STATE COLLEGIAN rut tithed on Thursday of each 'week during the eolls,,e year by the students of I ue Pennsylvania Stet. College In the'intertst If the Studs its Fac ul y Alumni and Friends of the college ntered at the Pustofflce, State College, Pa . as se . nd class matter Editor in Chief W. S. KRIEBEL, , 'l2 , Assistant Editor , W I'. Lirri,E, 'l2 Associate Editors 0. R. MASON, 'll G A. BARKER, 'l2 8.5., RUSSELL. Jr., 'l3 R. M. EVANS, 'l3 M. S. KRIMMEL, Business Manager C. F. PRESTON, 'll Assistants E. A. JAMES, 'l2 FL S. COCKLIN, 'l2 THEO. LENCHNER, SUBSCRIPTION. 1. 50 per year or $1 25 if paid within 30 days after late of subscription. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1911 Senior Editors ,In assuming the work of the senior ,editors who are leaving the staff, it 'is the desire of the new men to per form in as capable a manner the tasks our predecessors have so well accomplished. - Under excellent management, the "Collegian" has made real progress during the year, a td has 'gained in interest and value. It shall be, our purpose to continue, and wherever possible, to better the publication; and to make it a frank mouthpiece of the students, the Faculty, and the Alumni of the col lege.- Each man who is interested in the welfare of• his college can help us by his active interest, his criticism, and his advice. ,Show us that you are willing to help us in the work of giving the institution a paper that is worthy of its growing Retire strength. To the retiring editors we.. offer praise for the manner in which they have performed their duties, and appreciative thanks for the assis tance they have at' all , times ren dered the younger members of the staff.' In the midst of their duties they have found time to be a con tinual source of help and encourage ment to the men whO were to fake up the worm after them. The New The staff has elected as Men new members of the ed itorial department, G. A. Barker, 'l2; R. M. Evans, 'l3; and M. S. Erimmel, 'l3. The men have shown their ability in the work which they have already done, and will make a strong addition to the list of asso- ciate editors. In welcoming them to their new positions we wish them all the pleasure which arises from mingled cares and delights of re portorial work. Penn State Alumni Banquet. The fourth annual Banquet of the Schenectady Alumni Association of the Penn state college was held at the Mohawk Golf club Thursday evening April 13, 1911. - llr G. G. Pond was the guest of honor and all present were glad to have the op portunity of - seeing him again and hear first hand information about the college Born one who is so in terested in its welfare. Preceding the dinner, a business meeting was held when the follow ing officers were elected for tl e en suing year Piesident P, E. Smith 'O2; First V ce President J, F. Trifle 'O4, Second Vice President W. E. Hoffman 'O9; and Third Vice Pres ident J. A. Summers 'lO, Secretary and Treasurer L. F. Adams '06.- ' - 1 he speakers of the evening were P. E. Smith 'O2, Toastmaster, J F I-enburf'_; 'O2, President's .address, Dr. Pond, "'lhe College", D f', Plank, 'OO "Alumni", R 0 Meckley 'OB, "Athletics' , ',, J F. Summers 'lO "Short Circuits" Dining the even ing selections were. sw'g by the celebiated l3oalsburg Quartet im ported for the occasion —composed of H. M. Jacobs 'O9, R. D. Meckley 'OF„ W E. Hoffman 'O9, and W. K. Graeff 'lO. The committee on ar rangements consisted of H. M Jacobs 'O6 Chairman, J. H. McCoy 'OB, W. E. Hoffman 'O9. Those present were Mr. George Monroe formerly a member of the Faculty, Dr. G. G. Pond, H. D. Car rier '99, D. H Plank 'OO, D. B. Morgan 'OO, H. J. Hunsicker 'O5, G. A. Elder 'Ol, P. E. Smith 'O2, J. E. Isenburg 'O2, E. H. Beckert 'O3, J. F. Tritle 'O4, L. F. Adams 'O6, F. Hershey 'O6, H. M. Jacobs 'O6, W. H. Fallon 'O7, W. E. Ruder 'O7, L. Woodside 'OB, E. J. Moore 'OB, F. A. Hull 'OB, C. D. preston 'OB, F. Blanchard 'OB, D. Woodward 'OB, R. B. Meckley 'OB, J, McCoy 'OB, T. R. Hay 'O9, W. E. Hoffman 'O9. W. M. Barlow 'O9, W. C. Summer 'lO, R. M. Wanner 'lO, W. K. Groff '10; H. E. Smith 'Ol, George Bower 'lO, L. W. Parsons 'lO, W. E. Mur phy 'lO, W. C. Summer 'lO, L. H. Beebe 'lO, and L. C. Westcoat 'lO. Engineering News. The new thermo laboratory which is the most complete institution of its kind in the United States has been fully equipped, and experi mental work has been begun. The lawn that has been made avail able by the removal of the pump house and temporary foundry build ing, will 'be made more attractive by the building of a heavy wall which will retain and hide the coal and ash piles at the rear of the En gineering Building. Improvements are being made on the interior of the Engineering Build ing by repainting and oiling the halls. • Messers R. G. Knight and J. W. Cronemeyer spent Easter vacation is making drainage area surveys in connection with the experiments which are being carried - on by the School of Engineering to determine the amount of water run off from mountainous water sheds in central Pennsylvania. The work iS under the direction of Professor Walker. The new foundry is nearing com pletion, the work of encasing it in brick having been begun. The department of Milling Engi neering has received a large amain t of miling apparatus which may be seen in ,the basement Of the Engi neering Building Flower Show. On Saturday, April 29 a flower show will be given in the new green houses under the auspices of the department of Horticulture and the Crab , Apple Club. No admission fee will be charged for the exhibit, which will include showings of first class flowers. well the college green houses as ell as those of many prominent florists throughout the State. Since the construction of the greenhouses last summer, in terest in commercial floriculture has ' increased greatly, and this is a good opportunity for us all to witness not only the work of our department, but also the results obtained by many other members of the track' Di. H. T. Price '96, I. G. G. Forster 'Ol, A T. Mann ex-'O5, J. Ellis Harvey ex-'O4 and R. E. 13it tenger ex,'l2 were recent visitors: t college, as well as Aithur Barrett, a former Case School pitcher and' brother of "Fritz" Barrett 'l3. A. K. Risser,'o4, writes frOm Col orado Springs for a man to succeed him as Manager of the Holland Dairy Co. TH7I STATPI COLTMOTAN Il' c t_ 1 I - 1 r 1 t (2. c 1 to try the High Standard Laundry you -are missing the opportunity to get excellent laun dry work done at moderate prices. If you want to be convinced,.ash somebody: W E. llelbel N Boger , STUDENT AGENTS J L. McCreary 1 - Get in the habit of asking us for a bid on your jOb work "c We will surprise you in quality and price The Keystone Gazette Bellefonte, Pa. Both Telephones J. C. Smith & Son succesor. to H. D Meek Hardware Co General •. Hardware Builders' Material Oils, paints, glass, cement and stoves Roofing and spouting Fine assortment of Sporting Goods A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WAFER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State C':llege Pennsylvania James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street Elie T.entre (Eounty 23 ailk zsellefonte Shoffler's •:- Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups I. C. HOLIVIEII STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE S. - E. KIMPORT Headquarters for Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones J. C. MARKLE All Kinds of Choice Meats Flail in ienson 138 College Avenue, v aniti Optic -ion POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY F. P BLAIR & CO BEL LEF,ONTE JEWELEkS AND OPTICIANS ICor of Brockerhoff House MI mail orders promptly attended to Fins watch and jew elry repairing a specialty Both phones CHAS. A. WOMER Tiinsorial Artist Your patronage solieted I irJtclass xork guar ant. UNDER HOTEL The . Ralston New spring , styles of shoes just in at L. ID. FY E'S High Standard Laundry Philipsburg. Pennsylvania ‘Ve carry a full line of Students' Supplies • • The Athletic Store I No, a, m i p 1 001 mil !JO II H HI .1 111 7 58 a ou 11 121 715 to in 1 I IST I sl ':,. 71 111 12,111 8,11 t 2 1)01110 15 11l rn 2(1 1 2 121 , 17i '2,21) 2 11 10 19' 2 101 1 2111 11 11/ .1 111 ; The Park Hotel --e Williamsport, Pa. Headquarters for all "State' teams'`—Located opposite the P. R R station--. Free bus to P. & R R R station. Rates $2 50 per day and up ward Sr( MA N the Photographer Both phones an i dealer in E,astinau Sapp\lea Also Agent for eokvanlA.a. 9raphophowrs and h.destxv.c.tiMe. "Wee oT&s 2.12 task eaktiat IVotwat Stake Categt GEORGE B. JACKSON CIGARS. TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Pull Line of Smokers' Fancy Articles ALLEN ST.. STATE COLLEGE. PA. The First National Bank Capital $1(N1,0011 0. F. SHAW, Harnessmaker J. B. MINGLE, Shoemaker i T W' Piollet STUDENT AGENTS / J W Miller, Theta Psi Be left me Central Railr4oacl F H THOMAS, General Manager BEL LEFON rE, PA I,v \l' \\ 1 ()IZK ‘: I \ PHIL MI 1,1'11.1 k .\1 FA II \ It1081:1'INI At L\ PI 17:-‘1SU I:(I .1i IA 11,'N)(1\, \ \t I.v 'IN I:() \ 1.. \1 , t, '1 ' I,‘ \\ ITU \ N , l 4) ll'l' Al IA IAWK 11 \\ Pi \ ‘I I N 8}..1.11 . 411 1 \ iI. t .11 (I( WE \ im ,i; MIMI:IS ~ .1 I''l ENS 111 l'E/CI-1 I' \ ItIN: :01 17, Ir 6'l I I I Ir 11,1 Ir ill' I, "DI 7 !MI 7 I-I , 1,11 \I ISM NRINI . . In 51 . A . 11: (01,IdAii: . ( Irni . lll EI 4 . lll,llo\L'illffia I'l \ L ORM 11, 1.1.1.,1S 7 til ' II lii I \ I I. \ 4,1.10 tionilt, on— ~. \N Oh I'. nit , )lvanin 12 12 C C MISH, Manager BELLEFONTE Surplus $lOO,OOO Allen Street Patronize the Collegian's Advertisers-==- Dm :!,6 1010 I II 1,\1(11;1 , , RNA \ RI,I Nl 1I))(41,-, Sheasly & Gentzel , Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions furniture and Carpets Headquarter, for FINE -:- CONFECTIONERY Nos. 200-206 College Avenue 11====== "kteectsvakek's Shoe Store Headquarters for 11Jatk=Over eTeaultecd. SV.ZES INankster Meek INAkert Slreet, The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Eve' 3.1 hing m flat(h‘; , re I)l , ttiluilors CO the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete line ASPHALT Roorimis oar spy' lally BELLEFONTE. PA. No I No I No 2 I , 1 I 6 p I p 19 I it 19, 9 181 11) II! 7 17 623 710 1 10 sin ,l' t i2l ni I I in) 2 10 21 p 151 5 II 111 1u 10!" 10 8 'lOl 1.2 10 11/1 12 x. 17 8 ' 11 5I 5 11 5 51 5 ti) L 5 5 I I) p 00 8 21.1 12 18 8 1 211 12 10 8 671 18 001711 10 it in 7 151 7 10 i 7 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers