The Pennsylvania State College | Chartered N. j . ' THE! FREE. EDUCATION Op BCrhi Schools of Language andjLiteiatUre; History, Math culture, Naiinal Science, Engineering, Mines and - study in ail branches of the Arts atid Sciences. Foi ' r FORESTRY fioTES , Several Students (Getting Practical Training W«b'the P. R. R. , t In lipe with demands for practical training for students in forestry, the department of forestry has arrargpd for four to help out the Forestry}Departtnent of the Pern syl • Vania railroad in its planting of a “ million and a halt red oak seedlings 'this spring I ’ T. Yatnall ’lO has gone to Mjorrisville tor, two weeks to work in tie forestry nurjseiy ot the Pennsylvania rapioad ’if he Rail j road has at this, point ot e o.f the iargest|f oldest nurseties oil the coun try, anfi will gradually pr iaige the riursery during the coming s'eason S Sadler ’o9j who takds a poai tion with the Pennsylvania Raihoad as assistant t forpster immediately upon graduation,} is putting n two weeks in j April pveiseeing p.anting ■ operaltionjs between Harrisburg and -! Hancaster! Messrs H , Work HO and J M Hall ’ 1 l„are in Altoona for twd weeks assisting Mr. W. C. Shepherd,assistant foreptei of ■ the Pennsylvania! Raihego, in'plant ' ing operatings at , that point 1 . The ' Railroad has 164 acres of".red oak planted'there and will gradually in cr;atse its [plantations ip that section. Great interest iSj being shown in the I matter of forestry in by the American'Civic Association and by the Women's Clubs of the 1 - state. The Ameirican Civic Asso ciation, yvhose president, is Mr J. ' UK ST\TK OULFfiIW. THE REGISTRAR, Stat<* ■ 'Horace McFarland, has beenidoifrg i ;splendid work, this winter in. calling, the attentiorl of the people of the Sstate to .various forestiy bills, that will be of grjeat value for the, future Of forestry ih Pennsylvania. Many pf the \/omen’s' clubs of the’state have ha d forestry programs during the spri ig apd are aidirf£ in the agita tion do right forestry legislature. <kt a Conference of Clubs of the Jlasterr District, State federation of ennpyjivahia Women', held at Lan mstjerj Maich 31, .President Sparks' 3§ldressed the Conference I pAfnefican History in Literature on tl|e Chb Program.”' Prof i Hugh : P|Ba>k;r spoke on "The ofj in Pennsylvania." ’’j i ‘Mbc'i improvement is going onjn ithfe 'woodlot just west. -pf the inew. 1 ajhletic grounds during! the | present sprinlg with $ the idep qf both jindreafenig the value of the Woodlot jand making it a perpetual- staijd of timlber. , In years the wobdlot heavily grazed and surface, [fires "pave r.un through. ;*Th«4"e [arelfetjr trees i^tandmg J that 1 are not {mole Or less' injured land many of jihtli so badly that they are rapidly dpcfnihg. Only a light 'thfnping [has jjbeen made, however, decajise ’of a;desire to keep I the tract well .wooded This wooalot will be of gieat advantage to jill kinds ,pf ath le|tiqs. on the new/grounds. The tree| will be such an effective wind pijeajk-tfcat in either baseball, foot ball |or track Work e\eri a [Strong; wincj wilf not interfert' with events, i j i ' v^vivXjMai I V| "" I Itj would be a great adVantage if the ncjrth side of the grounds, if not tq i M surrounaed by bleachers, were planted with several 1 rows thick growing trees with theidea bfbreak ing the wind from that djjri'ction., Wjith several rows of |tre6£ i no|rth the woodlot on efie west, gapes could be ' begun earlier in a:jd eentioueddater in the fall. Bjf leaving the south and eastern sides open' the grounds will dry rapidly and keep dry. Even witjl the li£ht i lhasbeer made in a sm! the woodlot considerabl hat beet] -taken out anti feqce posts. The fence treated .with , creosote fpi experimental ppr coiawood will be soldi the nef is a Remand for it . jipen though it may nedpssaty, there is no Question that fijom tse standpoint o'i the welfare and' appearance of thp woodlot, it been a serious mistake- to use the southern portion as a dumping gtound. Ihe dumping /of light ma terial, such as leases, id the past, in ambjigl j.he ( trees has liicreased the of the ground fires, and the roots with 1 , several feet tt has injured phe grqwth es so thatnxnlefp*; sofnerhing )on th\j trees u iveily tjnor tune rubbiln.jjiile e; o'be "diffipul tli 1 feet pf rubi .ht nearness of severity, cohering i of robbis of the tit is (done si ' unsightly is going t in severa cause .of t P \CF FfA F. 'Sophy, A.ijri liti course> of tion addyess jthmmng that ipll portion,of Je cord wopd 1 a number of posts will be and used r i}»oses. The als rapidly as K? A ' ■ ia\;e seemed til go out iri- ~leaving an :p6sed It > start trees . ' f* ish. tind be lie, hospital^
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