Coltltutod, from pt p- ,t press notices given at every visiting city, there can be no doubt that an excellent reputation has been estab lished, which fact should make the securing of future engagements very easy, at every place of show ing. Requests were made for return engagements and this fact further shows the success attained by the Thespians in Climaiologeis. The management of the , trip and axmmodations proVided could not, possibly, have been better, this due to the untring effotts of Manager Milholland. Considering the fact that the trip was not only financially successful, but also that it was the longest and most successful in every respect, of any of like character yet attempted, too much credit cannot be given to Coach Downing, Mr. Milholland, and the members of tne company for this remarkable tour. Class Basket Ball Dance is a Sue- The balkef ball men held a' suc cessful informal - dance ob Saturday etening, April 8. The men eligible t attend were those on the class basket ball men, and the class of fi:iers. The committee in charge of the affair war, composed of D. B. Le Fevre 'll, H. S. Cocklin 'l2, J. W. Lewis 'l3, and P. E. Rhin hart 'l4, the managers of the va 7 rious teams. ciemical Fraternity Installed Here. The Nu Chapter of the Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity, an honorciy chemical society, has been lately installed at this institution. The members of the local chapter were initiated , on April 13 at Philadelphia. Notice. All men who wish to submit samples of Senior invitations and programmes for Commencement Week, should make - arrangements with B. G. Smith at the Libra—, immediately Nittany Inn Friday, April • twenty eight DIVINITY SCHOOL HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECT ARIAN UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES Elective courses„ leading to the University degrees of S. T. 8., A. M., and, Ph. D. Students paying the full fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses offered in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and in Andover Theplog ical Seminary. For particulars ad dress The Dean of 'the Harvard Divinity School, 4 Divinity Library, Cambridge, Mass. At 'life .. Friday, April twenty=eight Sim Clothes Exhibit Ready to wear and Made to measure Clothes Sack Suits, Norfolks Prince Alberts, Cuta. ways, Full Dress and Tuxedo clothes SIM THE CLOTHIER CORREC37 DRESS FOR MEN BELLBFONTE Tfie Toggery Shop Men''s Furnishings '.4 . A. G. Spalding Sc Bro's Athletic Goods ' The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing v v C. W. SMITH South Allen Street New Chef at McAllister Dining Hall 1 If you are contemplating changing boarding places give us a tn al. $3 per week looter's. Iv forks DYEING AND DRY CI EANINO Goods sent on Thursdays of each week "Rouyatree 119 South Burrowes Street " The Pastime South Allen Street Life Motion 'Pic fires Illustrated Songs THREE BIG SHOWS each evening, beginning at' 7:15 8:15 9:15 Matinees every Tuesday and Saturday at 3 30 Ladies and children especially invited Singing by Gray and Wingerd Music by Ainschler and Snavely ADMISSION TEN CENTS Children under 10 years of age, half price A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Spalding Trade-Mark throughout the world as a Guarantee of Quality lit. 5. SPRMAILS E ) 1 3845 I,no Chestnut 5‘.., rftWitial)Ma THE !MAT)!!! COLLECITIN St*Acres, 1-coc)k.. ! HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING CLEANING IRE.AIRING BUSH HOUSE BELLEFONTE PENNA hale tier (lay $2 :ill With bath fa per day W L nA GG nTir— a r e t h e iLargest Manufacture'rs i n the World of OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES is known IF YOU are interested in Athmic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue It's A complete enclyclopedia of of WIl Al 'S NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on request N4c,.Alliter- 1_)11 --- iirac - _)- FIEIII ,:,....... t--, ___.... "Kott on the Campus We keep the quality up .2, - - 2 Students' reg ular board per week .7? ..._, because the quality keeps Lis up -& ) ,.5-soCIE I Y AND CLASS BANQUE I S A SPECIAL 1 - 1(-1' II T NN • Try McAllister grub and be convinced Exti as at cost w, w H, wool), II , The Quality Shop An eqabliAntent ulmh r. noted for iii line quality of letterpress printing CA( ry order To eivei the per nal attention of the manitet r thus Inuring perfLa •attlaction The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company - 4 - State Cothge PRESSING THE MALLORY STUDIO' BELLEFONTE H C Detchon 'l2 Student Arent Vt - tam Zi.ght, - ) k(eat. aRb Vounx Company The Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P. D. Manager • • Drugs, , Sundries , Stationery Students' Supplies Prescriptions compounded " e Sovt Tktt 'Kota. C. A. Manchaid Manager ÷ ' _ Penn Avenue and Tenth Sheet `PkttabuTO, ?a. E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Grocents Sporting Goods East College avenue Our 'preparatiOns' for this spring season have been made on,a broader plan than ever before, with larger stocks, greater variety and better values We would be pleas'ed to show you our first shipments of clothing, shirts, hats, neckwear and other lines Montgomery & Co. PHOTOGRAPHY PFNNA Stake e,okke g c , 13enn'a Phon ev Bellefonte HARVEY BROS'. Bakers and Confectioners Full line of Lowney, Apollo and Fuller-Breen° Chocolates always on hand Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors Excellent service at OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Nittany Inn Building Xeac ea. 'Water& ?MUT llotAing \ke,ll ekcpxs au& ejobac;cos hotel IS'aMlu9 Akken VATtet J P. fl ACIAI A N Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gent:, Furnishings 129 S A le i Street F. D, WEAVER UP=TO=DATE LIVERY J. B. MARTIN , SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice State College Supply Co . General Merchandlse Agents for Spalcinig Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes H. ('. l'i,;i\H(lil Dry Good , „ Notions, Shoes, Gioce ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers