- J STATIC I A^J _’|\u\i - ' i - 'l i: M Wliii 11, ' K i; 1 14 ! \i \\ \ n |: ;j\>( ' Biijm-ess H/l'ana*jfi '■ 1•, lil<,n|!\'- a’ l j Business Manager-i>lqct '|J It’ 1.1 llklllui.h,: la 1 ’ Assistants . h 1 -i; 1 i; i .uki/.i- r ~-,r !• SI , lM || ~, HUMS DAY. Ai 4' i T: f l'. 4 | aininljiua :oi me . erjji 1 ! shoujd repritt am Wedi.ei>dj\ m. er?iii(j aj tile -Coi.eptii, tot'in :r: the library di X> ‘-'Wi-: 1 tm.uM die wa’.ttrljto! 11. e idi gt tne (.<jliekidnst.il! Ue/Uiquent vliv-TMlk'is -Uj '.eux- at "'u, ct Ihe inajidnei t-ink..'m to the ne.il inline, hm -in ~t x tioul>]e t hei i ..n. he the (,o.ieuid!) 'bo\ and c. wnl-be pi\en lbs 'up- youi coriSueme ( i'he p.apnp <)! the stj chains detoss the been, bonie of the unsipluiv path, on tile iC.itupu 1 ' should sOi\c o i of tJ¥c uut that wc sh mid £ C'*l to finj f IJ Ipf '.‘.SI >t.n,t ij-i.for \ I Iji i( t'.411 ...' EDITtmiAL and sjniOf ’ - ( been are , „•. ~ - beers- laUcm ' Th, e hiln the 1 , - ,tr col nailed (o . tied -c ue uedit and c*k(rfp pl<es ami line's (of miifd 1 us aii' keep , moie-vvide a'wake toj the ; prqt: and caie of tho ; pi •fr of pjt * i . v\fmh ’-lmpiekst s 1 'wsitpis. • ! ,] 1 r i i tie annual sprir; (tearing iij show,! us manyi \ijji v necessar pim r pir\f merits {Jit il.f campus. tjii i the 1 ' iai K 1,73 | ijii < krs thtn 1 ay.om-i pashrhent Veijy - uulibttjul 'it is ttierclpre pup [o_~r- <r student tt>- mjtenesjTij thie coi'dni(p:j -ot i ihe campus, that ire bigiqnlnkj: to'show th.rojgh. P ai.d keepirjg otif .dhe edgesl pt the, giass the patffed . wa£Us. )\ i 1 hem ( > liq„ why '[ )_Uid not' be of imi in t|e i , i J I , ,; ’ j u9teriSiaji lad}: of' flu' eld Un'|{ 'tije |;|&dual j'f same qt ■ jivs nau Iheitj is campus sh| most Iteaujtl it is u.ufoit ?o taj ha&lh l \ t ’ "M '• elopmem ,< beauty ‘ Now tha et rmrlps art r l some Camp Ihe insflii! Hi of, | LiOtj: I i. siioiiu, ami pood ifilti ‘ neil showed luisii'ie.'-s see, ai, in siio'tp ju silo in 'b In Job! , r noi am e leihnp such Let Us 'havi Friday or S; neat iuture I’.il i om/.e_J( r ! ni l mi \S; i— r- / i |(| T , Ij thej- [ btpu' i uli jui : up pi 'ul>‘ i ie Lall ; ■ i 1 . * ' i U.*l il’lgilijj I IS 1 111 GI lion | fljcj vvetjk ill ■lit j ikjlH. us| is s’t s>hcsij|d |bi _ let out m s k'H t ' l|jij<Hes<joi Q‘i * I Ij | j J is lhjdt_\||e cq.ifdiMitip \Q.n., utoM! of ml tHu l )p!‘ihe o^jpori ,| r jij■ : ■ ■ 'i ■whu.h istabkl ;-lj>e d |At 3>Qqn]e otji 1S pW ntjf ’ <J sit* it bd herb", | r| 1 ,'j"nj jbljbfc’b daivs bs:| is jniiDrej than nsiin’abo'its v fM4| b i' ir 'kil out ' >dd’ ’ s-pirjie ,niif4 |riithbvery i. ’! v/v ’ ll ! (< qAtTf, j i 1 ■ '-Mi; 1 i r 1 Flag Scrap. , • I ’ Twas pn yejiter morn ere the sun ;\ta's up, the fjreshmen raised their p»U\ afr.d fle ! w 'from, its strong and lottvjop a to ’ j:heer fhenspul, otagyery frqsh who had tHe nerve'to sneak out to J amjl join the ot heft fiejjthmen there lolling at their jiease 'For- true uis not a sophjyas. j|upn at suen an, early hour?'"'nay, Mere was. not .evpi one (ugh up in IjCJid Mam s tower "Oh, fudge," said chief Weaver then, "Hear twill soo,ni be sevteir, "i but soon there cime from 'ouf thg town,, bail .sophomores numbered ' ■ elejven. "Ail sophomores out" their shrill cries iSng-, and soop the ,'Crbwd Ipburedjout,, and gafcf the freshmen camp wid/i lC us ;shDut. i They storm, wi h mufjh big smoke fo tnd u)s fldui bag's! and pullet ie dj piiil i pushed and swi ;t> r e then clcjthM hey } ciawled ijitjon the ji e rf to the tjiasj; but f u | sick anil jsdre and weaker than th4’ fast I fete j clock ’booked out the hour of “Aha, jthe sipiapW, won “ 'ijhje freshmety laughed and 1 ajaund their fjlag pole,in the : sun. , ' J , | - I ; h/ciw tlje valiant sophbmore’. "W'S finished its final fight, ahd*the! doughty jgieen capped j ' freShman > .ost sprun; injo the light, e Dedication Meet. * i ' t .over one week we wil.ip j&New Beaver field'With ■(scholastic field andltrack (hit | ic director |“|Pop-’f [ a leady' heard ffljm.a. | r me best secondary Pennsylvania, who i have js nvitatipri, and. ; wje,can |ke the event a Highly .ore !by showing Iflenn i ta|ity ‘in its-fullest degree iitor i | |,j -• ! catalog wjll be ready strrh'utiop. It ‘ will jshow lment ql 1289 students. In a little Jeaicatejjthj teeti A | iolden nasi "lumber of ;Llfi(fio. $ in, j i|:dtjpted;'hq ielp to iiceessful , Stale hospit 6 every,vi^ The! bon tbi j dii: '[total erjrq.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers