Mason and Fullmer performe creditably for' Tech while the Fen State teatn appeared to be strong i every positin judging from c ith , playing in S turday's easy vict ry The lineup and score PENN STATE-26 Kelly .2 . McCleary rn Wo kman 1, Eberlein T Hirsaman Haddow 3 Vorlus c lalythei• is Leidick p holett p Bubb * Totals 1, CARNEGIE TECH-1 Mason ri-c Blanchard ;' Coldren 3 T. Moorehead 1 Kirk l , . Fullmer ml Wehr c-r i . Gehr hart sa Schad p Belsgen p ~ •Batted for Leidick in fifth Carnegie liech Penn State Three base hit—Blythe. Two base hits -Blythe, i t McCleary. Mason Innings pitched by Leidick 5, Pmlett 3. Schad 2 1-3, Betsgen 4 1 2-3 Bases n Balls —Off Fiolett 1, off Schad 5, off Betsgen 5. Double Play—Leidick to Kay to Htrshmkn It by pitched ball— McCleary Struck out By Be s een 5, by Leidick 5. by Pmlette 5 Wild , Pltc Betsgen Balk—Beisgen Sacrifice hit , - Wor - man, Haddow, Bushman Stolen bikes -Kelley. McCleary, Eberrein, Vorhis 2 Umpire--4Cheeve man. 1 Good Baseball Games Comilig. Tomorrow Bellefonte Academy #lll belplayed on Sew Beaver field. The prep school team downed Car r egie Tech 17 to 1 with Cheer on tie rubber and Vermont 4 to 2 with ±witmire in the box last Friday and * , aturday respectively, so that they -re a foe to be reckoned with. The cademy boys were first beaten by State, varsity nine in 1898 and t• ey have been easily taken into camp on half a dozen other occa sions by Blue 4nd White teams, S, et their strength' this year seems to merit more attention than usual. Next Wednesday Captain Mc Cleary's team leaves far its first eastern] trips Lehigh will' be en countered at Bethlehem that day Four times have our nines met Le high inl the past and each Struggle i i has re ulted in a State victory al thoug .all the contests took place at Bethle em. The lait 'riumph was in 'O7 hen Captain M. , son's team won 3 to 2 frorn one of the strcMg est nines the brown and white ever possssed. Hirshman won that game in the final in n i ng with a three basejhit. I , The second gan - e of the journ ey is at IVillanova on Thur6,day April 14. iLa6t l year the Main Lineri won three games from us but Captain "H+ony" ,Ray's team turned the same' trick on the ViHanoi/a tossers in 1905 The records show th.t we , have ',taken only six games out of a total I fif fifteen from thiS nine and a victory on the coming trip would be exceedingly welcome. Fordhan:i is the third opponent on the trip and 1 1 noiabjy strong t ers have had in t won t five._af the, "Irish" Mcnye I coach t .l was ca when i Fordha ithe rker 1... at S ate Fe a I D d it l i l l R H PO A Et 31 2 1 32 0 0 2 2 1 0 1.) 330 0 0 21 7 0 112 0 0 4 311 I'o 240 0 1 000 5 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 11 0 0 0 20 17 21 10 2 R H PO A E 0 1 7 1 I o o 1 0 o 0 1, 1 4 1 1 1 a , 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 '2 . 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 21 9 5 01000 0 0 0- 1 5 4 0 0 4 3 4 x-20 be re* teenth. has ha, mond the or 1 tielieve l splend ' of the 1 U. S. Gary, W• i elected Chain t, Dr. 'O7 h John I Sprec tne Ph E STATE COL EGIAN r otwithstandmg the ams th 6 N ew York e past,Old State has nine games played. n, the present head .tain of our team 11 was beaten sto 3 r ggle with the ,New MEM year I ill fortune nosed ,Peun t of a victory , over &own - hoped that that defeat will eyed on Saurday, the six- The Provi ence Utiiversity the betterpf us on the dia the past ,f 4 they hive won li two games Iplayed, but it is • that Captain McCleary's A nine will win the final game ngs ; break at oming t rably. rivri is with the ,oal andOcyke Company at rest Va. H • , Laird, 'OB has 'een re- Borough of ersburg, Pa. P, Hi. Dale, '93, ti of P. s taken the practice of Dr. Robison, at State College, . Cochran- and C. r '9B were recent visitors at Ka .pa Sig ma house.) PAGE The Alumni Association , of New England will hold a banquet .at Young's Hotel. Boston, Mass., on Saturday evening, April • 16th. All State College alumni with their ives or husbandsiare extended- te a ery cordial invitation to be present. , The New Spellhlg. rom the Smart' set. "Spell "Innocence." the teacher 'I -G-N -0- I R-A-N-C-E," spelled boy. ,7 "Correct", the teachetftnswered. For we are told that sin , came into h-_ world th rough knowledge." F, '3 ovk I'ttt C. A. Blaneha _ Manager I - --+— 1 Penn Avenue and Ten Tltt,abragh; . E lie centre Sank C. D. CASEBEE;ft Javveler and Optician All kinds of repair work prvrept`y done Eyes examtled tree Private opticalvarlor BELLEFONTE FIANSYLVANIA COLLAR 1154.2 for2sc. Cluett. Petibody & Co.. Makin ARROW CUFFS 25 earns a pair otek h Street ountg fottte
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