PAGE TWO 'ME DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Gntrblished 1940. Suce.essor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1004, and the Free Lance, established 1887. Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania Male College. Entered as second-class matter July 0, 1834 nt the Post-office at State College. Pa., under the act of L'Earch 0, IBM Editorßus. and Adv Mgr. /loss Lehman ''42 " 11 - 1 4 14 t" James McCaughey '42 Vditorial and : Burdness 818 Old Main Bldg. Phone 711 Women's Baitor—Joanne C. Stiles '4 . 2; Nia,saglng Editor-- jlihn A. Baer '42; Snook; Editor—A. Pat Nagelber'g Feature Editor--William .T. McKnight '42; Newe _ Wax"— Manley J. PoKcmpner. '42; Women's Feature likkitor—Alice M. Murray '42; Women's Sports Editor—R. Helen .Gordop Credit Manager—Paul M. Goldberg '42; Gircutaiikon Man ager—Thomas W. Allison '42; Wornon's Business Manager— Margaret grnbury '42; Office Secretary—Virginia Ogden '42; Assistant Office Secretary—Fax' Iteese .'42. Junior Mitorjal Board—Gordon L. Coy, Donald W. Da*, Dominick L. Golab; James D. Olkein, David fiamuela, "ROW: E. Sohooley, plchard $. Stebbine.,.:Santuel L. ; Stroh,Nieho,loa W. VozzY. Eferberi: J. Zukauelum, Emily L. Funk, Louisa:. W.. truose, , Kathryn M. novo, Edith L. Smith. • Junior ilEVualaima Boa.rd—Lcons.rd E. Bach,KW" Rarota.v„ 'Robert g. Eelgerly, Philip Jaffe, Franca] A. Letby, E- McCool, Sara L. Miller, Katherine E. Schott, yr.449,nie Eykee. Metuber i4155,0604ed ColteWe. Pr' s$ o:strkttw tpr e Sk ieDAsesk Managing. Miter This Issue _—__-__ ___ __ gkavAil u4s News Aaiwr This issue ___ L. ----- ' Wonsen'a Miter This issue KMAIXV,S I • ' Sophomore .4sistanls Fre.4 gevp c . riAr *O4O Gradua,t,e gplixtiAelos ,saturday, ,Ntwez4bex 8, 1.90. RespoffniWilly Heeds A tome The disclosure by Cazo,pus,ee.r in his CohlegjoAtx column •T,Liesday that two Imenii?tex , s of t ! lie s.ibe,rai. Arts .Schokol Council axe enrolled in t4e :5c4001. 9,2 Education is an accurate indication of the ilev,el to which some of the councils have fallen—.or from which they have never progressed. . True, this incident was not the fault of the LA Council as an organization. It was he fault a' the two members most .concerned. They should. have resigned from the Council when they changed. schools, instead of waiting to have their positions revealed in the way it was. School. councils already have been more active than they were a year ago, but they are still a long way from fulfilling the purpose for which they were created. They will never do that if their members do not accept their responsibilities. Perhaps . N.rliat is needed is a better method of choosing these members—a method which would ):esult in the selection of students who are inter ested in the work and who will try to carry it out. A. a Wie Bury Be lialcheit In a letter written yesterday, Burgess-elect AL bell E. Yougel encouraged student and faculty criticism and invited them to cooperate with hint "in maintaining the dignity and decency of the community in which we all reside." A letter from Yougel, after the drive by stud, ents and. faculty to defeat him and Lederer, is commendablc. , . It indicate:; either the sincere end of the winner to soften the bitter taste in the mouths .of the losers or a politician's play for support. We chose to believe the first inter pretation. "I shall be happy to cooperate with the various agencieS .of student government" seems to be the thoughtful consideration of a man willing to "play ball with the students." In turn, students should endeavor to take careful consideration of borough rules and regulations and establiSh an agreeable relationship between student and bor ough government. Who Wads To Sleep That sleepless weekend, the dread of coeds and. the dream. of imperts, is here again. nighlighted by the appearance of Jan Savitt's orchestra last houseparty enthusiasts will clima.K activi ties after the Penn State-Syracuse football game with various fraternity dances tonight, followed. by an hour j.n chapel tomorrow morning for early risers. To the imports, we wish a merry and pleasant weekend. To the coeds, we congratulate them for their ability to use the f"Sadie Hawkins" technique. To the stay-at-homes, we offer the consolation that there are only two /jouseparty Weekends per year. To those who are worried about the new Cab inet unchaperoned drinking rule, we don't offer consolation, but sympathy—with our tongues in. our cheek, Downtown Off ice 119-121 South Vrazier Phono 4392 p . tw!s •lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I4IIIIIp I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Wi 47' e - -))t . L .), t OLD MANIA Good Morning Friends, We Recommend As we brush away the mist and fog, •we can yet remember that Jan Savitt and his boys ,did themselves proud last eye aster spending the whole day in Lewistown. Can't say that 1 blame them—Ain't a decent bar in this whole 4.... town. You can tell he's been here before. ge the Phi Eps, and a WAr ot: the other boys who took their ,dollies and stayed home— hope they had a nice c,huinniy time at their parties. :tonight should .be everyone's pi,ght, to bowl, In cluding the prevalent epecies of wolf—xts fottar rtities open their doors to their beloved enemies— sort of ,a ,come-,one-corne-alloln-in-thgnfnn,rnore the-nierrier-liave-a-hell-of-a-good - tirne - .affair, with couples lurking in .every ,corner said duty mad .chaperons Writing right .after then. And do your stewing before your dates, lads, or you'll find yourself looking out the window - next Week watching ail the other boys go to the ,cipe,ina while you have to sit home—you and your .carnpus. The First Shen Be Lest Prize of the week goes to Deltachill Lunde lius whose imported charmer arrived bag and baggage to start 'things going on Wednesday, and booby will be awarded to Froth (period) stooge Ross Gilbert who found himself with a comp and a Sorry-but at lunchtime yesterday. One Lithe Indian By public admission and announcement, Beta Bob Jeffrey has himself not pinned, not engaged, but married in the near future to a Cleveland Cutie. Invitations are even out for the house warming. Hope for his own good that he leaves her in Ohio—one look at the species called his fraternity brothers, and (need we go on!). He's A Dreamer . . Campy is a dop s e, campy is a big dope, and be sides that Campy doesn't know his women. Any simple soul should be able to get the henna rinse on the right Nancy (last Tuesday's reference be ing to Shipman and not to Hamill), and further more, anyone who ,has to fill space by panning himself is in desperate need. True, there are two members of the School of Education on the Student Council of the School of Liberal Arts— but one of them is Campy! Pride Comes Belore • . . 'Midst announcements of Tennis Club and Jun-, iorService Board in the halloved halls of Frances A. last week came the request that any female desiring a houseparty date with a senior Theth Chi shouid report to Room 206 immediately after lunch. Chief fixer-upper Betty Christman dashed home to receive the line-up but narry one soul set foot in the entire wing for an hour lest some one should know. May God have bercy on these creatures in this their darkest hour! Come ln retch 'ins, Sadie!, There being no keys or fees attached to this post, we feel it our bounded duty to support open ly our candidate for King Dogpatch, Hashful Mc- Caughey. He's the man who signs eur checks 5,0 one, two, three, it's "Jimmie McCaughey (as in McCoy) for Dogpatch Boy." (Your vote will be appreciated.) ~ ~` -;~ "Adequate individual and social discipline is an indispensable condition of national unity. Un disciplined America has no chance at all of re maining free and democratic hi the present world. Our schools must be made to contribute more than they do to the necessary disciplines of our demo cratic ways of life. Every citizen should kW* and be led to practice the disciplines which must : prevail if America is to remain free. America craves the leadership of those who understand and in high office exemplify the democratic way of life. As a people we must be led to see first things first." Pres. Edmund Ezra Day of Cornell University calls for a "discipline of the free." THE DAILY COLLEGIAN As morning dawns In yon Gray Sky, So are we all Too worn to die. But we'll arise Oh yes, my hearty, Go forth to roam— This is ITIOUSEPAUYI Footlights Thespians Finally What Is Coming Stringer, Rabinowitz Brighten Production By ETAOIN SHBDLU • "Not much of anything" seems - ,rarsity football, Syracuse vs. 0 TODAY to be about the best answer to the Penn State, New Beaver Field, 2 question posed by the title of last o'clock. . . .. night's Thespian show.. Varsity cross-conntry, Pitt vs. Assuming, however; that the Penn State, New Beaver Field, 3 I Minsky connotations in the phrase, o'clock. "What's Coming Off?" were in- Fres,lnnen ,soccer, Opinell ys. tended, the title is an apt one. Lt Penn State, New Beaver Field, ,1 .was,all 'there except the strip tease o 'clock. .and ..even that was parodied in Freshman cross-country,. Cor- Marce Stringer's "Jitn'! - which, in nell vs. Perm State, New .Beaverl cidentallY„ Was one of the best spots - .Field, / WeloPk• in the show. ' .' `O Art Ixhibit, 15 Americgta . And there were .a fairly high sculogs,, Art Gallery,• 303 Mai# percentage. of . good spots-th .Engixwering. . :Miss Stringer sealing to POP MO in . 'Thespian Show, "What's Com mOst of tlAeni, Wong With Loon ing Off?' . Schwab Anditori Babiot.l.oW/toz. Without 4 1 Pe t . " 7:15 o'clock'. most competent clowns, and the • . TP/w/f2R J/OW - polished rhythms of . Jimmie itYLc- .Wesley Foundation Service; .Adam's "Aristocrats" Ole show a. m., :Church School, 6:30 p. might have resembled faintol,Y , a hen - oint, meeting with the Wes , house .after a heavy slaY'S business step the PresbX.. instead ,of laying just Au 0cee,51.44011 Rip , Church, 8:30 p. m., Friendly egg. ' gpur. r Perhaps this critieism is A little . Chapel, Bernard C. Clauson, beside' the point; a 44 TheSPU.I.r I Pastor First Baptist Church of show is not supposed to 4o ,inlieb Pittsburgh... will. .speak on "Why . except provide something to take Don't You. Pray?" . . . up time between dinner and danc- MONDAY ing. "What's Coining Off?" fills Philotes meeting for new .menil : that requirement and \ perhaps ters at White Hall Play • ,RoPM, nothing more should be expected. 7:30 p. m. In addition to those already men- • The Bridge Club will meet in' toned,' the dancing of Jimmie White Hall recreation room, 6:451, Smith and Anna Mae Rockenstein p. m. Offiters will be elected. and everything connected with Color and sound movie, United ( "Boogie Woogie Bolero," written State's landscape, Room 10 Sparks„ by Jimmie Leyden and danced ex- 4:10 p. m. citingly by Lynee Wolf, deserve TUESDAY \' spedial commendation. So does the All second assistant • boxing "Night at, the Opera" number _in managers report to ring in Rec ' which Don Taylor and Janet Hartz Hall, 4 p. in. joined with Miss Stringer and Rab- • inowitz in a bit of zany clowning Motion Picture Monday that was not far from professional. "Winged Horizons" a new 45-;. The work of the dancing char minute sound and color motion uses and glee club was 'competent ' picture showing outstanding , land without being distinguished; a lit scope scenes in the United States tle more rehearsal by both would will 'be shown in Room 10 Sparks probably pay dividends. The skits Building at 4:10 p. in., Monday. were sometimes forced although there were enough bright spots to indicate that the authors needed editing more than inspiration. They seem also to have fallen into the assumption that because humor is sometimes vulgar, vulgarity is al ways humorous, Such matters as sets, light's, and costumes were well taken care of To Mim Rhein, who was unable to complete her song, our deepest sympathy. We don't know what happened, but we're betting that tonight she will do a swell job. You won't send telegrams to tal ent scouts after seeing it, but you'll like "What's Coming Off?" In Arizona a man fired three shots in a crowded courtroom without hurting anything but the wild west reputatpn. -MANIAC THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SATURDAY, NOVEMBER A 941 Reveal Off munnunnuommumuumuunommumunut CAMPUS CALENDAR - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i WHY WALK! Take A .Taxi To Any Point lii Town RESItES TAI SERVICE DIAL 3421
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