COLLEGE NOT! i The .faculty of the ISchool of Liberal] Arts has recently had the pleasure of .listening to a course of three very good lectures. On April 17, William E. Swyer, Professor of Englislj in Ohio Wesldyan Univer sityl spoke on “Spiritual Trjutjh in the Poetry, hf Tennyson.’!’ On April 24, Prof.' Edward W. Chubb, Dean ojf the College of Liberal Arts qf Ohio University Spoke on “Shakespeare as a Moral Teacher.” and on April J-f the topic was Scientific Limi tations’jlbyH. B, Davis, Prof, of Sociology and Pedagogics in Cali fornia State Normal. i available monpy which) has been giyeh to thy Agricultural! de partment for practical horticulture is being used at present at the Armory and at tlife main entrance to the campus. Flowers and orna mental shrubbery ’! are to be planted andjtheir care and growth studied It isjto be a nucljus for,a course in landscape gardenings ‘ Mr. DowntonA in charge of the apprentice''courses at the Westing house Mfg. company of Pittsbdrg, , spoke Monday'to the senior and juriior electricals]. ' has the !man whois,,hts own lawyer Yet in how many pther matters, a$ vitally, important, do * most of us act bhridly. without accurate i infor.naticn and sound advice. 1 This ( very .day you are doubtless considering si me question connected with business, finance or investment, 'employment, -public or private affairs, studies,- 1 cluo work, jtravel, or other problems of interest r and importance to you,. ?nd woi}ld velfcome, reliable, prompt, complete .nformation ai d good, scundj, brdjudtoed, confidential advice, because these f, rm the of all correct abtlon pnd satisfactory results Hithertc they have boen obtainable only at an almost prohibitive cosi of time, travel, trouble, ahd_ n oney .JKow you consult us and obtain the irformation or advice you need at a mi-nTmum of effort and expense We-areinot a detective bpreau of fortune tellers or dealers m tips anjd systems or miracle Workers, but are simply a'body of exoerts and tra.ned investigatory, whose sble Ibustrjess it ts to furnish accurate information and scutid -advice in ordinary or unusual affairs Whether your n p eds have tc do wth !important problems or simple-matters, we believe we can beta you, an<p will gladly send yoij free further information, as to out_ methods,''charges, and! the field 'we/ cover Just write for particulars, stating your needs . Dealers n Facts and Confidential .Advi.itrs ' ;s. 1 The beautiful E. S Stevenson cups, which areL annually given to the winners bf the •intercliss' wrest ling matches, are now -on new in the Athletic store wirdovv , They were ; awarded tp Ntilig, Biown, McEntire, Meade and Lesh] all of the 1911 class, who took ten straight falls from the freshtrten last on the Old Beafer field. '• The Penn State Alumni residing in and about Boston hajve sub-' scribed a sum sufficient to purchase medals for thje intqrclass .athletic contests this spring A special dV sign has been Miade a> d the medals will soon be calslt and I placed oif ex r hibitidn. ‘ ' Orciestra stag Saturday night. This it thfe first of a series to be given by the ‘orchestra and band |o help defray, some expenses for inM struments and music,, and should receive the support of everybody. According jto an old'custom which was revived last year, the senior class will begin on Sunday to wear thtir caps and - f»owns at Sunday chapel services for the |repiainderi of the year. ; > / J The speaker in chapel for Sun day, Mays 2, wilj|be Bishop Darling ton. ! \ A FOOL FOR HIS CLIENT National 'Clearing House of-Information, , 24. pi North Capitol St , Washington, I) C in i' rfi'vrt < < >1.1,1 f: i a 1 .“Burde” Gree, ’OS, has gained a f' ' - pdrmanpnt place on the New York Americans, according to a -New’ ,' Yoik dispatch' to the North, Ameri can. - It further sstc|tes that/Cree is -considered a better njan ip every 1 department of the game than Hemp hiih wh,ose -he took in the- _ second game 1 with Washington -When Hemphill was taken sipk af- / terjtljie opening game, ''Burde"’ was - pojt ip his position, and has since.- - beten playing such good ' v - Maftager Stallings will keep ''him in. the game permanently. l ‘Burde” said, when seen in Washington dur ing vacatio i, "I don’t like thte busi ness watting for sotxrq one to get ',; before I can get into the gamp. If I get thp chance,Til show them I want to stayjn for good;.,andJ?ll Sr make good once I {get the regular ’'‘position/' ’ ' ' iilj*' _ autum’n Dr. Sparks will deliver the com | i 'j meneement address tonight af the i Curwepsville High |lext Wednesday -he 1 addresses the ■c “it Chamber of Cbmmferce at Erie. * The Divinity School ‘t- OF ' aj- 4 < Harvard University i •-—^— C __ T —.— , Unsectanan ■ University Privileges ‘ j ! / L r , courses leading 5 to" the University digtees I :of S.T.I), A.M. ind i Students paying the full fee may j take without jextra charge 'appr<£ | priatej courses offered in the. j Graduate School of. Arts and \ 1 Sciences and in Andover Theo ! logical Seminary. For partial- 3 ! lars address The Dean of the i Harvard. Divinity School, 1 Dii" 1 unit) Cambridge, Mass* T i ! PAOE !THREE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers