Among Sister Colleges. The sophomores won the annual snow rush at Syracuse University a few days ago. A list of freshmen who have been violating the cap rule at Brown was recently published. During the Easter vacation Penn's walking club will journey on foot to New York, returning by rail. The girls at the University of Minnesota are demanding an "M" for their basketball championship. The first . year . women at Chicago have decided to wear green sleeve bandi with class numerals on them in place of green caps. A petition has lately been circu lated among the students of the University of Michigan demanding that the town council pass a total prohibition ordinance. The charges of professionalism made against the Carlisle football squad have resulted in a four year rule and a minimum requirement as to the amount of school work taken by athletes. Attention, Tennis Players. There will be a meeting of all men interested in tennis in Room 20 En gineering Building at 6.30 o'clock Saturday evening. All who are in terested in the game are urged to come out to this meeting, as im portant matters will be considered. On February 29, 1908, Edward B. Espenshade, '9B, was married to Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Chicago, Illinois. For the past three years Mr. Espenshade has been engaged in railway construction work in Mon tana for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. ' Pooh ! Pooh I ! Harvard; Pooh ! Pooh ! Yale We got our lessons through the mail, We're no dummies; we're no fools, Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Correspondence Schools. Kindly mention the State Col legian. when calling upon our THE STATE COLLEGIAN 41The most glorious stock of good things we ever offered our trade, consisting of fine clothing, hats, shirts and neckwear and all articles included in a regular line of men's, youth's and bOys' furnishing goods now ready in profusion rmiitgornery & Cornpany Gladstone Taylor, college representative
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers