The : Pennsylvania .: State •. Collegc ..1,,,„,,, ~,,,,,1,, SPARKS, Ph 1) , I. 1,1) , PRESIDENT Egtahh , ,htql and malntairwil lei the joint action of the United States Government am) the Commomiealth of Penns 1. Ix anni ITFIVE GREAT SCHOOLS -Agi icultuto, Eugineeting,, labei al At ts„Mining, and Natural Science offering thirty-two course~ ()I , lout %ems each- Also onuses in ll o me Eeononnes, Industnal Alt and Physical Edu cation TUITION FREE to both sever, incidental chat ges moderate. Mist s( !nester Iwgins middle of Seidembei , second semester the iii , ,t, of February, Summer Session for Teachers about the thud Monday in June ill each year, Fru catalogue, bulletins, announcements, eta, addioss TIIE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsyl‘ama --- What Profession are, V OLT If it is either mrimciNE, DENTISTRY, PHARMACY of CHEMISTRY, do m t flit to he Lin the advlnt igrx of TI -- - M e dico-Chiirt_ii - gic-al College- of Phil 111011,11 i It 0 in illt. (It, 11111111 111. L, rl ' noq dill k Ih \wl l u 111 I' , 11111 Or I .11111111,11 10 11.. Selene , . 11 11l 11 1 /111111111111.4 $ll 11111 rI ioi. I I 111 iii 14JIII Ili! ni II II I. 11 , "11 ,mni,1.11114 ‘N 111 111111111 , 11 Ind 11 1 11111111,i t 1 I Ili, - n I il.l 1111,1 lu , III 111 I loo•1111 ii find Ih 111,001 ( 110, ill 1 ml,h'llu lilt 1 0111.1 II tom II g, n l ll l II 1 1 1. 1111 iIIIII 1111,4 il NI 1 111.11.1 anon HMI "I I, 1., I I .gll4ll I .itkhl, II 1 . 11101 111 I'l4ll 111 I, 111, -ooti 11 111 , 11 11111 , 01 111111 10 1,11111.11 \\ ,n I, 1 (pi . 110111 I'il. 11011011 I'nu 11, 11 1111111 II I 411111 Ii lit 011011111 1111 , 1 \1.111.V0 I ',Winn lil 1 14 hl, r , . ht Nulurlli koill,,ot liii 1 1 1 i, 1111 , Mut 'f. 11. I,e 711 1., 1 •1$ W v ii, 111 dnt In 11, 111110 111 Iho lii 1.111111.11 I,i 1111 .11 I , II oil II 101 nlitlillnhl 010111 ilr ~,r / b1 0 ;; ilo• 1 on; r 11111 10111nw1114 full )10,1111,, le 11 /I , II• I .mllo il, 1110 Wt , ofteri 111111 1111 s 1,11101 11014.10 111111011, 1 1111 , 11 11 ,, I , ee II So I,o,ltoriltll and Clteiry Streets, Phil9clelphil, Pa, LINCOLN'S BIRTH DAY Observance of Birthday of the Great Emancipator, a Most Impressive Ceremony. Abraham Lincoln's Birthday was appropriately celebrated last Sun day by the presence at the college at that time, of men whose patents were directly benefited by Lincoln's emancipation of the slave. In ad dition to the colored men who help ed carry out the program of the day, it certainly was fortunate for those who attended the morning services to be able to hear Dr. W. J Schieffelin, the well known philan thropist and manufacturer of New York City, who has given much of his time and money for the fui ther- Mg of the cause of the negio throughout the South At the afternoon service the pi inci palspeaker was Mr. Hunter, colored Y. M. C. A. secretary of the east. For this occasion the Hampton Noi 'mal and Agricultural Institute quar tet was brought from that place. Hampton Institute is at the present time sending out men and women of the negro :ace who are thoi oughly equipped to teach their own people the true meaning of Christianity, and in this way are helping to solve the race problem in the Southt At this time, Mr. Hunter agitated the movement whereby this college should support a county Y. M. C. A. secretary in the Southein states, who could cooperate with and lead those men already in that field among the negroes. This is the first oppoitun ,ity given to any college to act as pace maker for such a movement among the rural negroes of the south, and as this is an agricultural college it will naturally be able to send some one who is fitted to aid the colored people on the planta tions where help is needed along farming as well as religious lines. Such an opportunity is certainly an excellent one, and if tarried out as it probably will be,Penn State will then be supporting two Missionaries, one in a foreign field and one in a home field. Sophomores Defeat Freshmen On Saturday night Feb. 4,, the sophomores defeated the freshmen by the score of 2413. Both teams were crippled on account of several of the men b_ing retained on the varsity squad. the / sophomores losing Captain Hartz, Vosbuig, and Posey; and the freshmen losing Craig. Knerr played an exceptionally good game, having fourteen points out of the twenty-four to his ci edit. H. S. Rogers did not play his-usual good game, being 'off in his shooting from the foul line as well as from the floor. Every Saturday evening in the Nittany Inn these will be a dancing class from 730 to 9 and an after dance from 9 to 11. The dances are to be given by Miss Ciissman of Bellefonte. Appropriation Bill The following is an analysis of the general appropriation bill. for ,1911 7 1913, now pending•befoie the general assembly• Mohler tre.! 13ullchnks "Gt.& .f Airrit Wit. re' $3923111 lit; ul f 1 $242000 of Ao'l Eli, Limn I re 11 13 000 h0. ,1 .t Y 1,/ a nriti 241 l 22.5,0(0 166,000 St ho , 1 of Libt TM Arts 1 0.9111 Sell, of of Mines 5., 000 ll 0,000 155 000 S, lit ol , I Natln el So, 50 101 l 400,000 458,000 Dt pt of I lotnt I . c,l IS ( (111 18,11110 lit al j_ ~ ht, 11,tit r atid Put t t Ptatits TI) elu lit in 'kat , Water nr rl Pen P ants 41 (410 4 041(1 nsu re ncc nn atiticionis 6,356 (.3 6 PA., airs tor 4itaii build .78,060 28 ot 0 /8 fop 18180 Ind , , ttc Carnti It L IP itrY M.lo,try Lupr onion .10 1-31;;t0hir.g constructlon of S, naps SS stun 75,1) .0 $176,116 58/.1 100 $1 745 416 D. hull he, r rIQr tt, $22.7,913 29 11 , 03,10 00 $57‘),413 $l7 - -; 000 . f,23,(, 3_9 2.- Mal 31 I,oq, P.xtri slon ^ ork (Jl.titi I it Free Lecture Course One of the greatest improvements in school methods which has been intioduced in the last few years is the art of story telling. A few years • ago Mr. Richard T Wyche foundea the Story Tellers League and during the Summer Session of this college last year, a local organi-, &Ilion was inauguiatecl under the the leadership of Mr. Wyche. After many years in the organization of this league and the investigation of practically all our familiar stories, Mr Wyche comes to us on Saturday evening to tell us of some of the old Folk-Lore of the South and espe cially some of the ever familiar Uncle Remus stories. Civic Club. These will be a public meeting of the. Civic club in the Engineeiing building on Thuisday night, Feb. 16, at 7p. m. Harry Keller, esq., of Bellefonte, will address the club on the subject of" The Country, as a political and campaign unit." All are invited. The Washington County Club gave its annual banquet last Satur day night at the. Nittany Inn. The spread Was in honor of "Bull" Mc- Cleaiy, "Buster" Coulson, "Birdie" Ciee, and "Ody" Abbott, all famous baseball athletes from that county who are here to help coach the team, and incidentally for pielim inary training before joining their respective league teams. This was one of the most successful banquets held by the club and all made merry with the big feed placed before them, attei which the following toasts were responded to, "K" Scott acting as an able toastmaster: Our Club, "Stew" Stewart, Athletics, "Alex" Gray, Our College, "Dea con" Banlielcl, The Gills, "Val" Valentour, and Washington county, "P" Forsythe Spirit impiomtus by the honor guests and some mem bers of the club weie enjoyed by all. A picture of the Met cetshing Club*, will be taken at Smiths Studio on Sunday Feb 19 at 1:30 P M shaip,l Tfir, ST 11741 COLLPTIT A N GETTYSBURG DOWNED Game Was Exciting and Rough, but Few Penalties Were Imposed. Final Result in Doubt Until Last Minute of Play. Last Thursday night our varsity basketball five had some trouble in disposing of Gettysburg 14 to 10. Undoubtedly our players had five open shots for the basket where the visitors had one, yet the easterners had the faculty of making their op portunites "good." Both , teams played essentially a guarding game and it waS somewhat.rough in parts, too, as such a :;ame is bound to be. , Leathers made the fust score of the game by a neat field goal but Gettysburg's lead was soon over come and our team forged ahead, never losing the lead agairi. Young, Haddow, McEntire, Blythe and Shore got our field goals in the first period, two being made by the sturdy freshman guard. Those were all the field goals we got dur ing the entire struggle for in the second half the visitors led 4 to 2. They got two field goals in the second period White Haddow and Shore each negotiated a score for us .from the foul line The foul shooting was not up to the standard on either side during the game, Gettysburg missing all four of her shots and our players making but two of out a possible six. The passing too was not nearly so ac curate as usual. After a comfortable lead of six points was gained during the first period, the rooters in the bleachers rested easy until toward the end when the easterners came within striking distance of a tie score. However, time ended the contest before any serious damage was dope.. The visitors really gave our five the hardest run of the season on the home floor and they deserve credit for the sple , did battle they put up. The Blue and White play ers were evidently in a slump but they surely played a strong defen sive game roday our men leave for their second eastern trip, on which S.varthmore is played tonight, Sus quehanna tomorrow night and Bucknell bn Saturday. At least. two of these encounters are going to be hard to carry away as Penn State victories but if our players show the brilliant form and speed they have shown in so many games this sea son there is no doubt of a very creditable result on this Journey. To date five games have been won and three lost; 1400 undergaduate rooters are pulling haul for a clean slate of triumphs the remainder of the season. Here is the Gettysburg score PENN SIAM- 14 GEr YSBURG 10 f Daylluff f Diehl Bfellenieitvr Bergh It tiduill tik Entire Orme, Shure, Creche uduw •/ Ilung Vosberit lit Id eoels Young 2 hiLhollre 1 Iladdoe, filytht 1, Shore I, I•t Milers I '4ol , lfi 1 I hell] .I, 18, u•h I Villa goals Ihthl r nursed 1 11,01d,w I out ' J how I out of 4 ( ,t,tne missal I Um; t - League S;anclin, Won C. .800 ,500 333 250 1913 4 1911 2 1912 1 1914 1 Theic will be a Pctl eof the Bradford County ' o nken at Smith's on Sunda )at 2.15' P.M. 1 Larry NV. Sauers p ( A full line of mQn's furnishings Gaston - ) made clothing by the Royal tailors "i; Pennants and cushion tops n fine assortment Cleaning and pressing The Charles H. Elflott Company The largest college engraving house in the world COMMENCEMENT INVITATIONS CLASS DAY PROGRAMS AND CLASS PINS Dance Programs:o Fraternity and and Invnations ice!' Class Inserts Menus for Annuals Leather Dance B, Fraternlty Cases and and Class' Covers 41 Stationery Wedding Invitations and Calling Cards Works-17th St and Lehigh Ave', Philad'a State College Representive, James Millhollnnd Ss PO DL ROOM and BAI. BE R Si OP 123 Allen Street oles sewed or stitched ry Champion stitcher W. C. KLINE .outh Allen street Shooting Gallery The new Snyder and Holmes gallery, corner Frazier and Calder, offers you a pleasant diversion in the shooting line At regular intervals during the winter we will 'give as izes for marksmanship, both chickens and turkeys We invite your interest L. Come in and look us over Lock Ilaveo Steam Laundry OUR WORK Vl'LLcvl ., .., ' ON ritgOt: s', Q ' ' BES T WORK 4 ''' LOWEST iYi, '. 1 .,. PRI CES' ' I rs - Your , ' Patronage ' l , . .' 4 1 , -.. Solicited ' STUDENT AGENTS H N Keebler 'll R. S. Kilt 'l2 H W. Stirrer 'l3 Get in the habit of asking us for a bid on your job work '4" We will surprise you in quality and price The Keystone Gazette Bellefonte, Pa, Both Telephones Cox Sons and Vining 262 Fourth Avenue, New 'York, N Y, GOWNS v,,? 4.s j, . and CAPS Silk Faculty f ,/, A. , f tA, Gowns and I foods i ''' . *MI lases owes price Bcst ‘i , orkmanthip An excellent stock ,o 1 outfit', for rental F E McENTINE, agent James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Woik Shop, South Fiazi& sticet 130 East College ,Avenue Übe Etttany Inn UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF JAMES P ArKENS THE HOME OF THE PENN STATE FOOTBALL TEAM THEIR FRIENDS WILL ALWAYS RECEIVE SPECIAL • ATTENTION Special Notice to Students! All students who deliver and call for their laundry will, by PAYING CASH, RECEIVE 25% DISCOUNT State College Steam Laundry I don't talk ; I make signs Lettering of trunks and suit cases my spe cialty Poster, show and display cards CHAS. A. WOMER, State College C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Optician Ail kinds of repair wol k prompt'y done Eyes oxlll/Ilood tree Private optical parlor 11111.1.KVPHTID PEINNOYLVANIA First : Class : Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery JOG EAST COLLEG,E AVENUE 'l - 11e centre (Eountg 2 . 3 ailk 2.3ellefonte , The First National Bank. State College, Pa. 3g interest on time deposits, payable semi-annually Accounts solicited H., A. EVEY hie ry CAB WORK A SPECIALTY • Both 'Phones Shefflor's...-. Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups estate College MILLER . & GENSLER H. W. Meyers
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