. , The : Pennsylvania •. State :.Col !ewe ~.4_,,,• ~,,,,,,N EIII E I•sl'A I: KS, l'h I) , L I I) , I'REI , I DENT 1 E,talilp,lied .itul 11101111.11iii , d Irk OW 'unit ;'I( tutu 01 the Illated State , ' (ko,el nment and the , ('immitaivo.allii of l'etin , vhaiiki FI Vr, CI Z. EAT SC llt )1 )IS A .;'i ivillltil 0, Engiiie) mg, Libor,ll MR, Itlinlng, anti Nat m ,II ;4( ienve, oll.q ily qt hirty-t 0 vim' ',.,,, cut 1"111 vtlil t-, each A 1'.44 4 44111 , 4" , 111 1104110 El tilloffill , , I Iltill ,, t riat Ait Anil I'll\ .11.al 1 , ,,111- 4:•ation 'VI I i'l II IN HI l':1 , : to hot ii, ~ ,:xp, „ m(9(4.111.11 ( hat gw, model ate Fii , ,t , teitio,t,•l twpitp , iiiiiiillP rut , S(.l,loitilwi , weond , 4•4114.q4.1 . thi• rust' or Ft.twki.w, , StiltiMet . Set ,, ielt 101 Tent IH't `-, about the t hit (I. NittiltlttV tit .1 line +,l Pach \ I , :ii I , ;II cataloglie, bulit.lin , ,,annotHici. mont , „ etc , addit.Y, ' 'lii E it 14;GIS I TIZAR, State College, l'elmivl%ania lA/hat Pr(Dfessian are You CI - loosing it at MEDICINE DENTISIRY, P'TAI&MACY of CIIEMISTRY 110 w,t lUI to I. (In the 1(10 int wi 01 The Mfeclicc)-Cihtirua - gic-ial College II I. Hi Illy I 111 nILu Ii iii. I , I ill I. flit li, In ill I ,lu t it t ~ I se r., aaaa ,, II Il i. In p u hut _lllll, I_t lii ill Him iii lIIi i ass \si II I atria al, // al // 11/ 'Jul Ili ow , a Inn , tl \nll,h 11. nut 11. I 1,151 io lit ooh 11, II Wu, ul ll' , it, lulls idol II Ii i. UPI sus` lid I 1111 11 , I Willi I lIIMN Ilt II 1.41 11,_11 t a xii,„lt 1111110 Its TI 011 11.-5 . 1 . , 01 1 1111 11,111 I 111'1011.411 1 5 JII 0111 II 001 • um, li t -.mill 11,1 I lull Mil \\ , n'l, I lit . L i ( !,„, iiimit.p,l tit oi iii ml 1 lino tl l unil , au all Mil Witt I Ilr Ihnd , cps rI II 11l IIIIIIIIII I \ 111 11111 11 I'l In lu, 001 I litl iii .. 1,"1 i% 1,1 11,, 1,1 11 1 , II II„ 11111 I 01'11 0 , 1 1 1 11 ,1,11 11 1., 11 ,, 111 01' 1111 I War 110 I 10111'55111.; 1 1111 /10111 111 11 I'lo , 1 , 1 • I 'l , lllit 111' 1/It 115,110 1..1 l• 1111. ,ffira Willi antis uIIIOI 11 1111 111 115011-, I 111131 1 1 1 vontorlith 'lnd Moir , ' Stleet4 1"1111 tclelphirt, Pa THE PITTSBURG DINNER An Enthusiastic Gathering of State Men Dine and Discuss Matters of Vital Importance to Penn State Undoubtedly the greatest gather ing of State men that ever assembled outside of college halls thf mselves sat down to the annual dinner of the Penn State Alumni ,Associaton of Pittsbuig. In point of numbers it ;Has the largest, numbeiw one hun dred and ten men, twenty, five moie than attended 'the dinner list year. In point of spirit tine Penn State spirit- other dinners pale into in significance The whole theme during the ev m ing was "how can the alumni, and particularly those of Westein Penn sylvania, further the interests of their Alma Mater - . The affairs of the college are, at this wilting, at a crucial point. The . necessity of having the, imm.cliate' cooperation of the alumni in helping to secure the required appropriation from the legislature became evident dining the course of the address of ' Sparks. In his report. Di Sparks amazed his healers as he told, what an' increase' has takeh place in the student body during tl,le past year. and that the appropriations given in the past were not suEfi.:ient to meet the growing demands of the institu tion. The idaas of other speakers profninent in the affairs of the col- lege wete along the same line, and the alumni of the westetn end of the state were shown deafly where their duties lay to ave their Alma Mater from going backward instead of forward as she ought. The enthusiasm with which those pithnt took up the plait of iritetesting the legislature indicates success. J. L. Hamill, 'BO, emphasized the need of a closer bond of sympathy between the alumni and the under graduates in their activities, partic ularly athle les From start to finish the dinner was a peat event and should move a great boost to Pcnn State spirit among alumni and iniclergiaduates alike. The Plashing association has reason to be piotid of the past and she looks toiwaicl.eagelly for what is still in store for her in the future. The Tennis Schedule At a meeting ot. the men in col iege interested in tennis held some months ago, L. A. Cuthbert was elected manages of the tennis team for 1911—a new blanch of sport for Penn State—to come under the head of the Minor Sports Athletic Asso ciation recently formed ,here. He has arranged a schedule for the year as follows - April 29 lege, - llickm9on at State Col May s — Swaithmoie at Swaith more. May 6 - Navy at Annapolis. May 13 — Gettysbtag at State College. al Phil killlllll , t I May 19 May 20—Westminstei , at New Wilmington. May 27 - University of Penn at State College. The Univtrsity of Pittsburg will also very likely be played in Pitts burg on May 18. The dial' for the team will be held as soon as possible after the April vacation and all the men in college who play tennis shou'd come out and try tot a place. Two years ago the wrestling team was started as mole or less of an experiment in State athletics—and its success has been so great that it is now, here to stay. There are many good tennis players in college, and with the right kind of support from all the men who aie interested in this sport -State should .be able to have a team of which she may be proud. The schedule has been anangeci. It is now only up to the men to come out and make the team what it should be. College Notes Prof. Madison M. Garver, Who rowed on several of Col nell's noted early crews when in college, has re cently spent his college vacation here in piepartng a series of scien tific articles which have created widespread interest in college circles. They were fist printed in the "Journal of Physical Chemistry" and then reprinted in pain:Alb t form under the following titles, "A Kinetic Interpretation of Osmotic Piessine," "On the Energy Relatio of Solute and Solvent," "On the Relation of Osmotic Pressme to the Intrinsic Pressine of Liquids," and "On the ;Transference and Trans formations of Energy with Applica tions to the Th (Hy of Solutions." Prof Gat ver has made,a deep study of his subject and presents the solu tion in a manner that turns the theory advanced by most text books topsy-turvy The electrochemical society of this college has recently been made a branch of the 'American Oectro chemical Society While on their inspection trip, the senior electio chLmists fogethei with Prof. Rich ardson, attended the meeting of the national society held Apiil 6, 7 and 8 in New Yoik City. German Correspondence In the annual report of the Dies den Commercial Institute, which has just been published, attention is called to the interest taken by the German students in their cor iesppondence with Tenn State stu dents The exchange of letters between the students 01 these in stitutions has been conducted with much interest lor nearly two years and has proved to he of incalculable benefits to the participants. The Getman depaitment ofteis a foreign correspondence coin se and allows one credit, hour lot a year's com spondence consisting at ten Glove City at Grove Swiss Chee3e , Investigatiods Mi. C F Dome of the Daily Division, U S Depiitmeut of Agri cultute has been assumed to Penn State Collec.;e to conduct investiga tions in the making of Swiss Cheese the Government has for ,some time been can ying• on exper iments in the manutact me of Swiss Cheese but has been unable to secure satisfactory result under the ' usual conditio , is It is believed that the high altitude and character of the pasture land in the vicinity of State College will be of consider ' able advantage in conducting the investigations which have in view the reduction of the process of ISwiss Cheese making to as scientific a basis and exact a process as that of buttermaking or checldai cheese making R,esolutious The following resolutions were passed by the class of 1913 Whereas, 6Od, in his infinite wis dom, has seen fit to take from our deal friend and classmate, H. W Coon,. his father, be it, resolved, Thai we, the members of the class of 1913, extend out heartfelt sym pathy to him and the family in this their h ur of sorrow. Be it further resolved, That these resolutions be , published in the State Collegian, be spread upon the minutes•, and that a ropy be for warded .to the beleaved family. Signed N, S Giubbs, J. H Shollenbeigei, R F. Bigham Jr. Nome All 1913 men who dish to try tot a place on the 1913 La Vie Board as photographers or artists will please hand in