Continued from nage 1 of the Thespian's It was in honor a very enjoyable affair and certainly appreciated was greatly fellows The following mor pany left for i ClFarfii was a new city for a formance, it = was not hension' that the the play, But here top there was a large audience to greet the boys and the performance , wads very well The manager will be [threat; severe punishment by the Clearfield if he does not year's show there.: After the 'Show here, as bury, the fellows indulged dancing, and although t tired, enjoyment did not that account Everybod ro al time lellefonte was next and t the e will never forget ti Oa - of the most promine th- town said; "We can it too highly. Not a singl, he found in the whole deri It was wonderful, boys, I how you did it". Tllts mance most the end o the most successful ever the Penn State Thespians. The man who is to be pr the suOcessl with which h i asimet is Ghas. Leon Dos, able and aggressive coach untiring and well directed , 1 moulded, for the most p -1, a cast an a most fay. raw mater which mad pression and ing whe'revei is Mr. IDo% ciplinarian, but a market persona,ly, As his congenia manner quickly' won him a pla_e in the hbarts of the men under his super vision. a very credita they went. rung a thor . If you seclit in this paper, it's so 1 The Ben Greet Playets. On April 9 the Ben Greet Com ! 'pang will give two performances in the Auditorium. I "Twelfth Night" ) has been selected for the; atinee, and "Midsummer Night's I T ream" fo- the evening performance: The 1 company has been securedjagain by the Literary Club only after 'con stdeiable !difficulty All , who , saw "Macbeth" and "The Merchant of Wnice" last year, and all Others who have seen the Ben Greet players before will need no urging to induce them io be present on Saturday. ' b l i t ,. l ing, the corn- Id, and as this Theipian per without appre- ateurs 'opene'd received eneci with people of ' Ihe delicate 1 pastoral plays. dif fering altogether from Shakespeare's heavier comedies and his tragedies, and still, quite as strong and ai rac -1 live,' will be entertaining, amusing], 1 1 and instructive. For 4 one cord Siders the plus as an extravagancy;. he should remember that no broad,. liberal education is complete with ; hut a knowledge of ShakesPeare;. 1 And the Shakespearian plays are presented by the Ben Greet' Players with a minute attention to detail, and with a marvelous arbstic power that is . , equalled by, no other companies' , today The giving-of the plays ki l l ,the Elizabethan fashion ha. ceased ~to be an amusing deviation 'from the !so called "Modern" method 1 It is lan instructive, aitistic interpretation leading, perhaps, to a much better r appleciation of t el play and j itS lines for their own n i ptural beauty the players have . had a most suc cess-ul season in New York and are now {on a shOrt tour preparatory to their 4 southern trip', when they will play in the largest cities afd leading colleges and universities of the South. ring next in Sun- in mpre ev' were -uffer on had a e people at show. t men of of praise flaw can lormance on't sees pertor- : 1 the trip, ",' aken by lisect for e show mg, the 13y hts e fforts he rt out of Id chorus rable im ile show- Not only l ugh chs success 'lnc College Orchestra will play at both performances. in theleved ing giving the complete' Mendel sohn score to "A Midsummer Night's llteam " We should all strive, therefore, to attend both performances on Satur ,day The seats have bee selling TUT; ST \T COT,T,WIT NN ell a still • advance sale, but there.,are to . be obtained. The ange from 50 cents up, and oh lower, relatively, than they be if the •plays were given in city. prices' l are m woilld a larg- Coming. Mr phia the P i.IA. R. Ramsey of Philadel -1 o was a popular member of n State party at the Roches , vention will be here next, Sun- L l er large mother heart enables yin and hold the confidence II•oys of Phil i adeiphia. She NI umber, of - interesting stories one that every man will want - a boy's impression of" Bob" I l Mrs Ramsey is a friend of 1 Ben Lindsey and, is, with the 1 one bf the foremost authori !l the ,"Boy Problem's in the ter co' day. her to of th - has a to tell to he. Davis Judg- Judg- ~, r . You'll want to hear her more han once, so come at 10 to the OW Chapel to the Freshman Bi blei 1 cl ss, and also to the open meet ing in i the auditorium at 6%30. A 'aining class for all men who desir to prepare themselves for ctive and intellegent service stian work will be . held every 'morning at ten in the Old 1 in connection with the regu shman Bible Class. This class 1 s all men who want to lead a lass next year, to do Boy's ork, gospel team work or per cvork. - more in chr.] Sund.l l Chap: l lar Fr includ Bible club class of 1910 will graduate 165 membeiS next_ June. This ly 20 more than any preced !ss has numbered. Th about is ne. I miner Work II recommended STUDENTS ED fcr work during the -surh- onths, paying $2 to $4 a day application, should be made at State class, department, home previous ernploymenl fox 2 l 7', Philadelphia Penns PIGE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers