Charles F. Noll, 'O6, has been se cured to fill the position of assistant agronomist in the Department of Agriculture. He took up the new work a few days ego. R. B. Harris, 'OB, went to his home at Coatesville on Thursday, having had a serious attack o rheumatism. Among the recent visitors to the college have been E. E. Godard, 'O3, A. W. Lomis, 'O7, and L. F. Beckert, 'O7. Physical Director W. N. Golden has been confined to his home for several days with rheumatism. The Wrestling Club will give an exhibition on Friday of next week. Details will be given later. The meeting of the Chess Club set for Saturday the 28th has been postponed one week. Messrs. H. W. Mitchell, '9O, and A. C. Reed, '92, visited the college last week. ALUMNI. Jerome J. Morgan, 'O5, asisstant professor of chemistry in Maryland Agricultural College, has resigned to take the position of assistant chemist in the miscellaneous laboq tory of the Bureau of Chemistry, U S. Department of Agriculture. G.E. Cohen, 'O7, has taken the position formerly occupied by Mr. Morgan. J. B. Smith, 'O7, is assistant engineer in the mining department of the D. L., and W. R. R. at Scranton. J. J. K. Madden„ 'O5, was mar ried to Miss Gladys Mitchell of Schenectady, N. Y., on February 15. Hugh .1. Boyle, 'O3, and wife, of Youngstown, Ohio, are the happy parents of a future co-ed for State. D. D. Dodge, 'O7, is assistant mining engineer with the G. G. Markle Coal Co., at Jeddo, Pa. THE STATE COLLEGIAN 4 : 4 1 Copyright 1908 by Hart Sck State Representative J. G. Stoll, 341 McAllister Hall Skating Rink GOOD FLOOR BEST SKATES Knisely Brothers Sack Suits As shown by the SIM Store are entirely different from what you'll see worn by the ordinary man EXTRAORDINARY is a good word for them, for they're truly nearest perfection clothes Their fit, hang, and grace make them stand out from the usual sort of clothes Critical dressers we invite your attention to these high grade garments. Let us show you SIM THE CLOTHIER er & Marx CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN THE MALLORY STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY BELLEFONTE PENNA Specially of Oval Porzrail Frames M. Ferguson, 'O9, agent, Kappa Sigma • 1 0. 0. 1 HARDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Prices Honest Inspection and Fair Judgment is all I a5k...... JOHN I.'OLEWINE BIDLLICITONTIO utwaanamanampaMstrasmnamapummoso One pound (95 sheets) fine Linen Fabric Paper, stamped in one color, from especially Engraved Die; one box (50 envelopes) plain, to $2 75 match above papert 50 Calling Cards from new plate script, all for - - Menus and Dance Programs STOLL, ROOM 341 McALLISTER HALL BELLEFONTE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers