Successor to the Free Lance, Established 1887 VOL. 37—No. 34 Government Head Addresses Young Democrats Today With his subject "The Defense Policies of the United States," Nor man M. Littell, assistant attorney general of the United States will address the Young Democrats df Penn State and all other interested persons in the Sandwich Shop at 8 p.m. tonight. Littell's talk is sponsored by the Democratic organization on this campus and the Roosevelt College Clubs of America. _ Also featured on the program will - be entertainment offered by Connie Konopka '4l, and Leon Rabinowitz '43. Refreshments will be served. A graduate of Wabash.. College, Crawfordsville, Ind., in 1921, Lit tell later became a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University and, then at tended Harvard Law School. He was awarded an L.L.B. degree from Washington University in 1929 and admitted to the Washing ton bar in the same year. He is a member of Beta Theta Pi and of the Seattle, Washing tons, D. C., and American Bar As sociations. Before his appointment in April, 1939, Littell was associat ed with three Seattle, Wash, busi ness firms. Frank Kingdon '4l is chairman of the committee sponsoring the meeting. Other members of the committee are Jack Sachs '4l, Bay ard Bloom '4l, Alice M. Murray '42, Robert D. Baird '42 and Connie Konopka '4l. TiTaik On Armistice Day The complete 'program for the combined student bOdy-borough Armistice Day observance to be held in Schwab Auditorium at 11 a.m. on November 11 was released yesterday by Ray V. Watkins, chairman of the program commit tee. No 11 o'clock 'classes- will he held on that day so that all stu dents will be able to attend the ceremony.. Rep. James Van Zandt of the 23rd Congressional' district will deliver the main address. The ob servance will begin with the usual silent period at 11 a.m. Taps will be played after that and the hour long program in the auditorium is scheduled to begin .about 11:10 a.m. The complete program: Organ prelude; Invocation, Prof. John H. Frizzell; Hymn, "America, the Beautiful;" Responsive Read ing; Solo, "Who Goes There?", Prof. Harlan N. Worthley; Ad dress, Rep. James E. Van Zandt; Benediction, Professor Frizzell; and Postlude. • Republicans Organize Club To Interest College Voters A branch of. the College Repub licans of America, a nation-wide organization to promote interest in the coming election, and to get the college men to vote, has been es tablished on the Penn State cam pus. The organization was started in 1932, and there are now eleven branches in this state. The Univer sity of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Tech, and Pitt are a few of the col leges that have organized branches. Tames , McKelvey '42 will pre side as temporary chairman at a meeting to be held for the charter members. The meeting shall be the beginning of a drive for new mem bers. 7, L 4 B a it g ~...,F, is ti ti r - ~..,_ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 PSCA Debate Forum Slated For Tonight "Should United States Form a Permanent -Union with Com monwealth of Great Britain?" will be discussed at the first public debate sponsored by the PSCA forum committee in the Home Economics Auditorium at 7:30 p. m. tonight. The affirmative side will be upheld by Sylvester - K. Stevens, assistant professor of history, and the negative by John H. Ferguson, assistant professor of political science. An economic analysis will be given by Arthur H. Reede, assistant professor of economics. ' - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Students Favor Sunday Movies Nine out of 16 students favor Sunday movies in State College, an informal poll conducted by the Daily Collegian reveals: Voters of the borough will have their chance to express their opin ions on Tuesday when a local ref erendum is brought to a vote. The outcome of the vote will decide whether or not State College is to have movies on Sunday. Most students favoring the Sun day cinema expressed themselves in these general terms: "There's nothing to do around here on Sun day afternoons . and evenings. Stu dents opposing the referendum were largely influenced by relig ious reasons. "Sunday school end church comes first," was the gen eraLcartsensu..9.. xlti~ group, Enrollment In Languages Of Warring Nations Drops Does the second World War have anything to do with freshman enrollment in foreign language courses? According to the figures, enroll ment in all languages of warring nations has 4 . ropped this semester and enrollment in Spanish, the language of neutral_Spain and South America, has increased con siderably. • Freshman enrollment in Spanish for the first semester last year was 160, and is 190 now; French was 201 and is 158; German had 308 last year, 283 now; Italian 15 and 5. Classes Start Tuesday The All-College dancing class sponsored by the Penn State Club will begin next Tuesday, Novem ber 5, instead of November 25 as incorrectly announced yesterday. Baird '42 Draws Low Number In Draft The draft number of Robert D. Baird '42 was the 358th drawn in the lottery it was learned yester day when it was reported that seven persons connected with the College were among The 25 State College residents whose numbers were drawn first. (Information is not yet available on students and faculty members not registered with the State Col lege board.) "It's just bad luck and definitely bad news." Baird said last night speaking of his low order number. "Sure. I'll go necessary. I'm an isolationist but not a rebel." Baird is a member of Skull and Bones and • a varsity boxer. Last year he was president of Druids and a member of the varsity. de bating team. Na rtes of the seven persons are OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1940, STATE COLLEGE Research Grants Given to 22 Profs . Twenty-two professors have been given grants-in-aid of re search as a result of the meeting of the Faculty Council on Re search held last month. Chairman S. W. Fletcher an nounced the following allotments which were taken from the Cen tral Fund for Research: Richard B. Dow—sloo, strength of metals at high pressures. D. H. Rank—slso, infra red absorption bands of organic molecules. J. H. Simons $l5O, electrolysis in liquid hydrogen fluoride. H. L. Yeagley—slso, a new technique for spectro-chemical analysis. Ar thur Rose—slso, effect of holdup on sharpness of separation in batch fractional distillation. Mich ael R. Cannon—s l 9o, the relation ship between viscosity and mole cular structure. Clifford R. Ad ams—sl7s, the validation of an objective test of personality char acteristics. C. R. Carpenter—s2oo, the social behavior of primates. Benjamin J. Lazan--$l5O, dy namic characteristics of materials. H. F. Alderfer—s2oo, a survey of the minor judiciary in Pennsyl vania. Joseph F. O'Brien—sso, experimental studies of the rela tive effectiveness of discussion and reflection as stimuli for persuasive speech composition. H. Koepp- Baker $l5O, the physiological factors in the syllable. F. J. Tschan —sl2s, medieval history, Bernard of Hildeseem. Joseph Jay Rubin —slso, theories of prose style. E. C. Henry—sloo, the effect of var ious anions on the viscosity of clay H. Davis—s7s, a chemical system. D. W. McGlaslian—sloo, a fun damental study for the application of froth flotation methods to sep aration of minerals. C. H. Sa mans—slso, effect of alloying ele ments of recrystallization of cold worked pure iron. M. C. Fetzer— sloo, creep properties of cast iron. C. R. Austin—sloo, dilation stud ies. H. Neuberger—slso, studies of the geological basement com plex in Centre County. Ivalclare Howland—s2oo, cor relations between the physical fit ness index and responses to men tal acuity and :skill tests and re sponses to nutritional tests. Krabyll Elected Prexy Herbert Krabyll was elected president of the PSCA Freshman Council at a recent meeting. Oth er- officers chosen were Clifford Painter, secretary-treasurer, and Jerry Stein, vice president. ROBERT D. BAIRD '42 tgiatt Students' Duty To Report Dating Violations-Wagner 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Special Collegians Planned This Weekend %Two special eight-page edi tions of Collegian, a Houseparty Issue and a Football Issue, will appear tomorrow and Saturday. Tomorrow's issue will con tain a complete Houseparty En tertainment Calendar in' addi tion to all the regular Collegian features. Returns on the Collegian's second campus-wide election poll will be published in Sat urday's special number. Two pages of the issue will be de voted to football. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Church Council To Hold Parley The Inter-Church Student Fel lowship Council, which represents all student church organizations on campus and in the State, will hold its second annual World Fellow ship Worship in the Evangelical Church, Beaver Avenue and Bur rowes 'Street, at 5:30 p.m. today. Approximately 100 'student rep resentatives will attend the inform al fellowship dinner and later par ticipate in a worship service, Louis E. Carter '42, president of the council, has anounced. Two foreign' born students, Miss Suki Chen, special student, and Andrew P. Szekely '43, will in terpret the 'world fellowship move ment from the alien standpoint. Miss Chen will speak on "Chris tianity Today" and Szekely on "Faith and the Making of a New World." Eleanor L. Robinson, graduate student, will act as chairman of the service, with Anna M. Civitts '42, Miriam L. Rhein '43, Donald J. Stitzer '4l, and R. Tracy Edd inger '42, furnishing the entertain ment. Shooting Case Decision Will Be Announced Today BurgeS's Wilbur F. Leitzell will announce his decision on the Phi Sigma Delta shooting case involv ing,l2 students today. Last night, members of a special board called by Leitzell niet, and after hearing evidence, each one handed his opinion of what action should be taken to -Leitzell. listed,,below. The first numl•er is the order in which the name was drawn and the number in paren theses is the person's serial num ber. All numbers are unofficial. 146. Ervin W. Schroeder, in structor in agricultural engineer ing (2489). 167. A. Leroy Voris, assistant professor of animal n u ir ition (2524). 262. Isadore Zipkin, gram:late stipend scholar in agricultural and biological chemistry (2792). 268. Robert L. Wilson, sports editor of the Centre Daily Times and sports editor of the Penn State Collegian last year (766). 278. Newell C. Cook, graduate assistant in chemistry (2780). 358. Robert D. Baird '42 (2892). 390. Richard W. Stow, graduate assistant in physics (2877). Weather— Generally Fair, PRICE FIVE CENTS Reporters' Names To Be Held In Strict Confidence "Any individual on the campus may and should report violations of the Interfraternity Council dat ing code to me," said H. Edward Wagner '4l, president of IFC at its meeting last night. "All names of reporters will be held in strict confidence. "The obligation of each fratern ity does not end with the mere posting of the 20 copies of the new dating code which are to be dis tributed soon to the houses," he stated. "But it is the duty of every student to report violations of both the letter and the spirit of this code." Prof. Sheldon C. Tanner, IFC adviser, added that a fraternity is guided to a great extent in its conduct by the example which the chapter president sets. The penalties for all violations of the code will be decided on by a faculty committee of three head ed by Professor Tanner. The greatest penalty that may be ap plied is a semester's 'withdrawal of social privileges. It was pointed out by Wagner that although the college has the authority to with draw the charter of a fraternity for immoral practices, .they leave this responsibility of dating en forcement entirely up to the fra ternities. "This is all the more reason," he said, "that we should do our ut most to enforce the code." It was announced by Tanner that a revised IFC constitution would be presented for the coun cil's decision at its next meeting. In it will be a clause to incorporate two new bodies subordinate to IFC, namely ,a treasurer's council and a caterer's council. The following' motion was pass ed: "The publication 'Fraternity News' is not the official organ of IFC." H. Ridge Riley, of the public in formation department, was pre sented with a traveling bag as a token of appreciation for his help in putting out the fraternity book let for freshmen this summer. 1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110) Late News Bulletins 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111i1111111/111111 Athens The Greek army buckled at one point in Northwest.. ern Greece yesterday afternoon. Italian forces used artillery and bombing planes as they drove through the lines for a few miles. Hyde Park President Roose velt announced last night that air plane manufacturers in the Unit ed States would be allowed to de liver planes to England to strengthen the British forces. Paris French high officials told Berlin , last night that they would aid the Axis powers in war in order to protect themselves. Athens Devastating effects of the Albanian guerilla bands of 200 or 300 men were greatly hamper ing the efficiency of Italian forces. Dayton An improved type of war plane was delivered at Wright Field yesterday. It can carry sev eral soldiers, two cannons and two large motors. Hollywood Greta Garbo filed application yesterday for citizen ship to the United States. •
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