1908 Memorial Fund. At a recent meeting of the senior class it was voted to establish a me morial fund. Before graduation, each member of the class will de posit in the hands of a committee the sum of $5, the balance of the damage fund will be turned over to the committee, and all money left in the class treasury will also be placea in this fund. At the commencement of 191.5, a committee will be appointed to corr - municate with the alumni of 1908 to determine what amount each member will then be willing to give towards the memorial. This c)n tribution will be of an amount which each member himself will see fit to give. It is expected that by this scheme a total of at least $l2OO can be secured. At the corn mencement of 1918, juuging by the amount of money obtained, the class will then decide the form of the memorial. Clyde Orwig Married. The announcement was made last week of the marriage of Clyde E. Orwig. 'OB electrical, to Miss Helen A. Rutherford, of Laurelton. The marriage occurred on January 8, but was kept secret until recently. Miss Rutherford has been a student in the department of music of Dick inson Seminary, at Williamsport. Was He Head-strong ? There was a young fellow at State, Who sat up every night until late. When time came for exam, He started to cram, But could get nothing into his pate A- New Ch emist. Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. Rentschler are the proud parents of a new boy, born in Gottingen, Germany, on March 1. "MOTHER" DUNN'S GRUB AT W. T. DUNN McALLISTER HALL F. B. SCOTT Three Dollars a week And worth it all THE STATE COLLEGIAN cix It is impL Internationi price. Thf them that is similar to ters—so comparison is out ce place. They' stand alone. Though popular priced they' are far in advance cy. those that cost you double. The difference lies in the fact that the International Tailoring Co., of Ncw York and Chicago have different methods and arm: able to render service cf the highest order at a price that none can imitate. `' `k 7 `?' '• •k 7 L. D. MATTER, AGENT H. A. EVEY Livery CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones ROOM No. 566 MAIN W. D. CUSTARD WALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING PAINTING AND PAPERING STATE COLLEGE g l `;4••.`M • /r. (Ai
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