<1 (said : Vol. V.IWo. 26 ' i—Pppocaterpillar VIJ. crowded witnessed the initial performance of Fopocaterpil lar Vlfjkst Friday evening; lo saj the leasyono college could betgjJpecttjd to present a more (finished production than that offeted 'by the Thespians this year. The acenery was* good, the costumes splendid, and the artistic. , The scene of the play is laid in i ’Mexico and represents some hap l penings in the court of an Aztec Two |Up to date Amei tears | in search of somq valuable idols I happen into the cojurt and' fall m love with twd handome young ; ladies. Ihe plot is| typical of the musical comedy 'of W G i Childs ’O9 indeed deserved .laurels in the king i; part, whtcjh he took ■ - w #h almost professional skul. Monte’ by C. ]Hehrv ’O9, was cleverly interp.eteid A toll or ; Sunder seemed a very fitting "entree ! f ? r the queen, which! j character was done"well by AH ' ' W ’O9 H. P. Armstrong showed his usual ability in a femi nine part, the king’s daughter J .Loose took the part’ of the Lord ; Chamberlain and Hans,'the German in search of idols, wa's in terpreted in an able manner by J. A. gassier ’ll J F. Bpdaie ’O9, 'as made a very pretty git] ( Messrs fioljet and Foster ’lO, were spofty ycung Americans arid made Qujitjea hit. The Thespian organization has certunly ma de a g eat stride towards perfection and with ,ts pres- l: standard i; ivill be hard to ex l With such a representation , Reserve encouragement from 'yhoie student body. To . Mr. 1 ent celj the} tile "Your real STATE CO-LLECtS, PA , A Pit Downing is ’n*a.l cid'i the succe l a <'[nect>. capable Iran i> ;x-f v.ds so ue,; riau:i ii c theit it .• oj'd lie .jiijfit.u • to KusT) them uom scj) l man} Kir.s K H A ijvi: t , di'ccioi "com uulU lihe the s'or.gs On iuesda\ given m Blqut: m uil;; btlo e preciativr audit.r ce arq ,n: the LyconmiL ,opej i 1 |ii hamspcFn In: ij, ; lc ended ta) a [Vr' johte. i I 1 1 Ride Intake The d.-;'!v pu<_ t e at the ta neat the ts nut. the ginning or a UO rk:, at.'d Cap tatn Hay t-, gnn.g. to endea\oi to duvMfp a 'hoi t, title lean,' front the mLn ' Quant \ me, in _ tiie^Lniii'icj:iu!i trials His plan i,l;cjucies- :oi mation ot a reian.u Rifle Club. Lud affiliation with ‘ the I; Rifle Association | neie ,is no doudt, that stuiiejit sentiment ravuif, the plan, and ji„s u‘ali alony, the only dia\.backibeirapjluck of the neressaryi tui ds lioi’ amnvirn , i ’ I non, etc lhe shooting iar has brougn. out the ftii i hut! there are nurnbir t, ixtti 'Hi tic ts ii class, whrcu hasjbeeii he oniXdahi asja whole to etj the advantage l ot the practice i I he, ia>;ge ot ([o' B , Mh N G”. ? , a.t dh.esbuttg, is tb bh secured for range! woik, lip' to tjhe present time'oniy, 22 catibre; amuiu-' mtion and gallei _w ianges ha\c neu, used If some means- ot confer ■- ance, such as the College leamis, can be secured, picked ifipn wi.l visit the range eufciy iatnrday. lake ypu if tale will L 2<?„ 190 f r I lt( 1 a * has /, ft fos" '■) V i tght. the sho V.' ,ah tf e- . ]> oto age coiiiiif art Able i " ■ . ' ' ’ 1 .. 1 ' Hi C 3 M, C3LJI m ® lhdun Game.. COp t i”'i UCi 1 l.ljr bi]SC Bail rei'O’ i v r ,, j d.dOS, Lift! 'nJ-iv' IK '. Keasiu ii« 4 |o _f ■;> 3 ■oi vah j'ws ;1| 1- inj uai i> e tf '‘d'' Hisii won inn out} ea 'lt ,x rm ! and cio7 :n tiom the iW H fUt , vet am rea i, t■ .j v rS pu J’ OU'K'C utj <!!.■; 'ti: at,(j ,-u , Mie rt'-cit tl-'jie in ofiiu! 10 Wit: ;i'’np ■ pin'iii'd ' 1 -■ nif, .i’crt iia i tat- y nit] but ■: "‘-• v • .‘1 w.Mr 'thrre i lie a ,i ;r.o UDilHK'ii i!)s n .h l: u.iy ol less nns. <it c i *5l woj ii ,h 1 1( e ( e > i5 l is' ije in "A -I'd'!) H V it t n ■ 1 \ d’du tiiefi/h,\ am a tune- e by. \ r^Tott-iu^sJunirsifip scoitfd die <jn v t'A ; u die jl. lll'r d fron the beginning oik; Uaui 1 : > n i,Le i_,fir.v , ,\ner. Hirslf t. dtt siute'i > j tne tirtt k i^iny 'i I v'-'n </ v. i . lUMTH4; lot voilr.-- Itrt.l/' "i .''lie ‘sj'cth ue ad- i:ed iwo , r)ipoie iaji.es on > hare* I'm 1 ' m Julies b\| ivii-rtiij. tiushman and .wcL.dai), VVuii.rttaij kttocKcd rnl o{n jnurth ].in m the ejt-’lnh .ninja- ’ unlka do.rt.e" An through tht , the n 1 A,iS‘ ex rei ent him :air\ sire: h,htr eii each b •(.! ad >a aj,ii a? Ii i:>,c to his cicdij' Upi c ot me visuors had duet ; h, *■ > 11 r >T '' Miol • /ine- line i'<|i •, Mate Mfj,i r i; a,, *. no lAuie'ant: :.m a fry um j r ,j a^ m :he l/.dtaii;, Lui icitid, the Kd ac, ui, ike .ID ai.*: l3 1 cadv tji i i.i " - rnce ri\j?-C-e.n s tVu > -tr e e't\ i>at;, >t mas cri ai we.i pld-yeti wn ‘ to ’iotd.n At v.'ii, me .ji'A > at, iji'b.’ ■i’ v tfin-
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