114MMIll Between The Lions With PAT NAGELBERG imimmulliniiiiiiiiiimumniiiiiiimmummuimiiii The Y In SYracuse "SEE YOU LATER- ...1..... ' Frosh Boofers Oppose Cornell Determined to win its second game of the season, the Penn State freshman soccer team will tangle with the visiting Cornell yearling eleven at 1 p. m. today. The Lion cub squad, considered one of the most brilliant in history, is favored to repulse the invasion of the Little Red. The Cornellians boast a victory over Syracuse, who tied the Nittanymen last Saturday. Although the fine ball control and clever passing the Lions have exhibited in their past three games have tickled Varsity Coach Bill Jeffrey, who is beaming over the new varsity material he will have next year, the season record to date has been mildly disappointing. Only one contest was won and two ended in ties. A strong Navy plebe eleven fought the Lions to a draw is the opening game of the season. At Syracuse last week a rainstorm and a muddy field thwarted their bid for a victory. In their only home game the Lions easily defeated Mont Alto, 3-0. Probable starting lineup in to day's game will consist of Jim Ed son, goalie; Pete Snedecar and Bill Dietrich, fullbacks; Dean Hart man, Tad Salon, and Dick Werner, halfbacks; Frank Mese, center for ward; Red McKenna and Jim Di- Salvo, inside forwards; and Bob Gehrett and Frank McGuire, wing men. People who always are kicking about something usually are-kick ing themselves about. REMEMBER! 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