ulty committee on Athletics, shoulci . confer ' With the committees from Princeton, and Cornell for the pur pose of settling the difficulties. If' we satisfy them that our eligibility ' rules are all right, the constitution ;will be waived so that we can enter a ,team in the intercollegiates next year. Cornell won the intercollegiates, this year with Princeton second and Penn and Columbia tied for third place. l The' finals lin the different classes resulted as follows: 115 pound class, Johnson, Cornell 'gained decision oyer Brady, Colum bia for more scientific wrestling in '; 15 minutes 125 pound class, Ward, Princeton, given decision o'er PAlis, Cornell for superior aggressiveness ; in 15 minutes. 135 i pound class, Stevatt, Penn, threw Swartz, Columbia with bar and chancery from hip lock and chan cery in 5 min. 33 sec. 145 pound class, Peake, Cornell threw Patbhell, Penn with bar and chancery from arm roll in 4 min. 58 158 lOotind class, Ilic . ' olls, Cornell givenecision over Ormund, Prince ton fo superior agressiveness in 15 minut s. 175 mind class; Garrett, Prince -1 ton threw Graham, Penn on chancery and arm from hip lock in 4 min. 42 sec. l' I Heavyweight class, Saunders, Col umbia. I threw Groff, Cornell' on bar and chancery. 1 Mr. William S. Dye, Jr., will give ) an interpretation of Shakespeare's play,"A Midsummer Night's Dream," lin the, ' Auditorium, Thursday eve- I. pril 7, at 7:30 P. M. Miss Hoitt Atherton will render ppropriate to the play. 1 1 ning, Helen music , . C. HOLnittS Staple and Fancy Groceries ' and Fruits -st Quality Best Service Your p ronage solinted , State College, Pa. T 11E I) IVI OF 11,AkVAR UNSECTARIAN I LECTIVE courses! lead,dt; to the U Students uivut;?, th- tull tee may to In tit- - ;ra "Lite 'sch »1 of Arts all For parttcaiars address Th Dean of the 1 Alid,th, Door Was Shi March 15,1910 enough men wee under contract to handle an in creased faotory Output cf Wear-Ever Aluminum Utensil whereas In 1909 enough sales t men were not s'ebured u l atil July Therefore, No More Men Wanted for the sJmnier of 1910 except those who may take the places of men already unOer cqntract; , This advertisement is l contimued I , in order to express , the hop 4 that if you desire to be a -WEAR EVER- salesman during the summer of 1911 You Will .to make your dec.! the yeiar Tile Aluminum Cooking llteasil Co Pitt burgh, P! H. A EV Y CAB VvtOß A, SPECIALTY [l3Ol 'PlOes EE 1 - r\ - sc How, t:xlvEßsay UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES _ , . degrees'of S T B<, A IM and Ph D. e v,ithemt extra charge appropt late cores offered S 'elides. and in A ndaver Theological Seminary; arva d Divinity. School, Camifidge, Mass. Shelfleo H. C. YEAGER Walk-Over Shoes BELLEFON7 j r The_ First National Ba BELLEFONTE , 1 Capnal SOO 000 . Su'r emtthber on {early In Clening Pressing and Dyeing Work called for and delivered promptly, snits leaned and pressed, ?it lou es• pricrs Fancy •oods a specialty ) G. A. l Bottork 224 E. College Ave. P IGE TM RTEFS Restaurant Opposite Hotel s Sandwiches Soups 0. F. SHAW, Harnes J. B. MINGLE, Shoe Allen Street I am the Registered • gent of the -, Sealshipt. Oyster System" for State Colleg ' t i .1 1 , .IJ. B. MART' N Opposite the Posto ce . maker lus $lOO.OOO
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