COLLEGE NOTES. On Sunday at 6.1,) in the Old Chapel, the Christian Association will hold a memorial meeting for Hugh McAllister Beaver, '95, March 29th being the thirty-fifth anniver sary of his birth. There will be two or three brief accounts of the differ ent periods of his life, and an estimate of the man by one of the professors who taught him at this college There will be special music. The meeting will be open to all. In the effort to increase the inter est in the scientific growing of corn and alfalfa, the Pennsylvania rail- road will run a "Farmers' Corn and Alfalfa" special through a part of Ohio. At the different stops the class room cars are thrown open and forty-minute illustrated talks are given. The work is carried on in conjunction with the Ohio State Col lege of Agriculture and the State Experimental Station. One of last Sunday's Pittsburg papers stated that a basketball cap tain had been elected for next year at Penn State. I his was a mistake, which was later corrected in tne same paper, and the election will be held at the varsity banquet in the near future. The recent . book entitled "Gas Power," by F. E. Junge, the rec ognized German authority in that subject, contains certain writings of Professor A. J. Wood covering the theoretical analysis of some of the gas engine cycles. The annual inspection of the ca det regiment will be conducted this ycar by Captain George H. Shelton, of the General Staff, U. S. A.. and will occur during the latter part of May, probably about the 20th. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dunn, of Youngstown, Ohio, are spending a few days with W. T. Dunn, 'OB, and his mother. R. E. Geider is improving rapid- THE STATE COLLEGIAN BELLFWONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD Time Table It elreet Jun. 1. ]9(E. Westward Eastward Head down Head up -No No. No. Stations No. No. 070 +1 1 3 5 12 630 . th Lv Ar am Um 1311 10 15 200 „Bellefonte.. 850 12 50 6 .L 1 6351020 2 17 .Coleville.. 8401230 5 5( f 6 38 110 23 22 . Morris 18 37 112 27 443 16 43 110 27 2 7 .. Stevens f 8 35 fl 2 25 5 40 Mule Centre. 16 46 110 30 2 :IHunters Park 18 31 fl 2 21 3 01. 16 50 flO 34 2 26 f 8 281112 18 5 3.., 16 55 110 40 2 32. larly 18 241112 14 53C 700 10 45 235 ..1V addles 20 1%1 1^ 525 f 7 12 110 57 250 .. Krumrine.. 18 07 01 57 507 7 2511 1013 05 State College 800 11 505 03 f 7 27 '3 10 . . Strubles... I'7 45 420 f 7 37 315 ..illoomsdorf.. 17 40 405 735 320 Pine Gr. Mills 735 4OO 'ltr flat con T Daily except Trains of the Bellefor , te Ce nett at Bellefonte with trait R. R. for points east aria west F TT, CENTRAL RA ILROA 1/ OF PIONN'A. Con densed Time Table effective June 17, 'O7. Read down Read up Stations No.l N 0.5 N 0.3 _ No 6 N 0.4 N 0.2 a.m. p.m. p.m. Lve. Ar. p.m. p.m. a.m. +7 05 +6 55 12 20 „Bellefonte.. 940 505 4(' 715700 2 32 ... fNigh-,... 9274 52 27 720 f 7 II 2 .. —Zion f 9 21 447 25 727 7 18 245 Park.. 915 441 13 729 247 •.f Dunkles . 913 438 19 7 :33 f 7 23 251 .Ilublersburg. 19 09 434 05 737 7282 55 fSnydertown . 9064 29 Of 740if30 2 58 ... Nittany... 19 01 427 07 7 42 17 33 3 01 .11 uston f 9 02 4 24 0, 7 40 7 38 3 05 . . Lamar .. 18 59 4 21 51 748f740 3 08 ..Clintoodale.. ft... Se 418 56 752 7443 II flCridersSldPg 5524 14 52 750f7 49 316 Mackey vllle. f 8 48 409 4( 8027 54 322 WeclarSprings 8424 03 45 805 757 325 ... Suk,na ... 840 401 31 , 810 802 330 Ilan.. IS 35 13 56 + 30 "1' 11 40 853 (N ....Jers C ey Shore 3 09 1 7 52 12 15 930 Ar. t Wil I? I?) liamsi Lve 235 +720 +l2 29 11 30 Lve) port 1 Ar. 230 650 ce. Read it a ing 7306 50 Phi Isulol O. . ) . iS 36 11 31 10 10 855 New York (via Phila) 900 p. in. a. in. Ar. Lve. a. In. p. m. +Week days. W. H.G EPII it.T. Gon'l Sup' Dairy Employment Agency LANSING, MICH Deals in Men and Positions F. 0. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR State College Supply Co. Agents for Spalding Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes E. L. Graham. Manager I. C. HCO L,MIES Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits STATE COLLEGE, PA. Patronize those who adver tise in The State Collegian Graham's Barber Shop on the corner. Travelers say it's the best in Central Penn sylvania. Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos Daily Pittsburg and Philadelphia Papers Your patronage solicited FOR QUICK LUNCH Confectionery, Soda Water and Ice Cream go to Harrison's Restaurant Oysters in season The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital SIOU,OOO NITTANY LIGHT & POWER CO. STATE COLLEGE. HOTEL LIVERY FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS Commercial Telephone C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Optician All kinds of repair work promptly done Eyes examined free Prlcate optical parlor BELLEFONTE PENNSYLVANIA BUSH HOUSE BELLEFONTE PENNA Rate per day 52 50 With bath F 3 per day -W. L. DAGGETT— Efle (Eentre (Eountg Sank. Bellefonte Surplus $lOO,OOO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers