rAGF: FOrRTEF,'N" The Freshman Win. The local basket ball season was brought to a close - on Friday .night when the Freshmen five defeated the Sophomores in the annual class gamethe decisive score of 31-10. The g afne was fast and full of nger owing' to the hard playing do ne by both sides, but no unnesceSsary roughness was displayed by either team. The game started in whirlwind fashion, arid tho several fouls were made by both sides, no scoring was done until Captain Vosburg caged a clean one for the Freshmen from the middle of the floor, Wright adaed one more by throwing a foil N while Mauthe made it fi e by throw ing one from- mid floo . Captain Armsby then made the first point for, the Sopis by throwing a foul. Goals byl Posey and Wright furth er enlarged the freshman score, while Gotshall made two more points for the ~ Sophinores by making a nice field - goal. i Shots by Hartz and 'Posey followed in quick succession and Wright made his second basket by dropping one in from a difficult position. - Posey ' added another goal after dribbling, the ball down the floor, and Hartz quickly added another, one, making the score 19 'to 3 in favoi of the Freshmen. Etters who was substituted for Gage, caged a nice one from the middle of the floor for the Sopho mores just before the whistle blew, making the final score for the first half 1913-19, 1912-5. - ' The teams appeared on the floor for the second half much refreshed; the Sophomores with their "never give tip" spirit; and ,the Freshmen 1:1 with the deter ination to make the score as large a pOssible. Wright ope ed the scoring for this half by making a good field goal and two fouls, while Armsby added one for the, Sdphomores by throwing a foul. Baskets by Rogers, Posey, and th eltd gti Pi i I the Q., fie.' it het tts • n C le e ' Q gu C amt 4 g t 'ea lug G • • are Rea Ame majo teams sively Ameri Wright, and foul line by r creased the F e- James threw t mores just be 6 game maling h in Freshmen's fa The game long and spect , team work 6f 1913 Wright • • Posey... ' Hartz, Mauthe Mauthe Roegrs Vosburg (Capt.) • I 1 ~1 Reso The 4)11 1 sassed by t• Whereas som has s; ear frien ope, his I Be it res. bers of the heartfelt s the hour o; Be it furt resolutions legian. be s b base ficial 13 bffi eague wit col lons. Mall tee u cjbboniß are h I2ad ' l l • I 1 ' 2 Mark Gua i r d Pcrfect Giro 1 rl B-ce a 1! C:11 arcl isth oce bylinall. • the Az I Base I I i ' r I and that a i v the bereaved f„ (Sighed) Ft 1 I Payne, ,Boyd Tech Givl nts from the at-riapy kasi; while to ophp• !close , of the lj ore 31-1 C In seven in , baseball tea negie Tech game Of the BeaverField i 1 and Pialette 1 lent forts and came on B af4r he had, when Flullmef to the l outfi l e and BI the ea , in the batting bases, '"Spi's 1 with the bases t maim! featuresi ing game. in 'O7 by a si 1 ! Many d 'the d, wit ts; a ~~s~li~ , 112 e. attars C••pp`Y I Gli shall ..J m e en .hn r o endee. ,utions ; 913. I- infinate t. , ltt 4,7.6 spate O. I lite, th 1 3, i ext him i d. Th.% .e i ten in 'OB c re of 24 t. al y was 10 burger's. - opy be forwarded to ,amily. ederick , W. Barrett '‘, 7 Y \ . ,• . Jarrett. Comttee 1 -' n a Wkllop ng. one-half i nings our smothered; the Car ine in the opening 11910 season on New :st Saturday. Leidick 9th I twirled in excel- Ole visitors lone tally the's bad "peg," made = a great stop, made a ; timely single d. Eberlein, Vorhis h enj4yed a field day ine and in running the ' lon two-base ' hit full tieing one of the • a raper uninterest -4h tie State's team 0f1.3 to 3, but was by the overwhelming 1 an last year the ▪ 0 `a a I. ; mst the Pitts-
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