PAGE FOUR Rifle Club Boat Philotes Will Honor • 22 New Members High Membership Philotes, independent womens organization, will honor 22 new Boasting the largest enrollment members at a party in White Hall of any WRA Club, Rifle Club playroom at 7:30 p. m. Monday. membership has doubled within The annual membership drive the past two years, which proves will be started at this time. All freshman, transfer, and in. that coeds are willing to do more than knit 'for national defense. • dependent women are invited. In the White Hall Rifle Range. Games will be played and refresh -30 coeds learn shooting tech- including the military ments served, announced Claire Bernsteinuiques '42, social chairman sighting system, the prone mat position, and how to use a sling. Practice Periods are scheduled From 4 to 5:30 p..m. and 7 to 9:30 p. m. Mondays to ThursdayS, in clusive. Equipment is provided :'or all interested coeds. Teachers include Miss Marie Raidt, director of women's .phy sical education, and old club mem • hers Martha E. Powers '42, Jean Snyder '42, Barbara Torrence '42, Odette M. Scrivanich '43, Mar jorie I. Zint '43, and Helen D. McKee '44 • Last year telegraphic matches were held with approximately 20 colleges including the University California, Beaver, Drexel, Uni versity of Michigan, University of Minnesota, and Gettysburg. Similar thatches will be started second semester with the ten consistently high scorers repre senting the College. Tentative plans have been made to organize an honorary for high scorers, to be called the "22'ers." • To Discuss Research • Mrs. Ethel Austin Martin, di rector of the Nutritional Dairy Council of Chicago, wilt address borne economics nutrition classes in 110, Home Economics, at 7 p. m. Monday on recent dairy research and the council's part in national defense. Proclamation! No Two Ways i bout Hawidns Day; Watch Out, Men, bi l yar They Come! Know all men who ain't married the unmarried men and if they by these presents, and specially ketch 'em, the men by law must Abner Yokum Whereas there be inside our about it, and this decree is town limits a passel of gals who By authority of the law and the . ain't -married but craves some- statute laid down by the revered thing awful to be, and • first Mayor of Dogpatch, Hekze- Whereas these gals' poppies and biah Hawkins, who had to make mammies have been shouldering it to get his own daughter; Sadie, the burden of their board and off his hands, she being the home-- keep for more years than is tol- liest gal in all these hills and no erable, and. two ways about that either. • Whereas there be plenty of Post Scriptum: Seeing how young men what could marry Houseparty and Soph Hop fall on these gals but acts ornery and the same day as officially decreed won't. and for Sadie - Hawkins Day, Penn Whereas we deems matrimony's State hereby postpones • local ac joys and being sure of eating regu- tivities until November 15. lar the birthright of- our fair wo manhood. On this day Daisy Maes will We hereby proclaims and de- drag the men they ketch to the trees, by right of the power and Spinster Skip in White Hall from majesty vested in us as Mayor 9 .P• ra. to midnight. of Dogpatch, Saturday. Novem- Voting for King Dogpatch who ber 8, as Sadie Hawkins Day. will reign at the Skip continues at Whereon a foot-race . will be Student Union and - the Corner held, the unmarried gals to chase Room. Thespians Present. ft . pat s Loi ing ff DOLCIRIES SAYSI Why sho,7,,ilei I 1011.4 re'vie'w'- 4)I1 !urge 2 Icil for itself TONIGHT-1 p. m. for Scb Audum We, The Women Collegian, Houseparly— Whkh Vice Is Versa? Life is real, life is earnest, And it might be made sublime If we didn't have to bother With Collegian all the time. The above ditty is what happens when a couple of Collegianites give up houseparty weekend to reach a deadline for the subscriber's bene fit. And after all this work, your housep arty eyelids prdbably haven't been open long enough to read this far. But ours are just as heavy, even though they didn't get that way from having fun. HE Meal 'Tickets On Sale Meal tickets Tor dinners in the Home Economics Cafeteria and Maple Room may be purchased' for $5.00 to be used in either eating place at regular cafeteria service periods from 11:45 a. in. to 12:30 p. in. daily. Tickets are also good for meals in the Maple Room from 5:30 p. in. to 6:30 p. m. every Mon day; Tuesday., •and Wednesday. Read The Collegian Classifieds marry the gals and no two ways THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Campus Romance is 'Real Thing' Campus romances, instead of be ing casually put aside at gradua tion,• account for half the mar riages of former women students, College statistics reveal. Out of 765 recent Penn State alumnae now married, 53.24 per cent boast Penn State men as husbands. Nearly all the mar riages resulted from campus friendships. Replies from 97 per cent of 1,752 questionnaires sent to regular ses sion coeds who were graduated between 1921 and 1935, show: 1. Two of every three alumnae are married, totals ranging from 78.18 ner cent of the class of 1925 to 49.42 per cent for the class of 1931. 2. The percentage of those mar rying Penn , State men is fairly uniform from year to year, al though .for one class, .1924, it was unusually high-71.42 per cent. 3. Nearly two-thirds of married alums have children. The •num •ber runs as high as .84 per cent in one of the earlier classes, and as low as 26 per cent for the last class surveyed. The biggest Sani ilies were reported by the class of 1924, with 1.8 children, per fam ily. The largest number of chil dren-in one family was seven. 4. Of married alumnae, 17.6 per cent reported holding part-time or full-time jobs outside the home. This percentage was significantly lower for classes reporting the most children. 5. The leading occupation among married alumnae is teach ing. (adman To Appear . . _ (Continued from Page One) Dean Ray Attends Although Cadman has produced serious works in forms which have National Convention • _ won the recognition of critics and ' serious minded musicians, he is Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, attended the annual con more well known by the public for vention of the National Associa his "simpler things" like "Bells of Capistrano." ''' tion. of Deans of Women at C risburg yesterday. Han- . - - 'Conference members have been . - invited by Prof. Hummel Fishburn, Accompanying Miss Ray were - department Of music, to observe Miss Nina Bentley, Miss Maly S the Blue Band Friday afternoon in Stevenson, and Miss Ruth H. sang, its final marching rehear Sal in pre- assistants to the dean of women garation for the West Virginia foot- All took part in group discussion hall game Fete .National Officers • huge! Outlines Policy .ICappa Kappa Gamma will enter . tain two national field secretaries, (Continued from Page One) Miss Heloise Smartt and Miss py to cooperate with the various Catherine Cudlip, from Monday agencies of Student government until Thursday. The sorority will in all matters pertaining to stud- give a tea in their honor from 4:30 ent welfare in this borough. At to 5:30 p. m. Monday. Three repre the same time T request thesesentatives-of each campus sorority same agencies to assist me, in will be inivted maintaining the dignity and de cency of the community in which we all reside .. . Sincerely. .. . . Albert E. Yougel SADIE HAWKIN'S . DAY—SADIE I-lAWKIN'S DAY . ~ .. • , SELECTED BROADCASTS z- TODAY N , IiCALT . presents at 9 p. m. the popular program "Your Hit Par ade." WQXR • features' an all-Brahms .9 4 concert from 9:15 p. m. tn TOMORROW • Mozart Requiem in D minor will be performed under the baton of >' Bruno Walter by the New York 4 Philharmonic - Symphony Orches tra over WCAU at 3 p. m. WOR presents at S u. in. Am erica's Forum of the Air. CLASSIFIEbIECTION WILL party who took deep tan .0 gabardine coat from diner please return. No questiont; asked. 3tch 6 7 8 S. FOR .RYNT---Corner room in Ir- Hatt. Reasonable price. Call A 841. :Itch/1-11-12. NI. _Rides Wanted R.W.—Nanticoke, Wilkes-Barre, or vicinity. L. Friday noon, R. Sunday. Call Jean Davis, 146 Atherton Hall. .74 R.W.—Lancaster. L. November •9. 14 about 5 p. R. Sunday. C. 2 Allie Herr, 4 Mac Hall.. STRONG ARM THESPIAN Marce Stringer '4l will sing a gymnasium parody on the current song hit, "Jim," at tonight's show ing of the Thespian production, "What's Coming Off?" Vitamin A Wen Hal For Good Eyesight Do you value yoUr eyesight? If so, your daily diet should contain sufficient Vitamin A to insure pro per visual functioning, according to Mrs. Emma G. Welch, hOme eco. nomics instructor: _ Vitamin A, equally important to growth and general well being, alsp promotes a higher degree of alert ness and scholastic ability. Foods containing one-tenth the daily adult requirement of Vitamin A will be exhibited in 209 Horne :Economics, from 3 •to 5 p. m. Mon day, and from 8 a. ni. to noon Tues day. Read The Collegian' Classifieds "Hear In compliance • with Hekzebiah Hawkin's decree, Mortar Board will hold its annual Spinster Skip in White Hall from J o'clock to midnight next Saturday night, November 15 Originally designed to find a man for Hekzebiait Hawkin's daughter, homeliest gal in Dogpateh, Sadie Hawkin's Day has become- a tradition at Penn State, It is the one chance cf the year for a ask her Little Abner to woo .Dogpatch So come on anis_ ASK YOUR HOUSEPARTY DATE-NOW SPINSTER SKIP AD:IE HAWICIN'S,IMPAP---o-SikiEbrrHAWX.IN'S,DAtY SATURDAY; NOMMER 8, .1.941 25 Colleges (haHenget To • Bowling Tournament WRA Bowling Club has chal lenged 25 colleges to participate' in the._ second annual . . Women's Ppstal Tenpins Tournament. Ac cording to the system devised , .by the club last year, results from each college are mailed here for tabulatton and summaries sent to all contestants. Rules state that any undergrad uate woman may enter and that at least ten must participate from. each college, which will be judged by its five - highest scorers. Two-week periods begin De ember 13, February 14, March 14, and April 18. Mac Hall Sends Six Coeds McAllister Hall women selected . delegates town Independent Wo men's Association meeting In Grange playroom at .8:30 Thurs day. They include Rosalind Beck er, Rita M. Belfonti, Lucille 'Bell, Marion F, Heath, Dorothy, Lipp, and Renee Marks, freshmen.- ENE FROM r , __..._._. ~.,..71 ..,, r ,,..1 ii ' V;10q ." . ..:. •- • r ' - .• i • "...•: .. ''.. . i . . -, .... ' - ---:::i:•-...f - t Ye! Hear Ye! " a. • • t ~.t: 1 1: „ Gals!"
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