e best investment on earth is in the earth itself. <ißuy lots on the Highlands of State College of Leathers Brothers Smith’s New Studio Eastman Kodak < l 3a ' t A s- r - Supplies State College Style Quality Price Art tkr*« tklegi ao«t m- Mitlil li the aalactloa ol yo«r printed itattoaary IT Out printing baa a eommand ying atyle —one of ita own—and it aatiafiea the moat exacting itomer. Oar prices, too, are j oat ;ht —and tbat'i an important item We carry in stock the fa moos Eaton-Hurl bat writing pa pen The Nittany Printiof and Publishing Company w State College ■ ull Weight I ■ ull Measure ! ull Count I A triple of reasons why yon should bay your RYGOODS GROCERIES AND NOTIONS from L. D. FYE Bellifonts Trust Company Capital $125,000 L Spanflw, John P. flarru, Trs Ross A. lltokok, Vie* Pr«s Mitchell, Asst. Tr«*s. und Sec Photographic Work and Materials -.kK-g tr.e \r.es! er.lirgerr.e „a_< , C _ :r.e:'.! for o.z'.ti ar.o c r cevei:c s g:;:s r. s:cck Citings W. W. SMITH, PHOTOGRAPHER MEEK BROS. 1 Headquarters for Student’s Supplies Prescriptions carefully compounded DRUG STORE Tha Potter-Hoy Hardware Go. Ererytliing in Hardware I >lsi rlbutors for tbe PERIHSULAR PUNT ind YARNISB CO’S complete .In* ASPHALT ROOFINGS o«r specialty BELLEFONTE, PA. HARDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Price* Honeet Inipection and Fair Judgment ie all I a**. j o u x I. OLEWIXE H w-LKrorr* r tg*:z :ne*e - ex: e r,„ csver e.ec a t. e r 2 c.teC We w..! : get :r.e ; e ec.i'g r.g :.*r. cr.r. HARVEY BROS. Bakers and Confectioners Fine Bread, Rolls and Cake Stacy, Lowney and Fullar-Briina Chocolates Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavor* GIVE US A CALL :: Prices are right Nittany Inn Building PEARCE BROS. Dry Goods. Notiuns, Shoes, Groceries, Wooden. Willow and G Ucenswar£ HOTEL BLOCK GEORGE B. JACKSON CIGARS, TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A PiM Um SaMKen' Pa»€y Artie Isa, ALLKM BT., BTATS COILBQI, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers