s 'i- '■•!!• nfkJS t 0 °*f er A he S?* P r ®P° sit >on in real estate that has ever offered in this state. Leathers Brothers, State College, Penna. i } ri i : : i—-■ . 1 -f ! -s- •- Skating Rink GOOD FLOOR BEST kKATES Moving Pictures 7:30 to 8:30 Dancing 8:30 to 10:30 Knisely Brothers Graham the Barber caters to your wants ~ /Hibtirijian and Mingle REOTi|fi|dNT and BAKERY 106 k College Ave. Confectionery . > Soda ■ i,G. |E. ■ i 1 JcWsfer Optipiari !' POST CAROS i College jewelry Shiffltr’s*Restaa Allen Street ti ; ■ i ! \ ■* ; : HENRY QRIMM FINE TAILOR ' CLEANING ; | PRESSING \ Repairing , - i —> r•i i - - • • ■ / ,■ . V XTtkciihjj! 3mt Knisely Brothers,'Prop's f ''X. . ! ;|! ; ■ ! J i jS»3 ‘ i^-rkJ-ii.\:^•-ir.r:V■ ™ e Park Wflliamspoit, Headquarters for a! teams'^—v Located i the P. R. R. station bus to P.& R. Rif Rates $2.50 per < la vard D. KAVANAI ’ The First : National Bank - | BELLEFONTE CapitaltlpO.OQO' Surplus $lOO,OOO NITTANY LifHT j & POP GO. STATE COLLEGE. W.D. CUSTARD MAL|I. PAPER, ROOM MOULDINR PAINTING AND pjftPERINO V STATE COLLEGE - ■*» « ■ • *■ -t ■ Water I. C. HOUME^ . Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits V h- *»• : - ph [l.'. CAB WORK A SPECIALTY ■ Both ’Hades vi' JHE MALLORY SJUDfO [ • ’ PHOTOGRAPHY 1 - 'I ,{E, BELLEFONTE ; ; ' 5. if. Smith, agnt ! Kappa Sigma Nous* ; | V 2X McAßi£r i -, ; ( I I .| Patronize thoie who adyer tiie In The State Collegian •■' T "Tr- • » [-ir».‘i "r-■ .-jv- ■-••v.‘- i 4. ‘ 1 Hotel Fla. II "State" I; opposite i%-4Free R. station. iy and up- I ' , OH, Manager v J'aMt'l l*** > i, , Knisely Bros. ' J •- ' i l/ v u' •, •• n"' '•' . Alley, ‘ ; v Ctears and Tobacco 'ill ■ ' | ■ I' il Hr; : W. /I' I .'if 1 i it 1 ' '''/-I' It; BgilJtDflNS lal HOT wimm ■on sorialArti§t S boa# iii'ij feante^n , yNPeR-HOTfß|L:;r,, ; : : ; ; ,^ lris/ Athfctte Good■; • ** —' - *— I 'h-zLi-iL. Li* L-i ■' J - P- CASEBEER S&SJK? £?£.'Ssffii2E: i BEtI^BFONI I *- ?*NKA'' •’ ’ ; • j ) -•" i-- -,1 "11l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers