<1 State College has the brightest future of 1* _SJ„\ and the new athletic grounds no further dumping of rubbish should tie allowed. It is hopra that the orpa-iz'-tion will take active interest in this matter as *the trees ory the. west of the new athletic field arq. really of much importance both aa a protection from severe winds and in , beautifying the sWi-oundings. ,' j 1 .During rhe past month the Depart d)ent oflEorestryi has received a|s I" gfift-frorn slr. ii. A. Sterling, for mer of the Pennsylvania Railroad, an excellent collection of cories of our western evergreens. This col li ction was made v/iile Mr. Sterling was State Forester of California, t r and could not duplicated at con siderable expense.'' Iti jfact, there are cones that are tarely seen in c ol ilectionsc the trees grow naturally over ver i limited and : fatcessifc^e jafCas One of the m interesting conef is that of the su| pine of California. This ct weighs two pounds and is twelve ircheS’ long ?nd six inches wide. ' T pine, not very ey /tensive in its disttilnition, tea v /valuable tree,, because tlje charac i its wood is very to t 1 of our eastern whijepine. Dui , the early, development pf the C< stock Mines it {was practically .onllv ly timber accessible and these nes have used about all of .the nmenaal sugar , pine forests, ese pines have 'seen called*the mmercial torrib of ]the sugar pjne. During the vacation Mr. ihn A. Ferguson, of the Depkrt :r.tof Forestry, visited, tbe Fox iiate located c.t th : jun:tuiie of the" arion and Allegheny rivers in arion county. He w&nt over tne itate carefully, a'ndj located a raping place, for junior summer. CO T* CO c Ei , ' t if r , ; ! 1 ■ , e ' . ' | i' 1 p HALL ; w. T. DUNN * , |< C t I'"* T-JL Id ‘j Three Dollars a wdilh ijfr alj M . iy tow: \ iff; (’< I Ml' ’<l •ry ter lat pli\ of our Cf ing the 'irt a out of I them w i number Bowes TKe Fi Trips Shade t further infori > L , 1 u I r e I ' 1 ' 1 1 ' in central n t , j/f, / MM •I ■ og*/- iiHf . J l' ji' . \;e ca, Glotip 1 r ;e ’ th# - supp " • it; a, .nd (abrljfs il. .W’ji 5 is til i i >wle<i itdd nit ifctai a terju jh< \ , ,rtf ; ,p A # r tilMr " i r jifroiq vi ' \ ■ ' !l i'. i i ( >1 h i I ST A TE ij ■ •' 1 Itefoi tej jPei ij t wntej jphj C&ve 1y: orjuirej irtia., Real e: tate js bbund t 6 in :re, 1 ' I Hi 1 .j offer for the charactj veiy man vho has i vch. :ir wopa^rful-/value i aijcJ lai ka’ole d/veisity l in the N 2 'l*k v s?! K i a ,r splay. 4fe R. iv glk is T t Jhlma.J ,■ | i : ■ i‘; ' jr 3sqp : M6tor Qar C * ri. ij ’: nyr, v a Mn-K ! j ar ! I Service in the |(duni! ’M" rone ph(J other points RatiSi|aie moderate 'm F (Thompson, manger 1 ' . Bell pi i !■■ t t:r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers