OW, gt N.), 11 ( 01;. , , t, .tt ( \,I. i ... , I , l\\ at A1111,11;011', Nos. in, Thanio•go nig (to, gain. wit!) t no. t. , 11.1, of Pitt-burg b rig Debating Our vasty debating teams are kept busy' at present getting into shape for the approaL omg inter-col egiate debates Under the new idles of the league each of the four colleges has tv.o teams which debate the same questionon the same date, but on opposite sides The four col- leges comprising the league are, Swarthmore, Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, and Penn State. The debates will take place on Friday, March 3, 'll. The question for debate is" Re solved that our legislation should be shaped toward the gradual aban donment of the tariff". One team. from each college will meet a sim lar team'from one of the other col- eges in the league at home, while the other team will debate with another college at the home of the latter. This will make it possible to have a debate at each college on the same date which, it is hopsd will create a deeper and greater in terest throughout the league. According to the arrangement for this year our team composed of F. C. Dose 'l4, E. H. Seigler 'll, J. A. Kinney 'l2, and, H. M. Keebler 'll, alt. ,will go to Swarthmore to uphold the affirmative side of the question, while the other team composed of W. D. Meik.l 'll, E. S. Ross 'l4, io3e Osuna 'l2, .and, J. P. Rossiter 'l4, alt., will defend the negative against Dickinson at home, A trophy is to 'be awarded for one year to the college gaining the greatest number of victories for the ensuing year, and is to be granted permantly to the college winning the most debates in three yearS. College Notes. Mr. Cottrell was chosen to rep resent , the Pen — silvania State col lege at the conference of South American states, held at Washing ton, D. C. Th. new foundry back of the Thermal testing plant is rapidly nearing completion. Operations have been begun on the grading of the entrance to the new Athletic field. President E. E. Sparks, spoke on Tuesday evening Feb. 7 at the St.ite Educational meeting at Harrisburg On last Monday evening Dr. E. E. Sparks lectured on "Lincoln" in commemoration of the great man, before the Republican Club at Wil liamsport. The good roads, train is due at Bellefonte sometime to-day. Prof Watts of Ohio state Univer sit/ was at the college_ last week in connection with the Dep't of Cera mics, which was a.kecl for in bill to Co -Tress. S noker for 'Seni)rs in School of On Weinesday evening; Feb 8, Dean W. R. Ciana, entertained the the membirs of the Senior class in the School of M nes with a Smoker, at his home on the Noith Campus, to meet Mi KQui . ; ilc ~, who had lec- tined at the meetinf; of the Eng.i neeling soinetv of the ;shoot of Mines eathei in the evening A vet y pleasant c eninv f.t as spent with left eshments amid smokes. Entertained Senior Metallurgical Enginecis hofessor aml lvii C I' Linville, entertained - th.! , semoi members from the comse in M.Ltallingical engineering at du - 11 , x on M mdAy evening, Feb 'l3 chose in esent were, Mr. W. 14 Fostei, Mi. J. 0 Clark, Mi. G. C Shoem J. Yeckley, and Mi LI. I) Pallistei. The Toggery Shop Men's Furnishings v A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods : The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing -..' -.7 "The Pastime" South Allen Street Life. Motion (Pictures Illustrated Songs THREE BIG SHOWS each evening, beginning at 7:15 8:15 9:15 Matinees every Tuesday and Saturday at 3 . 30 Ladies and children especially invited Singing by Oray_and Wingerd Music by Amschler and Snavely ADMISSION TEN CENTS Children under 10 years of age, half price J. C. Smith & Soli Succesots to H. D Meek Hardware Co General : Hard Ware Builders' Material Oils, paints, glass, cement and stoves Roofing and spouting Fine assortment of Sporting Goods A. DEAL- SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WAFER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State C'pllege After dinner the- evening was spent with cards. , Choir Notice Miss H. H Atherton wishes to announce that unless otherwise nitified, the choir will reherse reg ularly Wednesday and Saturday at 6. 30 o clock. Calendar Notice On account of liminted space, the calendar is not painted in this issue. The Pittsburg Alumni gathered in the Dutch Room of the Fort Pitt lfotel on February 4, for a smoker. About 150 men were present, and the affair was very successful. Plans are being made for the annual big dinner on March 18. Many prominate men will attend, and the men are looking forward to a most enjoyable evening. W. B Nissley 'lO, who was work ing in a survey of Bradford county, the past summer and fall, has taken a position as instructor in the School of Agriculture. Ale you wowed? Have an olive THE STATE' COLLE(WAN C. W. SMITH South Allen Street M e rri = I ri cl e ›c.. The Individual Card System AN AUTO MATIC MEMORY! all you please without fear of consequences if you have the Menem& x habit it is easy to acquire because the Metnindex is simple and practical and fits into the everyday needs of the busy mats The fresh dated card before you each day is a great help toaa,rd doing things Systematically Jut be low it are cards fur two or niece week>, a card op pow e for thugs to keep in sight until dine, an index for memoranda to be retained and evtra cards for special subjects—the whole in the thick - ne.s of an ordinary memo book YOU CAN VEMENIBER At the right time things that require attention it that time The Memmdex will remind you if you have the habit FIE IDEAL coNsrANr REMINDF Alta) an you Keep all y, ur fittings indexed where cu can fn d th, u at any lime rap a card or sec Lu B Heisler, CArreicir Libr,lry THE 'MALLORY 'STUDIO BELLEFONTE 8 C Detchon 'l2 Student Agent PHIL D. FOSTER ALL KINDS OF c ,0 A L at lowest prices 6TATF y COLLEGE, PA ILlNtawy TAght,"kt.eat and 'Power Coma• HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING CLEANING BUSH HOUSE 131:LLEPONTE PP.INNA Hato pet (lay 50 With bath t , " , t per day -W D IGGEI"r-- A. G. SRL The Spalding Trade-Mark Pennsylvania is known throughout the world as a Guarantee of Quality R. 9. si 1210 Chesl.l%. 1\4_(..:.-Allii&s;tc-r- We keep the, quality up. because the quality keeps us up Try McAllister grub and be convinced Extias at Lost YOU CAN FORGET PHOTOGRAPHY PENNA State CeMtge, "Pewtia PRESSING RE . .AIRING DING & BROS, are the tLargest Manufacturers i n the World of OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ' ATHLETIC SPORTS AND , PASTIMES IF YOU are interest tel In Atha tic Sport you should It Lou a cop) a thi SpaldiuL' Cat tlatme It's a complete one', clopedet of of WHA l'S NP,W IN SPORT and is sent free on request 1)511.9 Z) lIIkOS .t Bt., IlkaaeketOtta .&IA-SOCIE I Y AND CI ASS 11ANQUL I S A SITCI \L 11 '''. cq' tiWe ale liow Ilav)ng and will continue to have' ,for the next three ANeeks a laige re duction sale on Men's Winter Suits and Oyer- The following reductions are being made Montgomery & Co. . , AMERPI2O - .20.22.:02.2.0. ',01.7,2 , 5n..7,2:0 IV 1 _Style Quality Nice N lyl tO t o --==-,-----, 14.) tO Are three things most es -10 'sentlal In the selection of (11 t'i) your printed stationery t,ll 1.,) A girsOur printing h a s a a comma , i t ~ ' ;i l 'oiling style— one of its (mn aad b lit it satisfies the most exacting fil ‘5" castother Our prices, too, art. )u't tt/ i ' l 3 right--and that's an important item W Photographic Supplies tO t tO Sole agents for' the' A nsco 0o kl/ IV Company's Products I, i t .P,l ll The flittany Printing and W ij Publishing Company 7 11/ tcf i State Coll me W ty/ ' hl .v.Essomzeaap.aamaaamalia Bitiß Goose ;1102-issmor Toothsome morsels to gratify the most ExactinF, The Meek Druz Store Ray D. Gilliland, P 1) NI Drugs, Sundries Stationery Students' Supplies Prescriptions compounded Zak TVA 71(.0.A C A. 11lank.h.tiri NI an agt v Penn Avenue and Tenth Sheet "Pittsro,\ gh, "V a E. L. (i 1 HAM & CONII'ANI Dry GoDds Grccei ies Sporting Goods East College ax enue I_)11 - i 1f l l!~I l l "Ik..ght .4 21 ' i 1 the, Campus St,liclenk' ei;uldi boa ,1 pet 3 $3O suits and overcoats foi $22 25 suits and overcoats for 18 22 and 20 stilts and overcoats 16 18 suit', and overcoats for 13 15 suits and overcoats for I I Bellefonte HARVEY BROS. Bakers and Confectioners . _ , ~Pull line of Loney, Apollo and Fuller-Greene Chocolates alwiys on band Ice Cream In Seasonable Flavors Excellent ;service at OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Nittany Inn Building 45. 'B. Itkook. Co. Cigars an& rtobaccos At.olel 11A1 \lcikng IMext Sheet J. P: HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring Hign Grade Gents Furnishings IL2. F. College Ave ___F•_ D. IIVAVER 'UI 3 =TO=DATE - LIVERY J. B. MARTIN SEALSHIPT OYSTERS South A Ile ti Street, opposite the jostoffice State College Supply Co General Merchandise Agents for Spalding Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes Diy Gcnd._„ Notic ns, Shoes, Groce s and Quee,nsware SIMI Hotel Block W. Col:ege Ave Billiard. Parlor "Zomliroa "lINV, CIIOIC,E FRUIT W, T 01 NN 'uB W H WOOD e.,, 'll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers