from the places-hi :heir friends at ho ' The Grace " Lu itate College will ippropriateaervici !. 'The dedicator l(reached at ( it 10: 30 hy ! "fahger, D.D., ft extension i "JT ‘ ' The eve ' X& preached by , D,D./pre hanna university, invitation ii a id esDeciallV to f 'dints in Senior banqutet t lellefonte.' 1* I XTICA Heel .1 •MR* »' lotion a hi a Jons t(V / AI cColeyille . Mnrrhf . . hlevens - - Nine Centro, H timer 1 * l’nrlt . .Fillmore . . UrJiirly . .Waddles. Ivrnmrlne . ’ONTE OE ie Tub It.’ tu ul Central tri Railroad -stj X „ 1 ' iWt” - ' IIu»< TV _!l •tl Pll No 'n a m 10 15 1030 no 2.T no 37 .« 6 ■ K ■ « 'j MOI3O no i 4 no 40 10 45 no 57 Tf7o n « / » , t . f 7 25 37 37 d 3 SUUo Oollotto . Stnilrlesr lilnomsdorf. Pluo Hr. Mills t L «. ' i S \ \ y> iw'YorkrP. lilidolphLg ~ . Wa»h ngtoii l Wi!lt?.mspo^t L'. Hwoa, B.E.Vy.R.R, Bsllofonts J.. . Yorp EhiUuotpliia wailunjton , .... Hi: risbura Mttiburg ... E. Vy. E. E. lotlofonte, 8.E.Vy.E.8, ■ytono, . .. Uioonl, P, B. E. .. -r, Pittsburg ~' ■ [arritburg laltimoro . . Wladelphi* . ~.. toy,' Yntk .. i}. tl>u.ll'. o\ci'|it Snniiin md of oonilocting trains show onioneo of j patrons. - | mo o: connecting trains, show, ettlonca of/ patron*. ' j ed will interest >me in the project ! heran church of be dedicatedjwith ;s on Sunday May/ sermon will be morning servir-e ; H. l! :ld secretary of of Atchison. :ping sermon, will ,tbe Revl C. T. Esident.of Susque- Selinsgrovp. A ii, extended ,tjo all, he Lutheran stu-> omorrow night ah '] \ - I r. kaiiiKoad un.,25. HHHi rrivo and leave it Bollofonto. .st wltn ('ad ;up i No a tn , 8 .10 3 40, 78 .17 f 8 35 i p m •=l2 :>o I 12 30 i f!2 27 If l2 23 f 8 3| I fH 28] tH or ,f l 2 21 ru* is ri2 u 12 10 fll 57 SJX 4 10 4 CO 4 (0 P UU A.M . .. •7:651412 10 11 351 4 2.-. < I* M I .. 10:461 ...- 7 10 11*10 \.\l I I> M • B'2fll|l2 10, .1 0 15! 1:00 ll* M I M '• 7.551121(1 ! 11.35!, 4 25 )*lO 451 1 AM I A M ; 10. hno I A M IP M ..I* 3 OOlt 8 00 -I 8 1.7; 112:25 IPM I m u 00 ~ ... tot 2.10 >Ol 248 |°i ~‘m“ (O' 620 5 10:2ol 21 11:30| 171 8 50 [5l 11:30 INK' ST AT ? . i'll t: Vi! 'm '! ‘I ' 1 flYou may |be| ejsj aboufyour clothes; ■ Abodt style,, ab<j>uti t jmodejl, abou; fit| aLp jyoju ev<;|n ! (jhiAlk |ger good-en'l made. i 'I ilAll ' lavenF PHari fiKjiarsc ■l±:\ fy Rose 1 fWe £for t« qualit ,clbthii •wej km 1 i prove it. !' | 1 ! "ir -Mi ,E Harshberger L State reprbsenl jFrdzielr Street l 1; 1 ; 1 i I* q Distribute wald-& Wt dr Hart gchaffpt Isi .Pellhitn cloth ■ i 1 N i i|ght, thal ! nn new 1 111 ' '.hnfjner and So i ! i' 1 Meyer &G< Wiel,! M ycip this: ' for i rnc >f fab)ri ;s,' jiQ match t • I J- I Hem ,ai SIM-r ta | V ljl C BELL r &i Mafrx, Carsoi ssj i 1 i ; . i i i i < . particular* you) lik& ?•¥ * ahty; I caji F jt; eady ; I )!■ yojji from Maj'xj ‘ ' , i '» 1 l_ >: ' I 'or slyi >delk, / tailor lerrij a: d let e: C}.6Vhie& RESB I=OR MEN EFOIMtE ' i >n M|l r er & Co.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers