Smith's New Studio Eastman Supplies State College raBaBBOIMSD7ZZASMBIESE DM Style Quality Price I I to Are three things most es sential in the selection of your printed stationery oOur printing has a command ing style—one of its own—and it satisfies the most exacting customer Our prices, too, are just right—and that's an important item We carry in stock the famous Eaton-Hurl but writing papers The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company -7 1 14 6 E M 74 eleta,-F,',KSEE.S.34Ket3 State Fframag,i lk Full Weight ull Measure I ull Count I A triple of reasons why you should buy your DRY GOODS GROCERIES AND NOTIONS from L. D. FVIE, Bellefonte Trust Company Capital $125.000 T. L. Spangler, Pres. John P. Harris, Trs Ross A. Hickok, Vice Pres Isaac Mitchel], Asst. Treas. and Sec. Photographic H e adquarters We are offering some great bargains in Cameras, new and second hand. If you are in terested, it will be money in your pocket to get in touch with headquarter prices. We handle such standard makei of cameras as the Century, Rochester Optiral, Eastman Ko dak, Folmar & Schwing. Blair, etc. If you want a, plate camera we can demonstrate by comparison that the Century Grand has more good points than any camera on the market today. If you wish a film camera. an Eastman Kodak is the article The l'remo camera uses either the film pack or plates and holds a decided adyantage in that respect. We handle Eastman films and supplies of all kinds, and everybody knows that all of their goods are the best made. Kodak 'We are also thorou hly equipped for copying, en' Irging, interior and outside work. If you want a family group, your residence, the baby or live stock taken, at your home, we make a special ty of that kind of work. in short, we can give you the latest and best In al things photographic, either at the studio or in your home. In other words, supply all your needs photographic. We solicit your patronage and guarantee you full value for your money I\4 P . , I - I; PC.' -..' The Potter-Hay Hardware Co. Everything in Hardware Distributors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete line ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specialty BELLEFONTE, PA. Trunks Traveling Bags GEORGE B. JACKSON HARRY W. SAUERS CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CLOTHIER FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS —:PRESSING AND CLEANING;— A Full Line of Smokers' Fancy Articles. Stale College Pennsylvania ALLEN ST.. STATE 'COLLEGE, PA. D'Q% crDru g s, Medicines, Fine line of Toilet Articles, Stationery Students' Supplies College Avenue HARVEY BR OS. Bakers and Confectioners Fine Bread, Rolls and Cake Stacy, Lowney and Fuller-Greene Chocolates Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors :; GIVE US A CALL :: Prices are right Nittany Inn Building PEARCE BR OS. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Wooden, Willow and Queensware ' HOTEL BLOCK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers