PAGE EIGHT Now Many Slates Can YOU Name I How many states can you name correctly if given a map with state lines drawn in but name de leted? If you can name all of 48, you will be doing better than nine out of ten students according to tests given to classes in beginning geography recently. More than one-fourth of those. taking the tests could not fill in the names of half of the states correctly. Sev eral missed Pennsylvania and more than one-third of the group missed one or more of the states bordering Pennsylvania. The same test included the coun tries of Latin America and the av erage student, it was found, could fill in Only one-third of the names of these countries correctly. Central America, as far as five sixths of the class were concerned, is a no-mans land. Panama was the only country that more than one-sixth of the class was sure about. In view of our increasing interest in Latin America, this lacl - : of knowledge is hardly un derstandable. One student was so uninformed about Latin America that he marked in Germany, England, France, Italy, et al, on the map of South America. The examination given involved writing in on outline maps the names of the 48 states, 13 Middle American countries, and the 13 South American countries. The average grade was 54, with men averaging 10 points higher than women. The highest grade, 97, was Made by a freshman. The test was given to several faculty members and one seventh-grade student. The latter's score was about 20 points higher than the college student average. Copies_ of the maps are still available at the Geography Divi sion office, 109 Mineral Industries Building, if you want to see what you can do. Bm In The FaM You're Lucky Infants born during October and November have bones which are better in maturity and mineral density rating, on the average, than those born during other months. This conclusion resultS from a study conducted in the division of home economics research at the College by Dr. Pauline Beery Mack, director, Portia Bricker Harvey, and Alice Jones Beakley. The study included the taking of X-rays of the left arm and left leg of approximately 400 infants born in a Pennsylvania State Hos pital (Piiilipsburg) during the period of study. The infants were all X-rayed within 48 hours of birth. The bones were then rated according to standards for matur ity and mineralization. "The average bone ratings be came successively poorer from Oc tober and November to June and July," said Dr. Mack, "and then began to average progressively better. The differences may be attributed partly to the generally better diets which are available during the spring and summer months and partly to the larger amount of sunlight which is avail able at that time." The study also shows that moth ers in their early and middle twenties are likely to have chil dren with better initial bone struc ture than those of other ages. "The study points clearly to the fact that too little education on diet during pregnancy is being given during the present time," Dr. Mack pointed out. "More attention should be giv-. en to this subject in the schools and' in adult classes. In this and, other studies, it has been founds that education is- as important as• purchasing power the ...wise selection of foods.' Readers' Alley— The Daring Young Man Of Theatre—Guess Who! At last comes a volunteer to take our place in the literary trenches while we watch foot ball practice and in other ways apply ourselves to less import ant things than reviewing books. Anyone know a better word than "grateful'" It is with great interest that we greet the first three published plays of William Saroyan, presented in a volume entitled THREE PLAYS, principally because he has includ ed The Time of Your Life, which won both the' Drama Critics' Award and the Pulitzer Prize this year. Here, we see a tremendous personality (that of a genius by his own admission) turning his talents to the theatre. "My Heart's In The Highlands," the first of the three plays, is a delightful fantasy in which Mr. Saroyan carefully disregards every custom and rule of playwriting found in Aristotle's three unities, through the French "well-made play" to Baker's post-war plati tudes. There is no plot, no division into acts or scenes, very little con tinuity—merely beauty and Saro yan. These, however, are more than enough excuse for any play. It is thoroughly entertaining and satisfying even though the cur tain is drawn while all the princi pal characters have both feet planted firmly in mid-air. The Time of Your Life, the gem of last season, is the reply to Shakespeare's oft-quoted "What is the concord of this discord?" Here in, •Saroyan takes an extraordin arily heterogeneous group, includ ing Joe f a philosophic barfly). Tom, his disciple. Kitty Duval (a woman with memories). an adventure seeking society woman, her hus band, and a negro boogie-woogie pianist, and setting, them in a honky-tonk waterfront dive, weaves a compelling tale of their lives and of life itself. In Love's Old Sweet Song, the complement of this trilogy, Saro yan, in his beautifully benighted style, gathers together an itinerant pitchman, one Barnaby Gaul. a sentimental and romantic woman of 44, an ever-increasing family of Okies, and an idealistic messenger boy whose, blind devotion to his Greek wrestler father is exceeded only by his sentimental zeal, and lets you in on the subsequent ac tion. Dorm Plans Party The Nittany Coop Dormitory will hold a Hallowe'en party in conjunction with several men's town dormitories at 8 p. m. to day. The social committee is Betty A. Bischoff '4l, Betty A. Whittaker '4l, and Sallie L: Witter '42. A $90,000 boiler is being com pleted at the University of Idaho. CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR RENT—Wanted young man to share half of large double room, 728 S. Pugh Street. Phone 2380. ltpdlll3sV ATTENTION!—Students interest ed in Personal Management or Sales- Promotional Work, and who need part time work at present, kindly_interview Mr. C. D. Griggs between noon and 6 p. m. on Mon day, Nov. 4, at the Hotel State College. ltchlllE LOST—Black wallet with matri culation and other cards. Re ward. Call Chuck Reed, Beta Theta Pi, 2271. 3tchllsE FOR SALE—Tuxedo, size 35; ex cellent condition. Single breasted. 3tpdllsE FURNSIHED Kitchenette, pri vate shower, electric refrigera tor, automatic heat. Unlimited hot water. Phone 4183. ltpdlllE JEWISH STUDENTS —K osher meals available at reasonable rates. .Call 4161 for. reservations. Mrs. Stern, 217, E. Foster_ • 6tpd . Sat-Tue-Thu 11-14 TEE DAILY COLLEGIAN High School Rank Affects Flunks Acebi•ding to statistics released from the Registrar's otficP the largest number of students who drop out of College were in the Dower three-fifths of their high school graduating class. In a survey which was made of last year's freshman class, 7L5 per cent graduated in the upper two-fifths of the outgoing class in secondary school and 28.5 per cent were in the lower three-fifths. The dismissal figures .of that class showed that nearly three-fourths of the withdrawals were in the lat ter category. Hence, the lower the status one had in high school, the less chance he had of finishing his college course. Further information stated that out of the total enrollment of 6,245 students in the College last year. only 217 were dismissed be cause of - poor scholarship. In addi tion, 2,912 students were admitted as standing in the upper fifth of their'class in high school. Gauger Named Chairman Of Research Committee Prof. A. W. Gauger, director of mineral industries research at the College, has been named chairman of a committee under whose guid ance two research projects are now being conducted at the College. • The committee is the gaseouS fuels committee of the American Society for Testing Materials. Jack Sachs ~~~, ~~ .. ARROW SHIRTS ARROW SHIRTS . ARROW HANDKERCHIEFS 0004 • MEN'S APPAREL.. South Allan- Si.. Diagonally Across. from. Post:Office ~:-! ARROW TIES 'Ac ROW Wiio47.sl4:l' WE MADE IT! . ... and are we proud of that handsome Gordon Oxford shirt! In fact we have proudly spirted College men for genera tions—and today Arrow is still - the favorite to min on any campus. Gordon Oxford has the famous button-down Dover collar, Sanfor ized-Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1%). Invest $2. today in this time-honored ce lebrity. Another buck will buy an Arrow tie to top it off. See your Arrow - dealer today. Music Notes-: Chester's Band Is Tops Musically And Vocally Although it's pretty early to haz- - ard a guess as to the success of Soph Hop---how can it miss with a band like Bob Chester's? If you listened to its broadcasts from the Chatterbox this summer or went to see it, you'd be enthusiastic, too. This band is really solid. Bob Ches ter admits that the - ,stylistic base of the orchestra is about the same as that of Glenn Miller's, but the band really sounds the best when it doesn't use that five-way reed set-up. After you've listened to the band for any length of time, you realize that there is a real trumpet man in the brass section. That is Alec Fila, a fine lead man. Great things are predicted for this nineteen year-old, and you can rest assured he will live up to them. His rhyth mic drive is responsible for the band's good beat. If anyone can be compared to Muggsy Spanier, it's this lad. -- The rhythm section doesn't add up to very much, but it is capable. The best man in the section -is- Bobby Dominick, playing the kind of guitar you'd like to hear more of. Among the trombones we have Al Mastren of the former Red Nichols band. An excellent tine and technical perfection distinguish him. Al Stuart and lovely Dolores ()Weill do the vocal honors. If you haven't heard her yet, then it is almost compulsory to attend Soph Hop. This girl SINGS and FRIDAY', - 140VEMI3ER - 1,1.190 • • • straight from the heart. Ao:ipoxmieil Baker stuff here.' - • Bob Chester his the makirig - S;Ofp the Cinderella band of 1941.: . , Evenings Only 6.30, 11:30-''. TODAY ONLY GREER GARSON : LAURENCE OLIVIER -‘; JANE AUSTEN ' 'Pride and Prejadicer-v , • SATURDAY ONLY
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