their names at once. The m , -n will be choskn by com petition, the chiefs being appointed toward the end of the yea'. on the basis of ability. All men'tiying for these positions will please submit •pecimens of original w.oik to the sophomore assistant editors not later than April 20 B. W. Bell, R E. Atkinson and C L. Cecil, 1913 assistant editors. Senior Cotillion The third and final senior dance of the year will be held in McAllis tei Hall on the evening of Friday May 12th The , ,e functions have been so successful in the first two instances that it is needless to say a greater nunibei than ever will be present at the last gathering of this nature available to 1011 men. The First National Bank 'State College, Pa. 3 , Y, ;Trite rest on tune deposits, payable semi annually Accounts solicitod Special Notice to Students All students who dclivei and call foi then laundry will, by PAYING CASH, RECELVL 25'p. DISCO UN 1 State College Steam Loundr) MILLI , ,R S 6.E.NSIAEIt I tarry NV: Savers I-( (7. or ( / A 1 / 4 7 ) 1 c•Yr7. A full line of men's furnishings Custom made clothing by the Royal tailors 'i Pennants and cushion tops a tine assortment Cleaning and pressing k-,i*:*`€ - ,-..ti*:****g , ::: - .1..: - : . =.:•_P . 0 , 2 9 .(1 0 . Have 'YoU Ever Traveled . 2 ( ki ~, 1 for Business . or Pleasure ? fti rado/it IS Why Not Combine the Two . ' ke e 6 '5l (110,ur proposition assures your expenses and you can make a 2 0 () % considerable sum for next college year. The work is the most q IS Q\I valuable training a young man could have. Q, , e .. CPhysicians are the best class ,of men to do businesi with and OP „,t Ids'are accustomed to buying fiom salesmen. LW ,( X t 4 /Later on you will be tied down by your chosen occupation and \ ( X a season on the road will be something pleasant to look back \ ( h s upon. There is nothing that broadens the young man and puts tilifi an edge on a keen mind like road work. ;A'y (Write us tor details. oar I'IL q) . /j 'O . O ki64 qtP,;*4gi*'*ggigi*gi The Charles H. Efflott Company The largest college engraving house in the world CQM MENCEM ENT INVITATIONS CLASS DAY PROGRAMS AND CLASS PINS Dance Programs . Fraternity and and Invitations Class Inserts Menus for Annuals Leather Dance, E ,„ Fraternity Cases and VO and Class Covers Stationery Wedding Invitations and Calling Cards Works —l7th St, and Lehigh Ave , Philad'a State College Representtve, James Millholland Z' and PDX ROOM ' . ----- 3 BARBER SHOP 123 Allen Street Shooting Gallery The new Snyder and Holmes gallery, comer Frazier and Calder, offms you 'a pleasant divelsm in the shooting line At regular intervals during the winter We will give as pi izeß for mukurnanship, both chickens and tutheys We invite your intet est Come in and look us over H. A. EVEY ..._ L., ivery CAB WORK tt SPECIALTY Both 'Phones COX Sons and Vining 262 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y , -- —_ GOWNS A: 4l and CAPS ✓ I , : 'Silk Faculty */,," Gowns Gowns and Hoods ,Ze itil? / Lowest prices. i .f3,:si workmanship An i. xcellent stock of outfits for rental L, MLLN I I NI:, agent 130 East College Avenue 6, 16 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 itTa 6 .P:.=,''..P?P;§'•*?* F. A. DAVIS COMPANY, 1914 Chetgy Street, Philadelphia, Pa. the, Mittan2 Inn UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF JAMES P AIKENS THE HOME _OF THE PENN STATE FOOTBALL TEAM THEIR FRIENDS WILL ALWAYS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION I don't task ; I make signs , . Lettering of trunks and suit cases my lops rial ty, Poster, show and display cards , CHAS: A. WOMER, Stut,e College C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Optician All Ii Inds of I pool! , von k prompt'y dono lqini woo mined froo Prlvato optical parlor First. : Class : Restaurant ice Cream and Confectionery 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE .ock Havel] Steam Landry ovn wu RU Witt CAI! INoI'LCTION~ S RIDENT AGENTS 11 N Keebler '1 i R S. Kift 'l2 H W Stlner 'l3 Soles sewed or stitched by Champion stitcher. W. C. KLINE South Allen street State Colleac.. 111C141,nreNTIO PENNWMVANIA H. W. Meyers 131±1ST WORK a t LOWEST PRICES Your Patronage Solicited
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers