‘ played l’eu '•hckiftig fir as p over the Ii SI aI h I 'fr* I : &\ly,B - ( rVorhis e, Kberlem 3 ■. Hrrahmnn 11 . . McClenrt ni Blythe 5 1 .Peruuion ri Workman 1 I'Skernp p •Thomas Total! ' - INDIANS-2 Deer m Twin 3 Libby 1 Newaiha 2 . Balcnti > ' Hauier 1 Marcus r Haytic... - . Tarbtall p. tGarlow. Tothli.. i Indiana.. State. . fc*Ran (or Vorhis . Two-Jnue hlt»-Hp ' Workman, Newaaha 1 McCleary. Stolen Balenti. Snrcrifice hi ’ Bales on balls —< ff ball—Twin, Hauser by Tarbell 4, Umpu " .Addition to Inti Basel iall Rules. jv Section I. The directs r of ath *'feticS; together with the csiptain and oi me varsity :eam as a corrrinittete, spall det'ernjine * who shall compose jthe varsity squad. Section 11. , This comnqittee shall ■ - have power to transfer to or •!’ - froth th 6 class or varsity teams as it sae&fitiA. ‘ \ \ ‘j SectionTll. In case alny njem . Ibers of the yarsity 'sq'uadi from the said squald for the, re jjnaih’der of' the season.. he may be { 1 given ajchance to do so biy present ■ tng a written petition to that effect to ' 1 the said committee. The Icommittee >; 1 fchall then decide within one week . i whether sudfilman'will be allowed to ; j drdpTrqjn the varsity squad, and in * no cdse-Sjhall such man ij>lay in any interclass gartfe until one Week from the tirrie of presenting s|uch a pe tition. -vl ■ {Typewriter for Sale. Standard‘make typewriter, nearly new, 'for sale- at half price.U Ad di T’ I S' iress Typewriter, ( in care' o Collegian. „[, held and w l .e imj 1 a victoiy a§ was K I 1 l’* i v I UO <1 IJs " o i J J‘ o "\ 0 0 1 ' O 100 1 1 O , 0 1 1 II ' o n ri v o 1 i» 0 i> o .7 .1 4 ; K II Ptl \'^ II O - 0 ,J.) 0 O' 2 1 \ 2' 1 1 11 1 3 J 1 »■ 0 1 . i . o 0 o t , ‘I I (I o 1 o O Ui7 > o HOI l u 0101 II J H2 l “ f ) 0 (1, 0 > 0 2 111 1 01 x ■> 11) inrith h* Mr(_k'in ts f* bi rl« in, , •' n n 1 o'o for Ma Ifshman, kberlei u l hre«* base h pjues McOean ju Eberlosn Hal I Farbell 1 Hu j Struck out l e Dr Kobisorj. > \*-orkrnm lent), Marcus t b\ i ,t«l «il y Ski nil" 1/ , i Ij 1- jiaw Lbhgue. ' i r fust as rj:t\i<:h ot a as w abn - ttay| jdef baited. dtej ! s, thp | Sdjjyno |J f 'last Saturday fijto- 4~.j Whenijj |st' hallf 1 bl _|l e | jiintlji i inning' :d_ all was strfne ijta J,hg) Sqtjho| bamj> ro|r tiejj' ; Ujjpj'r>K|i[ h a °i, ,TJie Ii Junio mor6: x the la opene more 4- rr | l “*h itne Under lpi int| kejy.'wil'b.a of tlhrep rulife. t|its| by ’ ifyjnsj, |m and 'Reitef, cciupled ijyjith ;dl hard infield 1 t^ l broujijH't n runs for £rid"4vcUi the Miraqh pitched y vas nqt wjsll supported Scoip: ' ' ! . , It h'e 1 D Hit) 00 0 1 > 4 iS 4 IC ij l' II (' ■ 3 jf> 3 loi £ rjj i s rias isawr:d» Bat t. ul . 1 Uj Mtjmfcjh aml > tor fuj-st place on parried!, off ;f(|9 'cdjijld ii l 't|hpi ljtterg pfirt Df jjoihl pitc iierpj d t id ! well .fete runs 'jwerp , thje r;le wolric on jtjie parfroHhe! ' |json, h|:! yvell and! i ! u,J tod stops- at! ter ! seve: 1 four pamj j Lai i S-iphc Senior iftojes j rs- iiiut whem —j •■JV. Biye-rlo u l|cr * I Tin the ,( . I the batt' ;sday tVfie hontorsi foi asujal railj i H'gdme. ’ f 1 mjost of |t of looit ideis. V/l de sorr« its th< an sul fie ma steaj'l: sra jjjArasf n> ciited.^’Theisiotfei. u i , ■ j I P ' J,v, , !', ■j.R H Ki F«eshimi<\ i I N 01ba 3 0 t 8 6 3 Seniors t - 4 | [I.C (l *) ‘l, 0 0 <<(} (2 d' * (Hatttries— 1)9, Byprjfc and Voider * 12] Kled’er and Watson * -1 '|| |l ’ J L lj \ H 1 Ttiej standing iln tnejjldagite race, is . ! ,k j' t'J -, ' | ‘. -! ' 1 Wl &.') Pkr dentate Freshmen j , !2jl iCf J l'"' I.ODU Seniors' j, \''2\ i|: '< .0j67 Juniors I'.i'tt! { .QUO I" | -Wri Toirrorrowj championship) decided 'in _a ’ ar4 .to" be he so(jnaUon aloi entertaining i ficit in the tr. y . r . - .lo tion is expected & be, made up ibjy this f)ro,djiCtion and wd ‘ jail -ford to help, as the adnsisfeionj'is only ten cents. Penn Sjtafe will probably be in r the Intercollegiate Wrestling | League ‘ with Cornell. . , I ' i ' I t'Sotm* peop Oh, trll tm* who | B> uhe wty> Garfield and manjy < way through it Then wri I the NAME of- Seven*] coinijl)i issior $ 2. § 5 Per aifd August 'jfivejive Hu age prol it o i These m Scientific - Qiiir Salesmen.” i IX? to sell' m 4 practice j win? a wife.] I i i II Our new unpleasant uhs first. F i :atl!y <dxe i jWrite ’t Princeton ( venter and we should . lire , behind the team in orites —or defeats. . !i I i. jour yean' hj>af, ! je sa> ' tis »j>) j re the flout- is. foUOd . jni-cdi the douch. , 1 Beveridge lino itftfers h college MISsT jad tp wc|rk their TOU? : , (I we wil send ,|you c e us am ADDRESSES | -five neb who taade ln sj' an sverage profitj of day coring June, July 1908. jin the sartre period ndred men raadei an atar s6 92 per da(y k | ' I jEXPLjANATIjON? r jh'tolok ©ur free Cours£ In Salesnlanshipi based on ge Boql; “Instructions to vjILL HjELPi YOU , ' rqfoandtq si, make fiiends, jsrofqisbn with success, test [nethjid nullifies the' 'eatures d icanvassing. iday-j jo" ’the “Haulk-of- 1 uip ’cn " res the nirhe, of qach of I AND ; .Utensil Co., jurg, Pa ■ .eonard iNjr; n. y. ( renters of ; and ran Colleges ifrom rcTtKe Pacific!, :ti a ipeciaitj; armeL ~J j Represntltivie lollege Avenue ylvania' iiext ! how that! ;we \ all : its vic-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers