PAGE SIN HEALTH HINTS "Pop" Golden Gives Another Instal ment of Excellent Advice on the Care of the Body. "Better the mere rudiments of knowledge with a body firm and strong, than the best cultuie of the schools with a body permanently `emaciated and debilitated."—Ex- President 4._D. White, Cornell. A keenirealization of the truth of the above statement, together with the firm determination to give ten minutes each day to the building up of the body and correction of func tional,disorders, will lay the founda tion for a strong and healthy body. Waste matters given off allowed the many organs-of the body, if allo - vVed to acCumulate, will in time poison_ the system and stop functional ac tivity. !,. Constipation is probably one of the most common disorders known, and isgiven very little serious thought, yet the effects ,of constipation are far reaching and often serious. The retention of fecal matter in the colon poisons the entire system. This toxic pOison is the cause of headache, biliousness, mental depres sion, general debility, etc., and in many instances has been found to be the cause 'of heart irregularities and apoplexy. - One shcitild always respond promptly to nature's call and form the habit for certain hours. The matter of diet for the aver-, age student is impossible to arrange, but let there be as much fruit and laxative food as possible. Prunes, when properly cooked, are especially good, and being inexpensive can be served by any boarding club. brink at least two glasses of water upon rising and as little fluid as pos sible during meals. Water should not be taken immediately before, or within an hour after meals, as it greatly retards digestion. At other times it should be taken freely, the NEE 1,1 ,- I I It not OE4II to inl me 9 I in hes' t All we ask ;fOr and as an induce! Eperiles for 1 1 pun i , • 1 ;i Idli xla?1 l am • 435' korkl t‘i4 de let Eli , I lao agent foil i.t ! k l 5441‘ 4 sutpt i stra t I I illit I y w ,CAktclej A e., (Eaps t and llor all lent out GEO . college • 061 k ' tOr[of l s sloe gto $l5. Flice e line hAndlcl is r ownr thicingliout I:mtg .1834 The 1 . I ot*e. an ,Sup ,iske yore Gpw lookis egrets E I its !Or ren, GE ;IGIL iepk l rsentj Icklister t eres careful dressing 1 at we are now han- the chance ,to show ent we will pay your hases . in. our 'store .ange for suits $l5 to the Benjamin of New he ( land as the best. 1 Co. Bellefonte 'a 1 ' rk Hot 1 Williamsport, Pa. i He-dquar , terstor all "State' tea Located - opposite the P. R. R. stationiFree bu to P. & R. R. R. station. R ' es $2.50 per day and op t ward I D. KAVANAUGH. Manager !II • nei 1M A RKLE inds of i Choice Meats Fish in season IPIE!I '$ Pth L ROOM ' and BAL BE R, s'HOlf I 123 Allen Street i rII Paronize 'those who adver tise in The State Collegian I Both phones
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